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Decision IX/24: Control of new substances with ozone-depleting potential

The Ninth Meeting of the Parties decided in Dec. IX/24:

  1. That any Party may bring to the attention of the Secretariat the existence of new substances which it believes have the potential to deplete the ozone layer and have the likelihood of substantial production, but which are not listed as controlled substances under Article 2 of the Protocol;
  2. To request the Secretariat to forward such information forthwith to the Scientific Assessment Panel and the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel;
  3. To request the Scientific Assessment Panel to carry out an assessment of the ozone-depleting potential of any such substances of which it is aware either as a result of information provided by Parties, or otherwise, to pass that information to the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel as soon as possible, and to report to the next ordinary Meeting of the Parties;
  4. To request the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel to report to each ordinary Meeting of the Parties on any such new substances of which it is aware either as a result of information provided by Parties, or otherwise, and for which the Scientific Assessment Panel has estimated to have a significant ozone-depleting potential. The report shall include an evaluation of the extent of use or potential use of each substance and if necessary the potential alternatives, and shall make recommendations on actions which the Parties should consider taking;
  5. To request Parties to discourage the development and promotion of new substances with a significant potential to deplete the ozone layer, technologies to use such substances and use of such substances in various applications.