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The Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer logo was developed to provide a distinct brand for the two treaties across various communication assets and applications. The visual identity guideline is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of applications and correct use of the logo.


Ref:  Oz.Sec./Decision XXXIV/3/Request for Information                                                                                                    27 June 2023

With reference to decision XXXIV/3, adopted by the Thirty-Fourth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, allow me to draw your attention to paragraph 4 of the decision, which requests the Ozone Secretariat to:

(a) organize a one-day workshop in 2023, back to back with the Meeting of the Parties, to share information, experiences and lessons learned, and assess challenges related to ways of improving availability and accessibility of energy-efficient equipment and equipment using low- or zero-global-warming-potential (GWP) alternatives during the implementation of the Kigali Amendment; and

(b) prepare a report of existing policies addressing the interlinkages between phasing down HFCs and enhancing energy efficiency.

The report by the Secretariat will feature an integrated approach to addressing the energy efficiency aspects of the refrigerant transition and HFC phase-down and include information about various policies implemented around the world, aiming to share lessons learned and address challenges related to the availability and accessibility of energy-efficient equipment with low- or zero-GWP refrigerants. The report will serve as a background document for a one-day workshop scheduled to be held in Nairobi on 22 October 2023.

In this regard, we would appreciate it if you could share any information you may find pertinent under paragraph 4(b) of decision XXXIV/3, focusing on policies that address energy efficiency and transition to low and zero-GWP alternatives in the sectors using HFCs and other substances controlled under the Montreal Protocol.

The Ozone Secretariat would be grateful if any such information could be sent to Liazzat Rabbiosi (, with a copy to, by 28 July 2023 if possible, to enable timely preparation of the report. 

Yours sincerely, 

Megumi Seki Nakamura
Executive Secretary
Ozone Secretariat

UN Environment Programme
P.O.Box 30552-00100
Nairobi, Kenya

Telephone: +254 20 762 3452

Scientific articles

Until 2016, WMO, in collaboration with the European Ozone Research Coordinating Unit, published periodic Arctic and Antarctic Ozone Bulletins. They contained information and updates on the development of the ozone layer over the course of the year and were targeted at WMO Members who operate atmospheric monitoring stations and satellites to observe ozone and related parameters globally.

After seven years of interruption, the WMO/Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) Ozone and UV Bulletin 2023 is launched!

Ref: Oz.Sec./World Ozone Day 2023                                                                    Date: 23 May 2023

Dear Parties to the Montreal Protocol and other Stakeholders,

I am pleased to confirm the theme for this year’s World Ozone Day on 16 September.  It is:

Montreal Protocol: fixing the ozone layer and reducing climate change

This year’s theme aims to highlight and reiterate the positive impact of the Montreal Protocol on ozone layer recovery and reducing climate change, especially through the Kigali Amendment, which phases down hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), a group of strong greenhouse gases.

With universal ratification and full implementation of the Kigali Amendment, the avoided warming by 2100 is estimated to be up to 0.5º C. Combined with energy efficiency measures while phasing down HFCs, these gains could potentially double.

Our planet is heating up. Average temperatures are soaring and with it the demand for cooling. This could also increase the amount of HFCs being used and emitted. Universal ratification and implementation of the Amendment to phase down HFCs from cooling systems and make them more sustainable is a critical climate warming mitigation tool. 

With the theme visualized in the posters, we are inviting all parties to join the celebration of World Ozone Day and use the assets created to raise awareness among the public on the important work of the Montreal Protocol to safeguard us and the planet.

As always, the World Ozone Day theme and taglines are available in all the six official UN languages on the WOD 2023 website.

To further support your World Ozone Day communication activities, the Secretariat will also develop a comprehensive social media pack in all the six official UN languages along with additional materials such as the video message from UNEP’s Executive Director, which will be made available for further dissemination nearer to World Ozone Day 2023 here

As you prepare for your events, we would also be pleased to receive any information on your planned commemoration of World Ozone Day 2023 to be featured on our website and social media channels (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn)

As in-person events again are the norm, the Secretariat is pleased to provide limited financial assistance to selected developing countries to contribute towards organizing their national activities to commemorate the day. The Secretariat invites interested parties to submit their plans of celebration activities, including a planned budget, and requests for assistance by Friday, 30 June 2023. Kindly send them to the Secretariat at with a copy to

As in previous years, the United Nations Secretary-General’s message for World Ozone Day will be shared prior to the day.

In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact the Secretariat for any clarification or further information you may require at or

Yours sincerely

Megumi Seki Nakamura
Executive Secretary
Ozone Secretariat

UN Environment Programme
P.O.Box 30552-00100
Nairobi, Kenya

Telephone: +254 20 762 3452

Mass Communication Repository

Ref:  Oz.Sec/MP Adustment/Amendment-Cuba                                                            22 April 2023

Dear Sir/Madam,

Pursuant to paragraph 9 of Article 2 of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, the Ozone Secretariat is circulating a proposal submitted by Cuba to adjust the Montreal Protocol.

The text of the adjustments is being circulated as received without formal editing and has been posted on the OEWG45 and MOP35meeting portals for the information of the parties to the Protocol. Translated text of the adjustments in other official languages of the United Nations will be posted on the meeting portals as soon as they become available.



