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Decision XV/18: Non-compliance with data reporting requirement for the purpose of establishing baselines under Article 5, paragraphs 3 and 8 ter (d)

The Fifteenth Meeting of the Parties decided in Dec. XV/18:

  1. To note with appreciation the fact that, as requested under decision XIV/16 of the Fourteenth Meeting of the Parties, the following Parties have reported baseline data, thus bringing themselves into compliance with the provisions of Article 5, paragraphs 3 and 8 ter (d): Angola, Cambodia, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Haiti, Maldives, Micronesia (Federated States of), Nauru, Nigeria, Palau, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Sierra Leone, Suriname and Vanuatu;
  2. To note nevertheless that the following Parties have still not reported data for one or more of the years which are required for the establishment of baselines for Annexes A, B and E to the Protocol, as provided for by Article 5, paragraphs 3 and 8 ter (d):
    1. For Annex A: Cape Verde, Djibouti, Guinea-Bissau, So Tom and Prncipe, and Somalia;
    2. For Annex B: Cape Verde, Djibouti, Grenada, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, So Tom and Prncipe, and Somalia;
    3. For Annex E: Cape Verde, Djibouti, Guinea-Bissau, India, Liberia, Mali, So Tom and Prncipe, and Somalia;
  3. To note that that places those Parties in non-compliance with their data reporting obligations under the Montreal Protocol;
  4. To stress that compliance by those Parties with the Montreal Protocol cannot be determined without knowledge of those data;
  5. To note that all those Parties are receiving assistance with data collection from the Multilateral Fund through the implementing agencies;
  6. To note also that some of those Parties have only recently ratified various amendments to the Montreal Protocol and consequently may be in the process of collecting the required baseline data;
  7. To urge those Parties to work closely with the implementing agencies concerned to report the required data to the Secretariat as a matter of urgency, and to request the Implementation Committee to review the situation of those Parties with respect to data reporting at its next meeting.