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Dr. Zainul Abadin Abid
Deputy Director-General, Technical and Policy Affairs
National Environment Protection Agency (NEPA)
Tel: (+93) (0) 70 553 6484
Mr. Musa Hakimi
Director of Coordination and Foreign Relations Division
National Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA)
Tel: (+93) (0) 70 363 2077
Ms. Mimoza Vokshi
Focal Point for Licensing Systems and National Ozone Unit Coordinator
Ministry of Tourism and Environment
Tel: (+355) 67218 6988
M. Akil Hanafi Fodil
Chef de Bureau de la protection de la couche d'ozone
Direction des Changements Climatiques, Bureau Ozone, Ministère de l'Environnement et des Energies Renouvelables
Tel: (+213) 696 697 025
Ms. Madjeda Mekhaldi
Ingénieure principale
Direction des Changements Climatiques, Ministère de l’Environnement et des Energies Renouvelables
Tel: (+213) 214 32885
Ms. Laura Coll Male
Area de Medio Ambiente y Sostenibilidad
Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Agricultura y Ramaderia
Tel: (+376) 875 707
Ms. Silvia Ferrer Lopez
Departamento de Medio Ambiente y Sostenibilidad, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Agricultura y Ramaderia
Tel: (+376) 875 779
Dr. Laura Berón
Oficina Programa Ozono,Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable
Tel: (+ 54 11) 4348 8413
Ms. Liana Ghahramanyan
VC and MP National Focal Point
Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia
Tel: (+374 11) 818 510 / 818 513 / 818 532
Ms. Annie Gabriel
Assistant Director
Mercury, Ozone and Climate Protection Section, Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water
Tel: +61 (0)439 047 255
Ms. Aysel Rzayeva
Head of International organizations and agreements sub-division
International Cooperation Division, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources
Tel: +994 12 597 01 68 (1203)
Eng. Hassan Mubarak
Chief of Hazardous chemicals Management Unit and National Ozone Officer
Environmental Assessment & Control Directorate, The Supreme Council for the Environment
Tel: (+973) 17386567 / (+973) 17386999
Dr. Satyendra Kumar Purkayastha
Senior Officer, Ozone Cell
Department of Environment, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC)
Tel: (+88 02) 818 1801
Mrs. Yolande J. Howard
Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Environment and National Beautification, Green and Blue Economy
Tel: (+246) 535-4354/4357
Ms. Natallia Klimenka
Department of Regulation of Impacts on Atmospheric Air, Climate Change and Expertise, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus
Tel: (+375 17) 200 7119
Ms. Cindy Cunil
National Ozone Officer Assistant
Ministry of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management
Tel: (+501) 802 2542/2816
Mme. Yvette Gauthe Boko
Point Focal Titulaire
Direction Générale de l'Environnement et du Climat, Ministère du Cadre de Vie et des Transports en charge du Développement Durable
Tel: (+229 97) 446 532
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
Sr. Franz Álvaro Quispe Olivera
Viceministro de Medio Ambiente, Biodiversidad, Cambios Climáticos y de Gestión y Desarrollo Forestal, Punto Focal Titular
Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua
Tel: (+591) 2 214 1929
Sra. Roxana Janeth Marza Villca
Coordinadora de Comisión Gubernamental del Ozono, Punto Focal Titular
Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua
Cell: (+591) 71 100 369
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ms. Azra Rogović-Grubić
Senior Advisor for International Cooperation and BiH Ozone Unit Manager
Focal Point for Vienna Convention on Ozone Layer Protection and Montreal Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations
Tel: (+387 33) 953 531
Mr. Túlio César Mourthé de Alvin Andrade
