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Decision XXIX/6: Critical-use exemptions for methyl bromide for 2018 and 2019

Noting with appreciation the work of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Methyl Bromide Technical Options Committee,

Recognizing the significant reductions in critical-use nominations for methyl bromide by many parties,

Recalling paragraph 10 of decision XVII/9,

Recalling also that all parties that have nominated critical-use exemptions are to report data on stocks of methyl bromide using the accounting framework agreed to by the Sixteenth Meeting of the Parties,

Recognizing that the production and consumption of methyl bromide for critical uses should be permitted only if methyl bromide is not available in sufficient quantity and quality from existing stocks of banked or recycled methyl bromide,

Recognizing also that parties operating under critical-use exemptions should take into account the extent to which methyl bromide is available in sufficient quantity and quality from existing stocks of banked or recycled methyl bromide in licensing, permitting or authorizing the production and consumption of methyl bromide for critical uses,

Recalling decision Ex.I/4, by which parties with critical-use exemptions were requested to submit annual accounting frameworks,

Noting the progress made under the research programme of the Australian strawberry runner industry and that Australia is planning to move to alternatives if trials in 2018 and 2019 are successful and the registration of the alternatives is completed,

Noting also the progress made under the Canadian research programme and the commitment of Canada to submitting a progress report before the fortieth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group,

Noting with appreciation that China does not intend to submit further nominations for critical‑use exemptions, 

  1. To permit, for the agreed critical-use categories for 2018 and 2019 set forth in table A of the annex to the present decision for each party, subject to the conditions set forth in the present decision and in decision Ex.I/4, to the extent that those conditions are applicable, the levels of production and consumption for 2018 and 2019 set forth in table B of the annex to the present decision, which are necessary to satisfy critical uses, with the understanding that additional production and consumption and categories of use may be approved by the Meeting of the Parties in accordance with decision IX/6;
  2. That parties shall endeavour to license, permit, authorize or allocate quantities of methyl bromide for critical uses as listed in table A of the annex to the present decision;
  3. That each party that has an agreed critical-use exemption shall renew its commitment to ensuring that the criteria in paragraph 1 of decision IX/6, in particular the criterion laid down in paragraph 1 (b) (ii) of decision IX/6, are applied in licensing, permitting or authorizing critical uses of methyl bromide, with each party requested to report on the implementation of the present provision to the Secretariat by 1 February for the years to which the present decision applies;
  4. That parties submitting future requests for critical-use nominations for methyl bromide shall also comply with paragraph 1 (b) (iii) of decision IX/6 and that parties not operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 shall demonstrate that research programmes are in place to develop and deploy alternatives to and substitutes for methyl bromide;

Annex to decision XXIX/6

Table A
Agreed critical-use categories




Strawberry runners 28.98




Strawberry fruit 29.0

Tomatoes 47.7


Strawberry runners (Prince Edward Island) 5.261


Ginger, open field 68.88

Ginger, protected 18.36

South Africa

Mills 2.9

Houses 42.75

a Tonnes = metric tons.

Table B
Permitted levels of production and consumptiona












South Africa


 a Minus available stocks.

 b Tonnes = metric tons.