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Decision XIX/14: Essential-use exemption for chlorofluorocarbon‑113 for aerospace applications in the Russian Federation

Noting with appreciation the work done by the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Chemicals Technical Options Committee,

Taking into consideration that adequate identified alternatives for chlorofluorocarbon-113 (CFC-113) do not currently exist for use in the aerospace industry of the Russian Federation and that the search for its alternatives continues, as confirmed in the 2006 assessment report of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Chemicals Technical Options Committee,

Noting the readiness of the Russian Federation to explore the possibility of importing CFC-113 for its aerospace industry needs from available global stocks in accordance with the recommendations of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Chemicals Technical Options Committee,

Also noting that the Russian Federation is ready to receive prior to February 2008 a small group of experts in replacing ozone-depleting substance solvents in the aerospace industry nominated by the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Chemicals Technical Options Committee with the aim of evaluating the applications and recommending proven alternatives where possible,

  1. To authorize the levels of production and consumption of CFC-113 in the Russian Federation for essential-use exemptions for chlorofluorocarbons in its aerospace industry in the amount of 140 metric tonnes in 2008;
  2. To authorize the volume of 130 metric tonnes of CFC-113 nominated for 2009 by the Russian Federation provided that no alternatives are identified by the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel that can be implemented by 2009;
  3. To request the Russian Federation to explore further the possibility of importing CFC‑113 for its aerospace industry needs from available global stocks in accordance with the recommendations of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Chemicals Technical Options Committee.