Head of Climate Negotiation Division
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Tel: (+55 61) 2030 8458
Brunei Darussalam
Ms. Nur 'Atiyah Hana binti Kaflee
Ozone Officer
National Ozone Unit (NOU), Department of Environment, Parks and Recreation, Ministry of Development
Tel: (+673) 832 5442
Ms. Hajah Suryanti Jurinah binti Muhammad Jumin
Environmental Officer
Department of Environment, Parks and Recreation, Ministry of Development
Tel: (+673 2) 241 262
Mr. Mohammad Ali Wafee Bin Zainee
Ozone Officer
National Ozone Unit (NOU), Department of Environment, Parks and Recreation, Ministry of Development
Tel: (+673) 7206381
Burkina Faso
M. Roland Bêma Sanou
Inspecteur de l’Environnement et Directeur du Bureau National Ozone
Ministère de l’Environnement, de l’eau et de l’assainissement
Tel: (+226) 709 62772
M. Adama Sawadogo
Coordonnateur Adjoint
Bureau National Ozone, Ministère de l’Environnement, de l’eau et de l’assainissement
Tel: (+226) 703 555360
Mme. Rénilde Ndayishimiye
Directeur de l'Environnement et du Changement Climatique
Office Burundais pour la Protection de l'Environnement (O B P E), Ministère de l'Environnement, de l’Agriculture et l'Elevage
Tel: (+257) 22 22 13 68
Ms. Jeanne Francine Nkunzimana
Adjoint du Coordonnatrice Nationale du Bureau Ozone, Directrice de l’Environnement et de l’Assainissement
Direction Générale de l’Environnement, des Ressources en Eau et de l’Assainissement, Ministre de l’Environnement, de l’Agriculture et de l’Elevage
Tel: (+257) 79 50 50 56
Mr. Pak Sokharavuth
Under Secretary of State
General Directorate of Environmental Protection, Ministry of Environment
Tel: (+855) 1296 2103
M. Hyacinth Mboh
Directeur des Normes et des Contrôles
Ministère de l'Environnement, de la Protection de Nature et du Développement Durable (MINEPDED)
Tel: (+699) 653 180 / 587 256
Mr. Philippe Chemouny
Manager, Montreal Protocol and Export Controls
Chemical Production Division, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Tel: (+1 613) 286-2460
Central African Republic
M. Didier Laoule
Ingénieur Forestier, Enseignant Chercheur à l'Université de Bangui
Ministère de l'économie Forestière, de l'Environnement et du Tourisme
Tel: (+236) 7509 4949 / 7205 8451
Dr. Nadoum Koro
Coordonateur du Bureau National Ozone du Tchad
Ministère de l'Environnement et de la Pêche et du Développement Durable
Tel: (+235) 66 26 92 36
Sra. Claudia Paratori Cortés
Coordinadora de la Unidad Ozono
División de Cambio Climático, Ministerio del Medio Ambiente
Tel: (+56 2) 2240 5660
Ms. Wei Yao
Division of Ecological and Environmental Conventions, Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE)
Tel: (+86 10) 6564 5818
Sra. Leydy María Suárez Orozco
Jefa Nacional de Projectos, Unidad Técnica Ozono
Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible
Tel: (+57 1) 3323 400 Ext. 1241 - 1232 / 332 3638
M. Youssouf Ali Mohamed
Coordonnateur et Point Focal Ozone
Bureau Ozone Comores, Direction Générale de l'Environnement et des Forêts, Vice-présidence en charge du Ministère de l'Agriculture
Tel: (+269) 763 1961 / 336 6911
M. Lucien Ekou
Administrateur des SAF et Coordonnateur National du Bureau Ozone et Point Focal National
Direction Générale de l'Environnement, Ministère de l'Environnement, du Developpement Durable et du Basin du Congo
Tel: (+242) 05 574 10 74 / 06 882
Cook Islands
Mr. Muraai Herman
Senior Environment Officer / National Ozone Officer
Cook Islands National Environment Service
Tel: (+682) 21 256
Costa Rica
Sra. Shirley Soto Montero
Dirección de Gestión de Calidad Ambiental (DIGECA), Ministerio de Ambiente, Energía y Telecomunicaciones
Tel: (+506) 2257 1839
Sr. Edgar Gutiérrez Espeleta
Ministerio de Ambiente, Energía y Telecomunicaciones
Tel: (+506) 22571839 / 22582820 / 22330356
Ms. Snježana Iličić
