Decision VI/12: List of products containing controlled substances in Annex B of the Protocol
The Sixth Meeting of the Parties decided in Dec. VI/12:
- To note the conclusions of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and the recommendation of the Open-ended Working Group of the Parties on elaborating a list of products containing controlled substances in Annex B of the Protocol;
- To agree that, in view of the tightening of the phase-out schedule for Annex B substances from 1 January 2000 to 1 January 1996 and ratification of the Protocol by an overwhelming majority of countries, the elaboration of the list called for in Article 4, paragraph 3 bis, of the Montreal Protocol would be of little practical consequence and the work entailed in drawing up and adopting such a list would be disproportionate to the benefits, if any, to the ozone layer;
- To decide not to elaborate the list specified in Article 4, paragraph 3 bis, of the Montreal Protocol.