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Decision XV/15: Earlier reporting of consumption and production data

The Fifteenth Meeting of the Parties decided in Dec. XV/15:

Recalling that, in decision XIV/13, the Fourteenth Meeting of the Parties strongly urged Parties to report consumption and production data as soon as data are available,

Noting that, in order to review the compliance of a Party to the Protocol and to make useful and timely recommendations to the Meeting of the Parties, the Implementation Committee must have access to accurate and up-to-date information,

Noting in that regard the importance of timely data reporting pursuant to Article 7,

Recognizing that, in order to enable the Implementation Committee to make recommendations in good time before the Meeting of the Parties, it is desirable for data to be forwarded to the Secretariat by 30 June each year, rather than 30 September each year as currently required by paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol,

  1. To encourage the Parties to forward data on consumption and production to the Secretariat as soon as the figures are available, and preferably by 30 June each year, rather than 30 September each year as currently required by paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the Protocol;
  2. To request the Secretariat to report to the Parties on the response to the above encouragement as well as its beneficial effect on the work of the Implementation Committee, with a view to helping the Parties to decide on the usefulness of an amendment to the Protocol to give legal effect to paragraph 1 of the present decision at the earliest opportunity.