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This page presents the cases of illegal trade in substances controlled under the Montreal Protocol.

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This information is submitted by parties in accordance with decision XIV/7, para.7 which invited parties to report to the Ozone Secretariat fully proved cases of illegal trade in ozone-depleting substances in order to facilitate an exchange of information. The decision also requests the Secretariat to collect any information on illegal trade received from the parties and to disseminate it to all parties. This information is reflected in the table below.

Decision XXXI/3 para. 5 (d) further encouraged parties to take action to identify and prevent illegal production, import, export and consumption of controlled substances and to report to the Ozone Secretariat on the cause of significant cases and actions taken to address them, to facilitate an exchange of information. The reports submitted by parties in relation to this decision are listed below:

- China, submitted in 2022
- United States, submitted in 2024
- United Kingdom, submitted in 2024

All pure substances are indicated by their chemical type such as CFC, HCFC or HFC and blends/mixtures by their designation using 'R' prefix.

Party Submission Id Ordering Id Submission Year Seizure date Substances traded Volume Importing/exporting country Illegal trade details Action taken Remarks
Poland 40 0 2020 2019 9 seizures of 2,135 HFC-134a cylinders, 4 seizures of 56 HFC-143a cylinders, 1 seizure of 1,034 cylinders of R-410A, 4 seizures of 1,213 pieces of HFC-32 based equipment , 2 seizures of 30 pieces of R-410A based equipment 25,350 kg of HFC-134a; 448 kg of HFC-143a; 10,340 of R-410A; 896 kg of HFC-32, 57.3 kg of R-410A Shipment from China to Poland Imports without compliant labelling Seizure Released for free circulation following labelling of the cylinders and equipment as required by the EU F-gas legislation
Poland 39 0 2020 2018 326 seizures of 496 HFC-134a cylinders, 50 seizures of 103 R-404A cylinders, 14 seizures of 20 R-507A cylinders, 10 seizures of 14 R-410A cylinders, 2 seizures of 3 R-407C cylinders, 1 seizure of 1 HFC-125 cylinder 8,136 kg of HFC-134a, 1,238 kg of R-404A, 224 kg of R-507A, 163 kg of R-410A, 32 kg of R-407C, 10 kg of HFC-125 Shipments mainly from Ukraine but also from Belarus and Russia to Poland (and possibly to other European Union countries) Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders without customs declaration Seizure, re-export of the HFCs, (except for 27.2 kg of HFC-134a that were destroyed)
Poland 40 0 2020 2019 6 seizures of 7 HFC-134a cylinders 419 kg Shipments mainly from Ukraine but also from Belarus and Russia to Poland (and possibly to other European Union countries) Smuggling of other type of cylinders without customs declaration Seizure, re-export of the HFCs
Poland 40 0 2020 2019 66 seizures of 97 HFC-134a cylinders, 24 seizures of 49 R-404A cylinders, 1 seizure of 1 cylinder of R-507A , 4 seizures of 8 R-410A cylinders, 4 seizures of 5 R-407C cylinders, 4 seizures of 10 HFC-32 cylinder 1,380 kg of HFC-134a; 515.6 kg of R-404A; 11.3 kg of R-507A; 92.7 kg of R-410A, 56.2 kg of R-407C; 100 kg of HFC-32 Shipments mainly from Ukraine but also from Belarus and Russia to Poland (and possibly to other European Union countries) Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders without customs declaration Seizure, re-export of the HFCs
Poland 40 0 2020 08 Jul, 2019 Seizure of 2 cylinders of HFC-23 30kg Shipment from Republic of Korea to Poland Imports outside the quota system but with customs declaration Seizure, re-export
Poland 40 0 2020 19 Aug, 2019 Seizure of 1,202 cylinders of R-404A, HFC-134a 13,808 kg of HFCs, including 2,744 kg of R-404A; 11,064 kg of HFC-134a Shipment from China to Poland Imports outside the quota system but with customs declaration Seizure, re-export
Poland 40 0 2020 08 Mar, 2019 Seizure of 2,122 cylinders of R-407C, R-404A, R-410A, HFC-134a, R-507A 24,459 kg of HFCs and blends, including 2,230 kg of R-407C; 6,285 kg of R-404A; 2,130 kg of R-410A; 9,904 kg of HFC-134a, 3,910 kg of R-507A Shipment from China to Poland Imports outside the quota system but with customs declaration, including 1,150 non-refillable cylinders (banned in the EU) Seizure Case pending court’s decision
Poland 39 1 2020 2018 9 seizures of 9 HFC-134a cylinders, 2 seizures of 3 R-404A cylinders 755 kg of HFC-134a, and 118 kg of R-404A Shipments mainly from Ukraine but also from Belarus and Russia to Poland (and possibly to other European Union countries) Smuggling of other type of cylinders without customs declaration Seizure, re-export of the HFCs
Poland 74 1 2023 14 January, 2022 R-452A 85.8 kg From Turkey to Poland Violation of regulations 517/2014, false labelling, no quota Due to the lack of a quota and the lack of required information on the label, it was not allowed for free circulation and was seizured.
