Decision IV/9: Data and information reporting
The Fourth Meeting of the Parties decided in Dec. IV/9:
- to note with satisfaction that all the Parties that reported data met or exceeded their obligations for control measures under Article 2 of the Protocol;
- to urge all Parties that have not reported their data to the Secretariat to do so as soon as possible;
- to encourage all Parties to adhere strictly to the reporting requirement under paragraph 3 of Article 7 of the amended Protocol which provides, inter alia, that data shall be provided not later than nine months after the end of the year to which the data relate;
- to urge all Parties to insert further subdivisions to the recommended Harmonized System subheadings so that imports and exports of each of the substances listed in the annexes of the Protocol as well as each of the mixtures containing these substances can be accurately monitored in order to facilitate reporting of data under Article 7 of the Protocol.