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International Women's Day

In a world where we are faced with numerous environmental crises that are putting immense pressure on our communities

Patrick McInerney

Patrick Mclnerney

1963 - 2024

International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2024

For International Day of Women & Girls in Science, celebrated each year on 11 February, we honour female scientis

Showcasing the Reset Earth Education Platform at COP28

Climate anxiety among children is real. They worry about it more than we realise.

2023 ozone hole not as large as anticipated

Despite fears that due to the eruption of the Hunga Tonga volcano in 2022 and early projections that 2023 would resul

Montreal Protocol delegates replenish the Multilateral Fund and address emerging challenges

NAIROBI, 30 OCTOBER 2023 - Parties and other stakeholders convened for the Thirty-Fifth Meeting of t

Parties to the Montreal Protocol meet to take decisions on budget and other key issues

What: Combined twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (part I) and Thirty-Second Meeting o

Countries commit to protect the ozone layer and climate under the Montreal Protocol

Rome, 8 November 2019 – Delegates representing 171 parties to the Montreal Protocol concluded their

Assessment reveals healing ozone, untapped potential for climate action

Update, 1 Februrary 2019 - The full report of the 2018 Quadrennial Assessment of Ozone Depletion has

Increased research and observation crucial to efforts to continue to protect the ozone layer and climate

Top ozone experts from around the world highlighted the need for increased research and observations to inform policy

Countries begin preparing for implementation of the Kigali Amendment
At their 39th meeting in Bangkok from 11 to 14 July, the Open-Ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol


Kigali Amendment Kigali Amendment
Montreal protocol progress
Kigali Amendment

The Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol entered into force on 1 January 2019 after the threshold for the agreement to enter into force was met on 17 November 2017, when it was ratified by 20 parties.

Working towards climate neutrality Working towards climate neutrality
Greening the blue
Working towards climate neutrality

The Ozone Secretariat is part of the UN’s “Greening the Blue” efforts to move towards climate neutrality. The Secretariat works towards climate neutrality by measuring the carbon footprint of Vienna Convention and Montreal Protocol meetings ...

World Ozone Day

Montreal Protocol: Advancing Climate Action

Montreal Protocol: fixing the ozone layer and reducing climate change

Montreal Protocol - Global cooperation protecting life on earth

Montreal Protocol - Keeping us, our food and vaccines cool

Ozone for life: 35 years of ozone layer protection

32 years and healing

Keep cool and carry on

30th anniversary of the Montreal Protocol: we are all ozone heroes

Ozone and climate: restored by a world united

Precious ozone: 30th anniversary of the Vienna Convention and international ozone day 2015

Earlier celebrations of international ozone day