Poland 42 1 2020 2019 HCFC-22 3 seizures of 4 cylinders of HCFC-22, total 54,4 kg Shipments from Ukraine to Poland (and possibly to other European Union countries) Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders without customs declaration Seizure and re-export
Poland 49 1 2021 05 Jan, 2020 HCFC-22 16 kg From Ukraine Smuggling Re-export a fine imposed
Poland 42 2 2020 2019 HCFC-22 1 seizure of 1 cylinder of HCFC-22 x 13,6 kg Shipment from Ukraine to Poland (and possibly to other European Union countries) Smuggling of non-refillable cylinder without customs declaration Seizure
Poland 74 2 2023 21 February, 2022 R-404A 10.9 kg From Ukraine to Poland Smuggling, goods not declared for customs clearance, non-refillable cylinders. goods detained at the border as smuggling - not allowed for free circulation in the EU territory, only withdrawn from the border to the exporting country, in accordance with the provisions of the Polish Act on ODS and f-gases. Criminal and fiscal proceedings are initiated against the person. As a result of the proceedings, a fine for smuggling is imposed.
Poland 39 2 2020 2018 5 seizures of 2,400 HFC-134a cylinders; 1 seizure of 1,400 R-410A cylinders 28,800 kg of HFC-134a, and 16,800 kg of R-410A Shipments from China to Poland Imports without compliant labelling Seizure The HFCs were released for free circulation following labelling of the cylinders as required by the EU F-gas legislation
Poland 49 2 2021 28 Feb, 2020 HCFC-22 27.2 kg From Ukraine Smuggling Seizure a court case, the court ruled forfeiture of the HCFCs to the State, the HCFCs to be destroyed
Poland 39 3 2020 2018 Five seizures: HFC-407C, HFC-404A, HFC-410A, HFC-134a 22,620 kg of HFC-407C, 23,760 kg of HFC-404A, 3,600 kg of HFC-410A, 1,200 kg of HFC-134a Shipments from China to Poland Imports outside the quota system but with customs declaration Seizure, decisions ordering re-export The HFC-410A and HFC-134a were released for free circulation by an importer that had quota. Four decisions ordering re-export were appealed against and they are pending court’s decision
Poland 49 3 2021 28 Feb, 2020 HCFC-22 27.2 kg From Ukraine Smuggling Seizure a court case, the court ruled forfeiture of the HCFCs to the State, the HCFCs to be destroyed
Poland 74 3 2023 23 February, 2022 HFC-134a 13.6 kg From Ukraine to Poland Smuggling, goods not declared for customs clearance, non-refillable cylinders. goods detained at the border as smuggling - not allowed for free circulation in the EU territory, only withdrawn from the border to the exporting country, in accordance with the provisions of the Polish Act on ODS and f-gases. Criminal and fiscal proceedings are initiated against the person. As a result of the proceedings, a fine for smuggling is imposed.
Poland 74 4 2023 5 July, 2022 HFC-134a 13.6 kg From Ukraine to Poland Smuggling, goods not declared for customs clearance, non-refillable cylinders. goods detained at the border as smuggling - not allowed for free circulation in the EU territory, only withdrawn from the border to the exporting country, in accordance with the provisions of the Polish Act on ODS and f-gases. Criminal and fiscal proceedings are initiated against the person. As a result of the proceedings, a fine for smuggling is imposed.
Poland 49 4 2021 04 March, 2020 HCFC-22 13.6 kg From Ukraine Smuggling Seizure a court case, the court ruled forfeiture of the HCFCs to the State, the HCFCs to be destroyed
Poland 49 5 2021 04 March, 2020 HCFC-22 13.6 kg (1 cylinder) From Ukraine Smuggling Seizure a court case, the court ruled forfeiture of the HCFCs to the State, the HCFCs to be destroyed
Poland 74 5 2023 3 August, 2022 HFC-134a 5.4 kg From Ukraine to Poland Smuggling, goods not declared for customs clearance, non-refillable cylinders. goods detained at the border as smuggling - not allowed for free circulation in the EU territory, only withdrawn from the border to the exporting country, in accordance with the provisions of the Polish Act on ODS and f-gases. Criminal and fiscal proceedings are initiated against the person. As a result of the proceedings, a fine for smuggling is imposed.