Senior Expert Advisor
Service for Climate Activities, Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development
Tel: (+385 1) 3717 133
Sr. Roberto Sosa
Director General
Centro de Gestión de la Información y Desarrollo de la Energía (CUBAENERGÍA), Agencia de Energía Nuclear y Tecnología de Avanzada, Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente
Tel: (+53) 7202 7527
Côte d'Ivoire
M. Gnahoré Kodehi
Directeur Adjoint de Cabinet
Ministère de l’Environnement, du Développement Durable et de la Transition Écologique
Tel: (+225) 05556 14346
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Ms. Jang Sol Song
National Ozone Coordinator
National Coordinating Committee for Environment (NCCE)
Democratic Republic of the Congo
M. Elie Umba Kabunda
Coordonnateur, Point Focal
Bureau National Ozone, Ministère de l'Environnement et Développement Durable
Tel: (+243) 82 570 76 64
M. Rény Kachoko Ka Kachoko
Directeur de Cabinet
Ministère de l'Environnement et Développement Durable
Tel: (+243) 0999938032
Mr. Edgar Hunter
Senior Technical Advisor
Ministry of Environment, Rural Modernization, Kalinago Upliftrnent and Constituency Empowerment
Tel: (+1 767) 266 5256 / Cell: (+1-767) 225 0572
Dominican Republic
Sr. Elías Gómez Meza
Coordinador del Programa Nacional para la Protección de la Capa de Ozono y Punto Focal Técnico
Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
(+1 809) 5674300 Ext. 7250,7252 Cel: (+1 809) 350 7052
Sr. Daniel Heredia
Director de Reconversión Ambiental y Tecnológica
Subsecretaría de Competitividad Industrial y Territorial, Ministerio de Producción, Comercio Exterior, Inversiones y Pesca
Tel: (+593) 2 3948760 ext. 2132
Sra. Ana Correa
Oficial Nacional de Ozono
Dirección de Reconversión Ambiental y Tecnológica, Ministerio de Producción, Comercio Exterior, Inversiones y Pesca
+593-2) 394 8760 Ext. 2124
Dr. Ezzat Lewis Agaiby
Egyptian Ozone Unit, Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA)
Tel: (+202) 817 6390 / (+202) 012 21814242
El Salvador
Ing. Italo Andrés Flamenco Córdova
Punto Focal Nacional
Dirección General de Seguridad Hídrica, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (MARN)
Tel: (+503) 2132 9212
Mr. Robel Kibrom (Chemical Engineer)
Head of Chemicals and Waste Assessment Unit and Coordinator of National Ozone Unit
Department of Environment, Ministry of Land, Water & Environment
Tel: (+291) 733 8151
Ms. Mabuza Khangeziwe
Principal Secretary
Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Affairs
Tel: (+268) 2404 6162, Cell: (+268) 7 606 3020
Mr. Wondwossen Tadesse Debelle
Environmental Law Expert and National Ozone Officer
Ministry of Environment and Forest
Tel: (+251) 945253922
European Union
Ms. Agnieszka Truszczynska
Policy Officer
Unit C1 - Low Carbon Solutions (I), Montreal Protocol, Clean Cooling & Heating, Digital Transition, Directorate-General Climate Action
Ms. Ingrid Ciabatti
Policy Officer
Unit C1 - Low Carbon Solutions (I), Montreal Protocol, Clean Cooling & Heating, Digital Transition, Directorate-General Climate Action
Tel: (+32 2) 298 2193
Dr. Sivendra Michael
Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Environment and Climate Change
Tel: (+679) 331 1699
Ms. Senimili Baleicakau
A/Director and National Focal Point
Department of Environment, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change
Tel: (+679) 3311 699
M. Gilles Christian Mangongo
Point Focal National, Directeur de l’Environnement et de la Nature
Ministère de l'Environnement, du Climat et du Conflit Homme-Faune
Tel: (+241) 31 75 06 / 0605 5123
Mr. Alhagie Sarr
Senior Programme Officer
National Environment Agency
Cell : (+ 220) 9 866 975
Mr. Noe Megrelishvili
National Ozone Focal Point, Head of Ambient Air Division of Environment and Climate Change Department
Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia
Tel: (+995 32) 2727 228
Mr. Joseph Amankwa Baffoe
Acting Director and National Ozone Officer
Climate Change and Ozone Department, Environmental Protection Agency
Tel: (+233) 501 301 478, (+233) 262 373 698
Mr. Leslie Smith
National Ozone Officer
Energy Division
Tel: (+1-473) 435 8708
Sra. Laura Verónica López de Guillen
Jefa a.i. (Punto Focal Técnico)
Departamento de Coordinación para el Manejo Ambientalmente Racional de Productos Químicos y Desechos Peligrosos en Guatemala, Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
Tel: (+502) 2423 0500 Ext 1250 and 2710
Guinea Bissau
M. Per Infali Cassamá
Ministère de l'Environnement, Biodiversité et Action Climatique
Tel: (+245) 9553 86409 / 96921 0696
Mme. Marie Lourdes Maura
Bureau National de l'Ozone Protocole de Montréal, Ministère de l'Environnement Parc Industriel Métropolitain (SONAPI)
(+509) 40-34-1176
Sr. Edgar Adolfo Zuniga Guillen
Punto Focal Técnico
Secretaría de Recursos Naturales y Ambiente
Tel: (+504) 232 1828 / 9990 5159
Ms. Sigurbjorg Gisladottir
Environmental and Food Agency
Tel: (+354) 591 2000
Mr. Aditya Narayan Singh
Scientist ‘E’ / Additional Director, Ozone cell
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
Tel: (+91 11) 2464 2176
Ir. Bitul Zulhasni, M.Sc
Deputy Director of ODS Control
Ministry of Environment and Forestry
Tel: (+62 21) 5746 722
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Dr. Ebrahim Haji-Zadeh
Director of Ozone Layer Protection Unit and National Project Manager
Ozone Layer Protection Unit, Environmental Research Center, Department of Environment
Tel: (+9821) 88233084
Ms. Shatha Kadhum Kalaf
Manager, National Ozone Centre
National Ozone Centre, Ministry of Environment
Tel: (+964) 77 386 00284
Ms. Ayelet Rosen
Head Multilateral Environmental Agreements
Israel Ministry of Environmental Protection
Tel: (+972 2) 6553 745, Mobile: +972 50 6233299
Dr. Kwame Emmanuel
Director, Projects and Enforcment (Acting)
Environment and Risk Management Division, Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation
Tel: (+876) 633 7500
Mr. Tadashi Yamada
Deputy Director / Focal Point on Licensing Systems
Fluoride Gases Management Office, Chemical Management Policy Division, Manufacturing Industries Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
Tel: (+813) 3501 4724
Mr. Masataka Nakano
Focal Point on Licensing Systems
Fluoride Gases Management Office, Manufacturing Industries Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
Tel: (+81) 503 092 9155
Mr. Anuar Sarmantay
Deputy Director and Primary Focal Point
Multilateral Cooperation Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Tel: +7 (7172) 720 390
Ms. Saule Sabiyeva
Climate Policy Department, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Tel: (+7 7172) 740 228
Mr. Mamo B. Mamo
Director General
National Environment Management Authority (NEMA), Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Forestry
Tel: (+254) 20 6005 522
Ms. Saitofi Mika
Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agricultural Development (MELAD)
Tel: (+686) 28211
Ms. Nenenteiti Teariki Ruatu
Environment and Conservation Division, Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agricultural Development (MELAD)
Tel: (+686) 28211 / 28000 / 28425
Mr. Yaqoub Al-Matouq
Refrigeration Expert
Kuwait National Ozone and Climate Change CommitteeEnvironment Public Authority, Ministry of Social Affair and Labor
Tel: (+965) 22208310 Ex: 3107 - 1335; Cell: (+965) 99737006
Mrs. Duisheeva Jyldyz Zarlykovna
Chief Specialist
Department of Nontariff Regulation and Export Control,
Ministry of Economy
Tel: (+ 996) 312 621190
Lao People's Democratic Republic
Mr. Immala Inthaboualy
Deputy Director General
Department of Climate Change, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE)
Tel: (+856 21) 24 37 02
Mrs. Nouansy Thipphaxay
Director of GHG Mitigation Division
Department of Climate Change, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Tel: (+856) 20 7799 9973
Mr. Mazen K. Hussein
Head, Ozone National Unit
Ministry of Environment
Tel: (+961) 1 976 555 Ext. 432; Cell: (+961) 3 204 318
Mr. Sete F. Marshall
Ozone Officer
National Ozone Unit, Environmental Protection Agency
Tel: (+231) 886513988
Dr. Khalifa A. Elawej
National Focal Point for Montreal Protocol
Ministry of Environment
Tel: (+218) 944 625 825
Ms. Maria Rosaria Rella-Quaderer
Office of Environment, Division Environmental Protection Chemicals
Tel: (+423) 236 61 95
Mr. Arisoa S. Janny Andrianirina
Cadre d’Appui Technique/Point Focal National Ozone Titulaire
Direction Générale du Développement Durable, Ministère de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable (MEDD)
Tel: (+261) 3382 59947
Mr. Peter Mmora
Ozone Officer
National Ozone Unit, Environmental Affairs Department
Tel: (+265-1) 771 111
The Director of Environmental Affairs
Tel: (+265) 781 111
Mr. Ryan Ooi Chean Weai
Head of National Ozone Unit
Department of Environment Malaysia, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability (NRES)
Tel: (+603) 8886 2349
Ms. Miruza Mohamed
Deputy Director General / National Ozone Officer
Operational Focal Point, Environment Department, Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy
Tel: (+960) 301 8300
M. Niarga Oulé Dembele
Directeur National
Direction Nationale de l’Assainissement et du Contrôle des Pollutions et des Nuisances (DNACPN), Ministère de l'Environnement et de l'Assainissement
(+223) 66 944 162 , 7697 3127
Marshall Islands
Ms. Moriana Phillip
General Manager
RMI Environmental Protection Authority
Tel: (+692) 625 3035 / 5203
Dr. Rajendra Kumar Foolmaun
Divisional Environment Officer
Ministry of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change
Tel: (+230) 211 9178
Sr. Daniel López Vicuña
Encargado de la Direccion General de Gestion de la Calidad del Aire
Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT)
Tel: (+25 55) 3686 5628
Micronesia (Federated States of)
Mr. Andrew Yatilman
Secretary and Operational Focal Point
Department of Environment, Climate Change and Emergency Management
Tel: (+691) 320 8814 / 8815
Mrs Séverine Canis-Froidefond
Direction de la Prospective, de l'Urbanisme et de la Mobilité
Tel: (+377) 98 98 22 99
Dr. Ganbold Enkhmunkh
Director General
Environmental Policy and Coordination Department, Ministry of Environment and Tourism
Tel: (+976) 51 266 426
Ms. Tatjana Boljevic
Senior Adviser / National Focal Point for Vienna Convention & Montreal Protocol
Environmental Protection Agency
Tel: (+382-20) 446 507
Mme. Rabia Janati Idrissi
Chef de Division du Développement Durable
Direction Générale de l’Industrie, Ministère de l’Industrie et du Commerce
Tel: (+212) 5 37 73 93 29
Mr. Leonardo Manuel Sulila
National Focal Point for Vienna Convention and its Montreal Protocol
Ministry of Land and Environment
Tel: (+258 21) 466 495
Dr. San Win
Environmental Conservation Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation
Tel: (+95 067) 343 1561
Ms. Zin Mar Phyu
Assistant Director
Environmental Conservation Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation
Tel: (+95 67) 431 325
Dr. Michael Humavindu
Deputy Executive Director
Directorate of Industrial Development, Ministry of Industrialization and Trade
Tel: (+264 61) 283 7205
Ms. Kumari Jyoti Joshi
Director General
Nepal Bureau of Standards and Metrology, Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supply
Tel: (+ 977) 1495 0445, (+977) 984 14 10 363
New Zealand
Senior Advisor
Hazardous Substances, Environmental Protection Authority
Tel: (+64 4) 916 2426
Sra. Francisca Zavala Mendoza
Asesora de la Unidad de Análisis de Riesgo
Focal Point, Montreal Protocol Comisión Nacional de Registro y Control de Sustancias Tóxicas
Tel: (+505) 8366 5597 / 2228 2002
Mr Ali Seydou Moussa
Coordinateur NOU-Niger, Directeur Général de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable
Ministère de l’Hydraulique, de l’Assainissement et l'Environnement
Tel: (+227) 96506744/93569956
Engr. Idris Abdullahi
National Ozone Officer and Deputy Director in the Department of Pollution Control and Environmental Health
Federal Ministry of Environment
Tel: (+234) 8033 341609
Mr. Haden Talagi
Director, Niue GEF OFP, Niue Focal Point Ozone project
Department of Environment, Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR)
Tel: (+683) 4011
North Macedonia
Ms. Emilija Kjupeva-Nedelkova
Montreal Protocol Focal Point
Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning
Tel: (+389) 2 3251 562
Ms. Alice Gaustad
Senior Climate Adviser
Section for Climate Science, Air Quality and Local Climate Mitigation, Climate Department, Norwegian Environment Agency
Tel: (+47) 9809 4104, Cell: (+47) 9809 4104
Mr. Ibrahim Ahmed Al-Ajmi
Nationla Technical Focal Point, National Ozone Officer and National Advisor for Climate Change
Environment Authority
Tel: (+968) 2440 4789
Mr. Zulfiqar Younas
Additional Secretary-I / National Focal Point (Montreal Protocol)
International Cooperation, Ministry of Climate Change and Environmental Coordination
Tel: (+92 51) 9245 554
Ms. Roxanne Y. Blesam
Executive Officer and National Focal Point
Environmental Quality Protection Board
Tel: (+680) 488 1639/3600
Mr. F. Umiich Sengebau
His Excellency, The Minister
Political Focal Point
Ministry of National Resources, Environment and Tourism
Tel: (+680) 767 5435/3125
Papua New Guinea
Mr. Gunther Joku
Managing Director
Conservation & Environment Protection Authority
Tel: (+675) 301 4500
Sra. Gilda María Torres
Directora General y Punto Focal del Convenio del Viena y del Protocolo de Montreal
Dirección General de Control del Aire, Ministerio del Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible
Tel: (+595 2) 1287 9000 Ext 237
Ing. Gloria Rivas Rodriguez
Jefa, Departamento de Ozono
Dirección General de Control del Aire, Ministerio del Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible
Tel: (+595 21) 2879 000 Ext 245
Ms. Esperanza A. Sajul
OIC, Assistant Director
Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) and Overall Project Coordinator under Montreal Protocol Programs and Commitments
Tel: (+63) 8539 4378 loc. 182 & 183
Engineer Abdulrahman Al-Abduljabbar
Technical Affairs Director
Ministry of Environment and Climate Change
Tel: (+ 974) 55848019
Republic of Korea
Mr. Jaihoon Kim
Director / National Ozone Officer
Center for Support and Management of Specific Substance, Korea Petrochemical Industry Association
Tel: (+82 2) 3668 6197
Ms. Munyeong Choi
Assistant Manager
Center for Support and Management of Specific Substance, Korea Petrochemical Industry Association
(+8244) 3668 6195
Republic of Moldova
Ms. Olesea Cotoman
National Ozone Unit Coordinator
Public Institution ”National Office for the Implementation of Environmental Projects”, Ministry of Environment
Tel: (+373) 69 167 602
Ms. Claudia Dumitru
National Ozone Unit Officer
Waste and Hazardous Substances Management Department, Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests
Tel: (+402 1) 408 9582
Russian Federation
Mr. Vasiliev Sergey
Focal Point for Ozone Agreements
Department of International Cooperation and Climate Changes, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation
Tel: (+7) 495 252 23 59 Ext. 12 50
Saint Lucia
Mrs. Dawn Pierre Nathoniel
Chief Sustainable Development and Environment Officer (Ag.)
