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Decision XXVI/7: Availability of recovered, recycled or reclaimed halons

Recognizing that the global production of halons for controlled uses was eliminated in 2009, but that some remaining uses, in particular for civil aviation, continue to rely on stocks of recovered, recycled or reclaimed halons for fire safety,

Noting that, despite efforts to evaluate the extent of accessible stocks of recovered, recycled or reclaimed halons, there is still uncertainty about the quantity of recovered, recycled or reclaimed halons that is accessible for continuing uses, such as in civil aviation,

Recalling the 1992 International Maritime Organization ban on the use of halons in new ships and noting that ships containing halons are now being decommissioned,

Recalling also the adoption by the Assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organization of resolutions A37-9 and A38-9, in which the Assembly expressed an urgent need to continue developing and implementing halon alternatives for civil aviation and called on manufacturers to use alternatives in lavatory fire extinguishing systems in newly designed and new production aircraft after 2011, in hand‑held fire extinguishers in such aircraft after 2016, in engine and auxiliary power unit fire‑extinguishing systems used in newly designed aircraft after 2014 and in the cargo compartments of new aircraft by a date to be determined by the Assembly in 2016,

Noting that the import and export of recovered, recycled or reclaimed halons is allowed under the Montreal Protocol and that the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel has found that the current distribution of recovered, recycled or reclaimed halon stocks potentially may not align with anticipated needs for such stocks,

Recalling paragraph 3 of decision XXI/7, concerning the import and export of recovered, recycled or reclaimed halons,

Taking note of the progress report of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel provided to the parties before the thirty-fourth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group, including information on alternatives,

  1. To encourage parties, on a voluntary basis, to liaise, through their national ozone officers, with their national civil aviation authorities to gain an understanding of how halons are being recovered, recycled or reclaimed to meet purity standards for aviation use and supplied to air carriers to meet ongoing civil aviation needs and on any national actions being taken to expedite the replacement of halons in civil aviation uses as called for by the Assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organization in its resolutions A37-9 and A38-9;
  2. To also encourage parties, on a voluntary basis, to submit information provided in accordance with paragraph 1 of the present decision to the Ozone Secretariat by 1 September 2015;
  3. To invite parties, on a voluntary basis, to reassess any national import and export restrictions other than licensing requirements with a view to facilitating the import and export of recovered, recycled or reclaimed halons and the management of stocks of such halons with the aim of enabling all parties to meet remaining needs in accordance with domestic regulations even as they make the transition to halon alternatives;
  4. To request the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, through its Halons Technical Options Committee:
    1. To continue to liaise with the International Civil Aviation Organization to facilitate the transition to halon alternatives, to approach the International Maritime Organization to estimate the amount and purity of halon 1211 and 1301 available from the breaking of ships and to report information on global stocks of recovered halons to the parties in its 2015 progress report;
    2. To report on existing and emerging alternatives for halons, including information on their characteristics and their rate of adoption, in particular for aviation uses;
  5. To request the Ozone Secretariat to report to the parties, prior to the thirty-seventh meeting of the Open-ended Working Group, any information provided by parties in accordance with paragraph 1 of the present decision;