Poland 74 6 2023 24 August, 2022 R-410A 3.7 kg From China to Poland Violation of regulations 517/2014, false labelling. Corrective procedures: calling the entity to remove the deficiencies - to complete the data on the label.
Poland 49 6 2021 04 March, 2020 HCFC-22 4 kg (4 cylinders 1000 g each) From Ukraine Smuggling Seizure a court case, the court ruled forfeiture of the HCFCs to the State, the HCFCs to be destroyed
Poland 74 7 2023 23 September, 2022 HFC-23, HCFC-22, R-507A, HFC-134a 19,349 kg From China to Poland Violation of regulations 517/2014, non-refillable cylinders, no quota, lack of documentation. The goods were detected and detained in a warehouse inland. No customs or trade documentation was found and those responsible were not identified.
Poland 49 7 2021 2020 R-404A 109 kg (11 seizures of 11 cylinders) Shipments mainly from Ukraine but also from Belarus and Russia to Poland Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders without customs declaration Seizure, re-export of the HFCs, in one case HFCs (239 kg of HFC-134a) seized for a penal case
Poland 49 8 2021 2020 R-410A 33.9 kg (1 seizure of 3 cylinders) Shipments mainly from Ukraine, Belarus and Russia to Poland Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders without customs declaration Seizure, re-export of the HFCs, in one case HFCs (239 kg of HFC-134a) seized for a penal case
Poland 74 8 2023 13 October, 2022 HFC-32 82 kg From China to Poland Violation of regulations 517/2014, false labelling. Corrective procedures: calling the entity to remove the deficiencies - to complete the data on the label.
Poland 74 9 2023 18 October, 2022 R-410A 11.4 kg From China to Poland Violation of regulations 517/2014, false labelling. Corrective procedures: calling the entity to remove the deficiencies - to complete the data on the label.
Poland 49 9 2021 2021 R-507A 11.3 kg (1 seizure of 1 cylinder) Shipments mainly from Ukraine, Belarus and Russia to Poland Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders without customs declaration Seizure, re-export of the HFCs, in one case HFCs (239 kg of HFC-134a) seized for a penal case
Poland 74 10 2023 12 December, 2022 HFC-32 41.2 kg From China to Poland Violation of regulations 517/2014, false labelling. Corrective procedure: calling the entity to remove the deficiencies - to complete the data on the label.
Poland 49 10 2021 2020 HFC-134a 366.9 kg (12 seizures of 23 cylinders) Shipments mainly from Ukraine, Belarus and Russia to Poland Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders without customs declaration Seizure, re-export of the HFCs, in one case HFCs (239 kg of HFC-134a) seized for a penal case
Poland 49 12 2021 2020 HFC-23 37 kg (2 seizures of 4 cylinders) Shipments mainly from Ukraine, Belarus and Russia to Poland Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders without customs declaration Seizure, re-export of the HFCs, in one case HFCs (239 kg of HFC-134a) seized for a penal case
Poland 49 13 2021 2020 R-410A 1,123 kg (3 seizures of 26 items of equipment and 104 cylinders) From China to Poland Import without compliant labelling Seizure The HFCs were released for free circulation following labelling of the cylinders and equipment as required by the EU F-gas legislation
Poland 49 13 2021 2020 R-407C 5,726 kg (3 seizures of 491 cylinders) From China to Poland Import without compliant labelling Seizure The HFCs were released for free circulation following labelling of the cylinders and equipment as required by the EU F-gas legislation
Poland 49 14 2021 2020 HFC-134a 10,446 kg (6 seizures of 16 pieces of equipment and 606 cylinders) From China to Poland Import without compliant labelling Seizure The HFCs were released for free circulation following labelling of the cylinders and equipment as required by the EU F-gas legislation
Poland 49 15 2021 2020 HFC-32 4,249 kg (11 seizures of 4,990 items of equipment) From China to Poland Import without compliant labelling Seizure The HFCs were released for free circulation following labelling of the cylinders and equipment as required by the EU F-gas legislation
Poland 49 16 2021 2020 HFC-227ea 1,660 kg (1 seizure of 1 cylinder) From China to Poland Import without compliant labelling Seizure The HFCs were released for free circulation following labelling of the cylinders and equipment as required by the EU F-gas legislation
Poland 14 49 2021 2020 HFC-134a 10,446 kg (6 seizures of 16 pieces of equipment and 606 cylinders) From China to Poland Import without compliant labelling Seizure The HFCs were released for free circulation following labelling of the cylinders and equipment as required by the EU F-gas legislation
Poland 13 49 2021 2020 R-410A 1,123 kg (3 seizures of 26 items of equipment and 104 cylinders) From China to Poland Import without compliant labelling Seizure The HFCs were released for free circulation following labelling of the cylinders and equipment as required by the EU F-gas legislation
Poland 8 157 2008/2009 2007 HCFC-22 14 kg A non-refillable gas cylinder was found on 11 May 2007 during customs control of a passenger car at the Polish-Ukrainian border. The car was not allowed to enter the European Community.
Poland 9 172 2007/2008 1 Jan to 31 Dec, 2005 CFC-12 150 kg Ukraine One person attempted to import freon gas in his private car from Ukraine to Poland. The suspect was not allowed to enter EC territory. Submitted to relevant authority for further processing.
Spain 38 0 2020 1st quarter of 2017 HCFC-22 5130 kg of used HCFC-22. From 2014 to 2017, shipped to Panama. No refrigerant was seized in Panama yet The arrested people were all based in Spain Operation Malvarma against illegal export of recovered refrigerants The Environmental Protection Service (SEPRONA) of the Spanish Guardia Civil in coordination with the Public Prosecutor on the Environment from the Prosecutor General's Office have conducted the following operations against illegal trade of ozone-depleting substances: By sea from Sagunto (Valencia) in Spain to the industrial estate El Sitio de Juan Diaz in Panama. By road from Sagunto (Valencia) to Valles (Tarragona) in Spain and then exported to France. In 2016, an organized criminal group (OCG) under the company name of FRIOGAS shipped 5130 kg of used HCFC-22 from Spain to Panama. The shipment took place by sea transport and was arranged by a Spanish waste management company based in Sagunto (Valencia), Spain. The import company was in the industrial estate El Sitio de Juan Diaz in Panama. The investigation resulted in the dismantling of the organized criminal group and the arrest of nine persons who were presented for illegal trafficking of HCFC-22. The export disobeyed European Union Regulation (EC) 1005/2009 on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, which imposes an export license for used ozone-depleting substances by European Commission. A court case was initiated and is still ongoing. A copy of the accusation document is available. The investigation also revealed offences within the Spanish waste management company in terms of lack of proper waste treatment in 9753 kg of used HCFC-22. In normal conditions of compliance with the law, the recovered gas was sent from the Spanish waste management company in Sagunto (Valencia) to another company in Valles (Tarragona), and then transported to France to the destruction in a waste elimination plant. But the investigation detected deviation from this legal procedure with the finding of illegal exports from Valencia to Panama It is regenerated HCFC-22 but according to the lack of proper equipment in the installation, it could not be of high quality. Therefore, not all the gas was sent to France to destruction, but there was an important quantity of gas that was illegally exported to Panama to the economic benefit of the Spanish company offended. Rule Judgment has to be seen, court case was initiated and is still ongoing The European Commission and the Montreal Protocol Focal Points in Spain and in Panama were informed but were not involved in the investigations. A copy of the accusation document is available, in Spanish, and we send some photo of the case, but mind that due to the exports had already taken place at the time of the investigation, there are no photos of R22 bottles seized.
Spain 61 1 2023 10 Sep, 2021 HFCs 1,600kg from Lithuania to Spain Criminal group composed of Lithuanian citizens had been illegally distributing HFCs in Spain. The F-gas was being illegally introduced (without a quota) through Lithuania and sent by road to Spain. Criminal procedure. Six people were arrested
Spain 38 1 2020 Seizure on 15 Feb, 2017 and inspection on 21 Feb, 2019 R-409A 1 unlabelled cylinder of 6 kg of an unknown refrigerant and 1 cylinder of 198 kg of R-409A (HCFC blend). Serial numbers 488584 and 360878 Spain internal Operation Cheiro against use of prohibited refrigerants in livestock farms Seizure location: Zamora region in Spain More than 180 inspections of refrigeration systems, milk tanks and compressors in livestock farms in the Zamora region showed that many of the old systems used prohibited ozone-depleting refrigerants, had false labels and were not registered in the Industry Registry. A Spanish contractor (service company) charged the farmers as if they had replaced the refrigerants, without having done it. The contractor certified that the installations were retrofitted to alternative refrigerants while they continued using prohibited refrigerants. The inspections identified several milk tanks and compressors containing CFC-12 or HCFC-22 refrigerants while the labelling showed HFC-424A. Some of the refrigerated tanks with HCFC-22 were for sale. Three individuals were arrested and condemned for fraud. A court case was initiated and is conducted by the Court of Instruction No. 3 of Zamora and the Prosecutor's Office of Zamora, among others for a crime of Article 348.1 of the Penal Code. This includes crimes against collective security for commercialization of gases that deplete the ozone layer. Photos of the seized refrigerant cylinders are available. The seizure of the unlabelled container with a type of gas inside with a weight of six (6) kilograms took place on February 15, 2017 in the warehouse of the company COGABE C.B. The content of the bottle sealed by GUARDIA CIVIL - SEPRONA has not been analysed so far. A new inspection was carried out in those facilities on February 21, 2019, verifying that the seized bottle is still there
Spain 38 2 2020 Sep 2016 CFC-11 and CFC-12 600 electronic items including 203 refrigerators Spain internal Operation against illegal handling of electronic and toxic waste Investigation: Soria region in Spain, two owners of a recycling company in Soria, Spain, which handled without authorization electronic and toxic waste including hundreds of end-of-life refrigerators, and which illegally released ozone-depleting and global warming refrigerants into the atmospheres. The illegal activity has been taking place since July 2013. As a result of the investigation, 600 electronic items including 203 refrigerators were confiscated at the specialized Public Prosecutor´s demand. The investigation also showed that more than 40 kg of mercury compounds were illegally dumped into the soil, and that chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) refrigerants R11 and R12 were illegally released into the atmosphere. Other toxic substances such as lead, cadmium, zinc were also found at the premises of the enterprise. In January 2015, the representative of the Public Prosecutor´s Office for the Protection of the Environment in Soria discovered significant amounts of electronic waste, along with other toxic substances, at the premises of the recycling company near Soria. The Environmental Unit of the Civil Guards, also known as SEPRONA, found out that the company was authorized to recycle non-dangerous waste, but not any electronic or toxic waste. The technical unit of the Public Prosecutor´s Office provided the necessary scientific support in the investigation. The recycling company was pledged guilty for all the prohibited substances illegal management and responsible convicted to two years imprisonment, three years interdiction of working in the recycling business and a daily fine to be paid during the period of 8 months.
Spain 61 2 2023 7 Jul, 2022 HFCs 110,000 Kg to Spain Criminal organization dedicated to illegally introducing and distributing F-gases in Spain used the modus operandi of declaring exports from Spanish custom´s warehouses to third countries, but the F-gas would actually remain in Spain. Criminal procedure. Thirty people were arrested (6 were sent to prison)
Spain 38 3 2020 2011 CFC-11; CFC-12 54.537,262 kg estimated emisions de CFCs Spain internal Operation against illegal handling of electronic and toxic waste Aragon region in Spain, two owners of two recycling companies, which managed deliberately wrong electronic and electric waste including thosends of end-of-life fridges 2007-2010, and which illegally released ozone-depleting and global warming refrigerants into the atmospheres. The illegal activity has been taking place since July 2007. Two responsible people of the recycling companies were pledged guilty for all the prohibited substances illegal management and first responsible convicted to two years imprisonment, three years interdiction of working in the recycling business and a daily fine to be paid during the period of 12 months. Second responsible convicted to 1 year imprisonment, 1 year interdiction of working in the recycling business and a daily fine to be paid during the period of 8 months.
Spain 61 3 2023 29 Jul, 2022 HFCs 7,924kg to Estonia and Spain Criminal organization composed of 4 people dedicated to illegally distributing F-gases in Spain were illegally introducing HFCs mainly through Spanish ports. Criminal procedure. Four people were arrested
Spain 61 4 2023 13 Sep, 2021 HFCs 4,969kg to Portugal Criminal organization dedicated to illegally introducing and distributing F-gases in Spain was illegally introducing HFCs (without a quota) through Portugal. Criminal procedure. Seven people arrested
Spain 38 4 2020 2017-2018 HFC-134a 1620 kg in estimated emisions Spain internal Operation against greenhouse gas emissions (Operation KIGALI) Inspections of recycling plants for end-of-life vehicles showed that two of them did not recover the HFC-134a refrigerant contained in the air-conditioning systems. The release of fluorinated gases in the atmosphere when is banned as per European Union’s F-gas Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 on Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases. The investigation detected irregularities in the recycling operations and illegal emissions of 1620 kg of HFC-134a..
