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Decision IV/24: Recovery, reclamation and recycling of controlled substances

The Fourth Meeting of the Parties decided in Dec. IV/24:

  1. to annul decision I/12 H of the First Meeting of the Parties, which reads “Imports and exports of bulk used controlled substances should be treated and recorded in the same manner as virgin controlled substances and included in the calculation of the Party’s consumption limits”
  2. not to take into account, for calculating consumption, the import and export of recycled and used controlled substances (except when calculating the base year consumption under paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Protocol), provided that data on such imports and exports are subject to reporting under Article 7;
  3. to agree to the following clarifications of the terms “recovery”, “recycling” and “reclamation”:
    1. Recovery: The collection and storage of controlled substances from machinery, equipment, containment vessels, etc., during servicing or prior to disposal;
    2. Recycling: The re-use of a recovered controlled substance following a basic cleaning process such as filtering and drying. For refrigerants, recycling normally involves recharge back into equipment it often occurs “on-site”
    3. Reclamation: The re-processing and upgrading of a recovered controlled substance through such mechanisms as filtering, drying, distillation and chemical treatment in order to restore the substance to a specified standard of performance. It often involves processing “off-site” at a central facility;
  4. to urge all the Parties to take all practicable measures to prevent releases of controlled substances into the atmosphere, including, inter alia:
    1. to recover controlled substances in Annex A, Annex B and Annex C of the Protocol, for purposes of recycling, reclamation or destruction, that are contained in the following equipment during servicing and maintenance as well as prior to equipment dismantling or disposal:
      1. stationary commercial and industrial refrigeration and air conditioning equipment;
      2. mobile refrigeration and mobile air-conditioning equipment;
      3. fire protection systems;
      4. cleaning machinery containing solvents;
    2. to minimize refrigerant leakage from commercial and industrial air-conditioning and refrigeration systems during manufacture, installation, operation and servicing;
    3. to destroy unneeded ozone-depleting substances where economically feasible and environmentally appropriate to do so;
  5. to urge the Parties to adopt appropriate policies for export of the recycled and used substances to Parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Protocol, so as to avoid any adverse impact on the industries of the importing Parties, either through an excessive supply at low prices which might introduce unnecessary new uses or harm the local industries, or through an inadequate supply which might harm the user industries;
  6. to request the Scientific Assessment Panel to study and report, by 31 March 1994 at the latest, through the Secretariat, on the impact on the ozone layer of continued use of recycled controlled substances and of the utilization or non-utilization of available environmentally sound alternatives/substitutes and to request the Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to consider the report and to submit their recommendations to the Sixth Meeting of the Parties;
  7. to request the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel to review and report, by 31 March 1994 at the latest, through the Secretariat, on:
    1. the technologies for recovery, reclamation, recycling and leakage control;
    2. the quantities available for economically feasible recycling and the demand for recycled substances by all Parties;
    3. the scope for meeting the basic domestic needs of the Parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Protocol through recycled substances;
    4. the modalities to promote the widest possible use of alternatives/substitutes with a view to increasing their usage and release their reclaimed substances to Parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Protocol; and
    5. other relevant issues and to recommend policies with respect to recovery, reclamation and recycling, keeping in mind the effective implementation of the Montreal Protocol;
  8. to request the Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Protocol to consider the reports of the Scientific Assessment Panel and the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and any recommendations in this regard made by the Executive Committee and submit their recommendations to the Sixth Meeting of the Parties, in 1994.