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Decision XXIX/5: Essential-use exemption for laboratory and analytical uses for 2018 in China

Noting with appreciation the work done by the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Medical and Chemicals Technical Options Committee,

Recalling decision XI/15, by which the parties, among other things, eliminated the use of ozone‑depleting substances for the testing of oil, grease and total petroleum hydrocarbons in water from the global exemption for laboratory and analytical uses,

Recalling also decision XXIII/6, by which parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer were allowed until 31 December 2014 to deviate from the existing ban on the use of carbon tetrachloride for the testing of oil, grease and total petroleum hydrocarbons in water in individual cases where such parties considered doing so to be justified, and in which it was clarified that any deviation beyond that should take place only in accordance with an essential-use exemption in respect of the use of carbon tetrachloride for the testing of oil, grease and total petroleum hydrocarbons in water beyond 2014,

  1. To authorize the level of consumption for China for 2018 necessary to satisfy essential uses of carbon tetrachloride for the testing of oil, grease and total petroleum hydrocarbons in water, as specified in the annex to the present decision;
  2. To welcome the undertaking from China to cease the use of carbon tetrachloride for the testing of oil, grease and total petroleum hydrocarbons in water from 2019 onwards;

Annex to decision XXIX/5

Essential-use authorization for 2018 for carbon tetrachloride for the testing of oil, grease and total petroleum hydrocarbons in water (tonnes)a





a Tonnes = metric tons.