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- Click here to see the list of Article 5 and non-Article 5 parties
- Members of the European Union do not report their individual consumption; that is reported in aggregated form for all the member states under “European Union”.
- European Union consumption for ODS includes the United Kingdom, including for the years after which the United Kingdom left the European Union.
- European Union consumption for HFC excludes the United Kingdom, even for the years when the United Kingdom was part of the European Union.
- The GWP values for substances controlled under the Montreal Protocol are as reported in the 2022 Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion.
- Negative values for consumption for a given year imply that quantities destroyed or quantities exported for the year exceeded the sum of production and imports, implying that exported quantities came from stockpiles, or the destroyed quantities came from stockpiles or recovered/recycled substances.
- Negative values for production for a given year imply that quantities destroyed or quantities exported for feedstock uses exceeded production for that year, implying that the destroyed or exported quantities were taken from stockpiles.
- For reductions, negative values may occur, or reduction trends may not be evident, even though a party may have maintained compliance or had a reducing trend in ODP tonnes, when there are multiple substances in an annex group due to differences in the proportionality of the (a) amounts in metric tons for different substances between the baseline years and the reduction years; (b) multiplication factors, ODP and GWP values, for different substances.
- Reductions are derived only for years in which control measures are in effect for the annex group and obligations are in force for the party.
- Production = actual production – feedstock and process agent uses – destroyed amounts – QPS uses for methyl bromide.
- Consumption = production + imports – exports – feedstock and process agent uses – destroyed amounts – QPS uses for methyl bromide + exports to non-parties for ODS only.
- Descriptions for the calculations of baselines for the various substances and for the various groups of parties.
- AI -
Baseline for Article 5 parties is the average of 1995, 1996 and 1997.
Baseline for non-Article 5 Parties is 1986.
- AII -
Baseline for Article 5 parties is the average of 1995, 1996 and 1997.
Baseline for non-Article 5 Parties is 1986.
- BI -
Baseline for Article 5 parties = average of 1998, 1999 and 2000.
Baseline for non-Article 5 Parties is 1989.
- BII -
Baseline for Article 5 parties is the average of 1998, 1999 and 2000.
Baseline for non-Article 5 Parties is 1989.
- BIII -
Baseline for Article 5 parties is the average of 1998, 1999 and 2000.
Baseline for non-Article 5 Parties is 1989.
- CI -
Baseline for Article 5 parties is the average of 2009 and 2010.
Consumption Baseline for non-Article 5 Parties is 1989 consumption of HCFCs plus 2.8% of 1989 consumption of CFCs.
Production Baseline for non-Article 5 Parties is Average of 1989 HCFC production + 2.8% of 1989 CFC production and 1989 HCFC consumption + 2.8% of 1989 CFC consumption.
- CII - No baseline. Phase-out requirement was from 1996.
- CIII - No baseline. Phase-out requirement was from 2002.
- EI -
Baseline for Article 5 parties is the average of 1995, 1996, 1997 and 1998.
Baseline for non-Article 5 Parties is 1991.
- F -
Baseline for Article 5 - Group 1 parties is the average HFC for 2020–2022 + 65% of HCFC baseline.
Baseline for Article 5 - Group 2 parties is the average HFC for 2024-2026 + 65% of HCFC baseline.
Baseline for non-Article 5 parties is the average HFC for 2011-2013 + 15% of HCFC baseline (25% of HCFC baseline for Belarus, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan).