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Decision XVII/22: Non-compliance with data-reporting requirements for the purpose of establishing baselines under Article 5, paragraphs 3 and 8 ter (d)

The Seventeenth Meeting of the Parties decided in Dec. XVII/22:

  1. To note that Serbia and Montenegro has not reported data for one or more of the years which are required for the establishment of baselines for Annexes B and E to the Protocol, as provided for by Article 5, paragraphs 3 and 8 ter (d);
  2. To note that that places Serbia and Montenegro in non-compliance with its data-reporting obligations under the Montreal Protocol until such time as the Secretariat receives the outstanding data;
  3. To stress that compliance by Serbia and Montenegro with the Montreal Protocol cannot be determined without knowledge of those data;
  4. To acknowledge that Serbia and Montenegro has only recently ratified the amendments to the Protocol to which the data-reporting obligation relates, but also to note that its has received assistance with data collection from the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol through the Fund’s implementing agencies;
  5. To urge Serbia and Montenegro to work together with the United Nations Environment Programme under the Compliance Assistance Programme and with other implementing agencies of the Multilateral Fund to report data as a matter of urgency to the Secretariat and to request the Implementation Committee to review the situation of Serbia and Montenegro with respect to data reporting at its next meeting.