Department of Sustainable Development, Ministry of Education, Sustainable Development, Innovation, Science, Technology and Vocational Training
Tel: (+1 758) 468-5808 / 7190838
Ms. Tumau Herownna Neru
Principal Ozone Officer
Ozone Section, Meteorology Division, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Tel: (+685) 20855 / 20856
San Marino
Mr. Omar Raimondi
Focal Point
Environmental Protection Office
Tel: (+378) 0549 887054
Saudi Arabia
Eng. Ali Tumayhi
Director/National Ozone Officer
National Ozone Unit, National Center for Environmental Compliance (NCEC)
Tel: +966 54 089 5440
M. Baba Dramé
Directeur et Point Focal National
Direction de l'Environnement et des Etablissements Classés, Ministère de l'Environnement et de la Transition Ecologique
Tel: (+221) 775 180 313
Ms. Bojana Radeski
National Ozone officer
Advisor in Department of Air Protection and Ozone Layer, Ministry of Environmental Protection
Tel: (+381-11) 2696 432
Ms. Ljubica Bolovic
Senior Adviser in Air and Ozone Layer Protection Unit
Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection
Mrs Lianette Lesperence
Director Import & Export Permit
Ministry of Finance & Trade Dept
Tel: (+248) 4382116
Sierra Leone
Mr. Bashiru Kargbo
Principal Ozone Officer
Environment Protection Agency
Tel: (+232) 7825 2911 / 3401 9891
Ms. Felicia Lim
Deputy Principal Scientific Officer (Chemical Control and Management Department)
Pollution Control 1 Division, Clean Environment Group, National Environment Agency
Tel: (+65) 6708 6236
Solomon Islands
Ms. Mariana Nonga
Principal Energy Officer (National Ozone Officer)
Energy Division, Ministry of Mines, Energy & Rural Electrification
Tel: (+677) 21525 / Cell phone: (+677) 7789222
Mr. Abdirahim Barre
Head of GHG and MRVs Unit and National Operational Focal Point
Ministry of Environment and Climate Change
Tel: (+252) 61 515 1096
Sri Lanka
Ms. H. D. Aneesha Rukshini
Director (Operational Focal Point)
Air Resources Management and National Ozone Unit, Ministry of Environment
Tel: (+94 11) 203 4215
Dr. Abdelghani Abdelgalil Hassan
National ODS Coordinator
Ministry of Environment and Physical Development (MENRPD)
Tel: (+249 1) 76501 784 279 / 9114 87997
Dr. Henry Wöhrnschimmel
Deputy Head of Section
Air Pollution Control and Chemicals Division, Federal Office for the Environment
Tel: (+41) 584 631 720
Syrian Arab Republic
Eng. Maan Alabli
National Focal Point of Vienna Convention and Montreal Protocol
Environmental Safety Directorate, Ministry of Local Administration and Environment
Tel: (+963) 112396344 / Cell: (+963) 932288532
Mr. Abduqayum Qalandarzoda
Atmospheric Air Protection Department, Committee for Environmental Protection
Tel: (+992) 908000010
Ms. Alissara Rungsipanodorn
Hazardous Management Division, Department of Industrial Works, Ministry of Industry
Tel: +66 2430 6308 Ext 1700
Ms. Wassana Leksomboon
Scientist Expert Level
Hazardous Management Division, Department of Industrial Works, Ministry of Industry
Tel: +66 2430 6308 Ext 1702
Mr. Claudio Martins de Jesus
Ozone Unit Officer
International Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Commerce Industry and Environmental (RDTL)
Tel: (+670) 7476 292
Mr. Vidémé Amèh Djossou
Coordonnateur du Bureau National Ozone
Direction de l'Environnement, Ministère de l'Environnement et des Ressources Forestières (MERF)
Tel: (+228) 22 22 68 97 Cell: (+228) 90 98 25 64
Mr. Aloisio Fifita
National Ozone Officer
Department of Climate Change (Ozone Depleting Substances Division), Ministry of Meteorology, Energy, Information, Disaster Management, Environment, Climate Change & Communication (MEIDECC)
Tel: (+676) 27767 , Cell: (+676) 7736425
Trinidad and Tobago
Dr. Marissa Gowrie
Deputy Environmental Manager / National Ozone Officer
