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Decision XXXII/5: Reporting of information on the use of controlled substances as process agents

Recalling that the quantities of controlled substances produced or imported for use as process agents in plants and installations operating before 1 January 1999 should not be taken into account in the calculation of production and consumption provided that the conditions set out in decision X/14, as amended by decisions XV/7, XVII/6, XXI/3, XXII/8, XXIII/7 and XXXI/6, have been met,

Noting that the detailed data on the use of controlled substances as process agents submitted to the Secretariat may be commercially sensitive,

  1. To request the Secretariat to review the annual reports submitted by parties that are allowed to use controlled substances as process agents;
  2. Also to request the Secretariat to seek clarification from the parties if any deviations of the reported data from the maximum emission limits set out in table B of decision XXXI/6, or in any future decision of the parties by which table B may be further amended, are identified;
  3. Further to request the Secretariat to bring to the attention of the Implementation Committee any deviations referred to in paragraph 2 of the present decision still remaining after clarification, without disclosing the reported data;
  4. To request the Secretariat to inform the Implementation Committee if the reports contain data on make-up or consumption amounts.