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Decision XVIII/8: Essential-use exemption for chlorofluorocarbon-113 for aerospace applications in the Russian Federation for 2007

Recalling that the Russian Federation has submitted a nomination for an essential-use exemption for chlorofluorocarbon-113 for aerospace applications in the Russian Federation,

Noting that the nomination by the Russian Federation was submitted on 15 April 2006, several weeks after the deadline required for the essential use exemption process set out in decision IV/25,

Regretting that the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Chemicals Technical Options Committee were not provided sufficient time to review that nomination in detail and report to the Parties three months ahead of the Eighteenth Meeting of the Parties in accordance with the time schedule prescribed,

Recalling that consultations took place between the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and the Russian Federation during the twenty-sixth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group and thereafter and that, following such consultations, the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel stated in its May 2006 progress report that Parties might wish to consider granting the Russian Federation a one-year essential use exemption,

Taking into account the information already made available by the Russian Federation in relation to its nomination for an essential use exemption for aerospace applications, which contains data on the anticipated gradual reduction of the Party’s expected needs until 2010,

Recalling that the Russian Federation has indicated that the amount of ozone-depleting substances being used for aerospace applications has been constantly decreasing owing to research into and transition to alternative ozone-safe substances and technologies and that the amount of chlorofluorocarbon-113 being used has been reduced from 241 metric tonnes in 2001 to 160 metric tonnes in 2006,

  1. To permit the Russian Federation a level of production and consumption of 150 metric tonnes of chlorofluorocarbon-113 for its essential use in the aerospace industry of the Russian Federation in 2007;
  2. To request the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Chemicals Technical Options Committee to complete a comprehensive assessment of the information made available in the nomination submitted by the Russian Federation and, on the basis of any additional information that may be required from the Russian Federation, to conclude its analysis taking into account that the information underlying such analysis should address comprehensively the reason why existing alternatives to CFC-113 would not be applied for the use concerned;
  3. To call upon the Russian Federation to continue to cooperate closely with the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Chemicals Technical Options Committee further to the present decision and to submit, in accordance with the requirements of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Chemicals Technical Options Committee, the additional detailed technical information mentioned in paragraph 2 on the use of chlorofluorocarbon-113 that may be required until the completion of the assessment;
  4. To request the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Chemicals Technical Options Committee to review all the information provided, as specified in paragraphs 2 and 3, and present the results of that review to the Open-Ended Working Group at its twenty‑seventh meeting, in 2007;
  5. To call upon the Russian Federation:
    1. To consider further the use of foreign sources of chlorofluorocarbon-113 stockpiles identified by the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Chemicals Technical Options Committee as a contribution for addressing the needs mentioned under paragraph 1 or any possible future needs;
    2. To consider further the possibility of, and a timetable for, introducing the use of any new alternatives to chlorofluorocarbon-113 that become available and to continue its research and development activities with a view to finding new alternatives;
  6. To further call upon the Russian Federation to provide in due time to the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Chemicals Technical Options Committee, for the purpose of any future nomination of that Party for essential-use exemptions for chlorofluorocarbon-113 in relation to aerospace applications, comprehensive information in accordance with the conditions set out in decision IV/25;
  7. To take into consideration the outcome of the continued consultations mentioned in paragraphs 2 to 4 between the Russian Federation and the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Chemicals Technical Options Committee on the amount authorized for essential uses in 2007, in reviewing any possible additional nomination by the Russian Federation for aerospace applications for 2008;