Environmental Policy and Planning Division, Ministry of Planning and Development
Tel: (+868) 225 3382
M. Youssef Hammami
Le Directeur et Coordinateur de l'Unité Nationale de l'Ozone
Agence Nationale de Protection de l'Environnement
Tel: (+216-71) 233 600, Cell: (+216) 98 688 873
Mr. Suleyman Orazov
Head of State Customs Service of Turkmenistan
Ministry of Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan
Tel: (+993) 12 39 415 5/4045
Ministry of Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan
Ms Moeli Homasi
ODS Project Coordinator/National Ozone Officer
Department of Environment, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade, Tourism, Environment and Labour
Tel: (+688) 20179
Mr. Orhan Solak
Head of Directorate of Climate Change and Focal Point of Vienna Convention and Montreal Protocol
The Presidency of Climate Change, Ministry of Environment, Urbanization And Climate Change (MoEUCC)
Tel: (+90 312) 5914410
Mr. Volkan Polat
Head of Department of Monitoring of Green House Gas Emissions (NOU)
The Presidency of Climate Change, Ministry of Environment, Urbanization And Climate Change (MoEUCC)
Tel: (+90 312) 586 3300
Ms. Sezin Sönmez Erbaş
Expert, National Ozone Officer
The Presidency of Climate Change, Ministry of Environment, Urbanization And Climate Change (MoEUCC)
Tel: (+90) 312 586 3262
United Arab Emirates
Ms. Othaibah Saeed Alqaydi
Municipal Affairs, Ministry of Climate change and Environment
Tel: (+971 4) 2148 346
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Ms. Morgan Simpson
Senior Policy Advisor
Stratospheric Ozone and Fluorinated Gases, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
(+44) 7979 166296
Mr. Jacob Andreson
Head of domestic fluorinated gases and ozone depleting substances (F-gas and ODS) and UK Head of Delegation to the Montreal Protocol
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Tel: +44 (0)20 8720 3439 | +44 (0)7500 793 002
United States of America
Mr. Luke Hall-Jordan
Branch Chief, Stratospheric Protection Division (Licensing Systems)
Stratospheric Protection Division, Office of Atmospheric Protection, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Tel: +1 (202) 343 9591
Ms. Monica Moscatelli
Punto Focal para Sistema de licencias
Dirección Nacional de Cambio Climatico, Ministerio de Ambiente
Tel: (+5982) 150 ext. 2011
Ing. Roberto Marvid
Unidad de Ozono, Division Cambio Climatico, Ministerio de Ambiente
Tel: (+598 2) 917 0710 Ext. 4306 / Cell: (+598) 99-618740
Mr. Bakhrom Kholkhujaev
Atmospheric Air Protection Policy Department, Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Tel: (+998 93) 582 38 85
Mr. Jotham Napat
A/Director General
Ministry for Climate Change, Adaptation, Meteorology, Geo-Hazards, Environment and Energy
Tel: (+678) 24686
Mr. Albert Albel Williams
Department of Environment
Tel: (+678) 25302
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Abog. Hilda Cabeza Morillo
Directora General
Oficina Administrativa de Permisiones
Ministerio de Poder Popular para el Ambiente
Tel: (+58) 212 408 1365
Viet Nam
Mrs. Nguyen Dang Thu Cuc
National Ozone Coordinator
Viet Nam National Ozone Unit, Department of Climate Change, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Tel: (+84 24) 3775 9585; HP: (+84) 9428 68636
Mr. Faisal N. Bin Ali Gaber
National Ozone Advisor
Environment Protection Authority (EPA), Ministry of Water and Environment
(+967 1) 325 696 / Cell: (+967) 7761 152 297
Mr. Bruce Simfukwe
Coordinator - National Ozone Unit (NOU)
Zambia Environmental Management Agency, Ministry of Green Economy and Environment
Tel: (+260) 254 023 / 2609 038 187
Mr. George Chaumba
Ozone Project Manager
Ministry of Environment, Climate and Wildlife
Tel: (04) 701 681-3 / 772 706625