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Decision VI/13: Assessment Panels

The Sixth Meeting of the Parties decided in Dec. VI/13 to request the Panels, as an inclusion in their ongoing work, to evaluate, without prejudice to Article 5 of the Montreal Protocol, the technical and economic feasibility, and the environmental, scientific, and economic implications for non-Article 5 countries, as well as Article 5 countries, bearing in mind Article 5, paragraph 1 bis, of the Copenhagen Amendment, of:

  1. The alternatives to hydrochlorofluorocarbons in so doing, the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel is requested to consider the ozone-depleting substance substitution potential of not-in-kind alternatives, in-kind alternatives, and alternative technologies. In assessing this matter, the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel should consider how available alternatives compare with hydrochlorofluorocarbons with respect to such factors as energy efficiency, total global warming impact, potential flammability, and toxicity, and the potential impacts on the effective use and phase-out of chlorofluorocarbons and halons; in time for consideration by the Open-ended Working Group at its eleventh meeting;
  2. Alternatives to methyl bromide, in time for consideration by the Open-ended Working Group at its eleventh meeting;

In considering these matters, the Scientific Assessment Panel shall consider, if possible, atmospheric chlorine and bromine loadings and their impact on ozone depletion. The Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and Scientific Assessment Panel evaluations shall be solely for the purpose of discussions by the Parties and shall in no way be construed as recommendations for action.