Ozone Secretariat  

UN Environment Programme
P.O. Box 30552 (00100)  
Nairobi, Kenya  
Telephone: +254 20 762 3611 



The production of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) that would ultimately be released to the atmosphere was banned globally in 2010 under the Montreal Protocol. Here we use measurements combined with an atmospheric transport model to show how atmospheric abundances and emissions of five CFCs increased between 2010 and 2020, contrary to the goals of the phase-out.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please find attached the invitation for the forty-fifth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer and the workshop on strengthening effective implementation and enforcement of the Montreal Protocol.

Using the exclusive link provided below for your delegation, please nominate your representatives to the meetings as soon as possible.

Please note that Firefox and Chrome are the preferred browsers for the system. The step-by-step guide on the system is available here. The system already contains information on delegates who have attended previous Montreal Protocol meetings. Please update the existing information as necessary and pre-register. New delegates are required to enter the necessary information afresh. Please ensure providing a valid email address for each of your representatives.

Yours sincerely,

Ozone Secretariat


Objet : La 45ème réunion de l'OEWG et l'atelier sur le renforcement du Protocole de Montréal

Madame, Monsieur,

Veuillez trouver ci-joint l'invitation à la quarante-cinquième réunion du Groupe de travail à composition non limitée des parties au Protocole de Montréal relatif à des substances qui appauvrissent la couche d'ozone, et à l'atelier sur le renforcement de la mise en œuvre et de l'application effectives du Protocole de Montréal.

En utilisant le lien exclusif fourni ci-dessous pour votre délégation, veuillez nommer vos représentants aux réunions dès que possible.

Veuillez noter que Firefox et Chrome sont les navigateurs recommandés pour le système d’inscription. Le guide étape par étape concernant le système est disponible ici. Le système contient déjà des informations sur les délégués qui ont participé aux précédentes réunions du Protocole de Montréal. Veuillez mettre à jour les informations existantes si nécessaire et vous préinscrire. Les nouveaux délégués doivent saisir les informations requises. Veuillez vous assurer de fournir une adresse électronique valide pour chacun de vos représentants.


Secrétariat de l'Ozone


Asunto: La 45ª reunión del OEWG y el taller sobre el fortalecimiento del Protocolo de Montreal

Estimado Sr./Sra,

Sírvase encontrar adjunta la invitación para la 45ª reunión del Grupo de Trabajo de composición abierta de las partes en el Protocolo de Montreal relativo a las sustancias que agotan la capa de ozono, y el taller sobre el fortalecimiento de la aplicación y el cumplimiento efectivos del Protocolo de Montreal.

Utilizando el enlace exclusivo que se facilita a continuación para su delegación, le rogamos que designe a sus representantes para las reuniones lo antes posible.

Tenga en cuenta que Firefox y Chrome son los navegadores recomendados para el sistema de preinscripción. La guía paso a paso sobre el sistema está disponible en este enlace. El sistema ya contiene información sobre los delegados que han asistido a reuniones anteriores del Protocolo de Montreal. Por favor, actualice la información existente según sea necesario y preinscríbase. Los nuevos delegados deberán introducir la información requerida. Por favor, asegúrese de proporcionar una dirección de correo electrónico válida para cada uno de sus representantes.


Secretaría del Ozono

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please find attached the invitation for the forty-fifth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer and the workshop on strengthening effective implementation and enforcement of the Montreal Protocol.

Using the exclusive link provided below for your delegation, please nominate your representatives to the meetings as soon as possible.

Please note that Firefox and Chrome are the preferred browsers for the system. The step-by-step guide on the system is available here. The system already contains information on delegates who have attended previous Montreal Protocol meetings. Please update the existing information as necessary and pre-register. New delegates are required to enter the necessary information afresh. Please ensure providing a valid email address for each of your representatives.

Yours sincerely,

Ozone Secretariat

Ref:  Oz.Sec/MOP34/Decision XXXIV/8                                                                          Date:  2 March 2023

Dear Sir/Madam,

The Ozone Secretariat is pleased to transmit, for your kind attention, a letter from the Executive Secretary requesting information on your domestic licensing system, in accordance with decision XXXIV/8, para 4 (b).

Yours sincerely, 

Ozone Secretariat  

UN Environment Programme
P.O. Box 30552 (00100)  
Nairobi, Kenya  
Telephone: +254 20 762 3611 


Parties visées à l’article 5 : Informations sur votre système national d'octroi de licences pour les substances réglementées par le Protocole de Montréal

Ref:  Sec.Oz/MOP34/Décision XXXIV/8                                                         Date:  le 2 mars 2023

Madame, Monsieur,

Le Secrétariat de l'ozone a le plaisir de vous transmettre une lettre de la Secrétaire exécutive demandant des informations sur votre système national d'octroi de licences, conformément à la décision XXXIV/8, paragraphe 4 (b).


Le Secrétariat de l’ozone

Programme des Nations Unies pour l'environnement
P.O. Box 30552-00100
Nairobi, Kenya

Téléphone: +254 20 762 3611 


Partes que operan al amparo del artículo 5: Información sobre su sistema nacional de concesión de licencias para las sustancias controladas en virtud del Protocolo de Montreal

Ref:  Sec.Oz/MOP34/Decisión XXXIV/8                                                            Fecha:  2 de marzo de 2023

Estimado Sr./Sra,

La Secretaría del Ozono se complace en transmitir una carta de la Secretaria Ejecutiva solicitando información sobre su sistema nacional de concesión de licencias, de conformidad con la decisión XXXIV/8, párrafo 4 (b).


Secretaría del Ozono

Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente
P. O. Box 30552-00100
Nairobi, Kenia

Teléfono: +254 20 762 3611