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Decision XXI/7: Management and reduction of remaining uses of halons

Recognizing that the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) General Assembly adopted a resolution A36-12 at its 36th Session encouraging ICAO to continue collaboration with the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP) and its Halon Technical Options Committee (HTOC) and requesting its Secretary General to consider mandates to be effective: (1) in the 2011 timeframe, for the replacement of halon in lavatories, hand held extinguishers, engines and auxiliary power units in newly designed aircraft; (2) in the 2011 timeframe, for the replacement of halons in lavatories in new production aircraft; and (3) in the 2014 timeframe, for the replacement of halons in hand held extinguishers for new production aircraft;

Recalling that Parties must ensure that the movement of halon is consistent with their obligations under Article 4B and international agreements on waste;

Noting that the 2009 report by the Halon Technical Options Committee observed that legislative barriers preventing the free flow of recycled halon among Parties could result in halon not being available to meet future critical needs, including those of the aviation industry.

  1. To express the Parties’ continued support for the implementation of mandatory dates by when halon alternatives will be used in previously agreed upon applications of newly designed aircraft;
  2. To request TEAP and its HTOC to continue to engage ICAO on this issue and to report progress on this issue to the twenty second Meeting of the Parties;
  3. To encourage Parties that have implemented import and/or export restrictions of recovered, recycled or reclaimed halons to consider reassessing their situation with a view towards removing barriers on the import and export of recovered, recycled or reclaimed halons to allow, wherever possible, their free movement between Parties to enable Parties to meet current and future needs, even as Parties continue to transition to available halon alternatives;
  4. To encourage Parties to refrain from destroying uncontaminated recovered, recycled, or reclaimed halons before they have considered their domestic, as well as the global long-term future needs for halons, and to consider retaining uncontaminated recovered, recycled, reclaimed halons for anticipated future needs in a manner that employs best practices for storage and maintenance, in order to minimize emissions;
  5. To encourage Parties to report their assessments of current and long-term future needs for halons to the Ozone Secretariat for use by the TEAP and its HTOC in their future assessments of management of halon banks.
  6. To continue to encourage Parties to inform, on a regular basis, their users of halons, including the maritime industries, the aviation sector and the military, of the need to prepare for reduced access to halons in the future and to take all actions necessary to reduce their reliance on halons.