Spain 38 5 2020 2016-2019 HFC-134a and CFC-12 76 MM tn CO2 Spain internal Operation against greenhouse gas emissions Inspections of recycling plants for end-of-life vehicles in car waste management companies in 3 regions, with HFC-134a and possible R12 from refrigerants contained in the air-conditioning systems. The release of fluorinated gases in the atmosphere when is banned as per European Union’s F-gas Regulation (EU) No 517/2014, on Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases, Directive of End of Life Vehicles and Regulation 1005/2009 on ODS. The investigation detected irregularities in the recycling operations 86 people arrested 30 companies involved
Spain 2 113 2017 2016 HCFC-22 During 2016 law enforcement agents carried out a total of 265 inspections of businesses using ODS. As a result 103 infringements and 2 crimes were detected.
Spain 2 114 2017 2014-2015 R-422 and HCFC-22 Waste ODSs were transported by road using courier companies, in unauthorized vehicles that were different from those identified in the original application for shipment authorization. The cases were sent to the local authorities.
Spain 2 115 2017 2013-2016 HCFC-22 37 tonnes Illegal Trade of HCFC-22 The investigation carried out by local authorities concluded that virgin HCFC-22 was traded illegally thus breaching the ODS licensing system. 17 people were arrested and 37 tonnes of R22 seized.
Spain 2 116 2017 2015 R-407 and HCFC-22 Spain, France and Portugal The Spanish Civil Guard participated in the operation to inspect and search for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and possible illegal CFCs purported to be exported outside the European Union. 24 people arrested, 11 of them charged. 348 fridges were seized along with 154 washing machines, 7332 kg of metal and WEEE, 8 cylinders of HCFC-22 and R-407.
Spain 2 117 2017 2015 HCFC-22 Customs authorities undertook 15 inspections in all the big establishments that already had equipment running with HCFC-22. 17 arrests were carried out for different infringements of the regulatory management of the refrigeration equipment.
Spain 2 118 2017 2015 HCFC-22 Spain and Morocco Collection of Wast Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) freezer operation in different provinces of Spain - Madrid, Toledo, Ciudad Real and Melilla by regional, local and state environmental authorities. This involved the collection of used freezers which were diverted and traded in the second hand market in Spain and Morocco instead of being sent to waste treatment plants. The WEEE was dismantled and set with parts of other WEEE to be placed in the market. 464 WEEE (mainly freezers) were seized and 24 people were arrested.
Spain 2 119 2017 2010-2011 CFC-12 and CFC-11 71Tonnes Shredding of fridges and other household appliances without ODS recovery. Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) was collected from the legal waste collection sites. Fridges were sent to scrapyards instead of waste treatment plants. Valuable pieces were extracted and the rest ended in shredding facilities without any ODS decontamination. 1300 fridges and 1000 compressors seized. Around 71 tonnes of ODS, amounting to 500.000 Tonnes of CO2 equivalents from 400fridges were managed irregularly, with an estimated 10 million euros in profit. As a result 59 people were arrested, prosecuted and sentenced by the Supreme Court.
Spain 2 120 2017 2013 CFC-12 and CFC-11 Collection of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) in the form of used fridges from a band of illegal traders operating in different provinces of Spain - Valencia, Alicante, Murcia y Málaga that were involved in diverting them to the second hand market in Spain and Morocco instead of sending the equipment to waste treatment plants. The WEEE were dismantled without any recovery of the ODS gas and the corresponding ODS emissions. 1739 fridges were seized during the operation and 178 people arrested.
Spain 9 176 2007/2008 1 Jan to 31 Dec 2005 HCFC-22 Unknown One case of illegal import of equipment with HCFC-22 foam. Unknown
Bulgaria 48 0 2021 7 Jan, 2020 HFC-134a, R-404A, R-410A, HFC-32 240.9 kg (7 cylinders x 13.6 kg of HFC-134a; 10 cylinders x 10.9 kg of R-404A; 2 cylinders x 11.35 kg of R-410A; 2 cylinders x 7 kg of HFC-32) From France to Bulgaria Disposable cylinders not declared were stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were hidden in a heavy duty vehicle. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 73 1 2023 28 June, 2022 HCFC-22 6 kg From Iraq to Netherlands An attempt to illegally import disposable bottle was intercepted by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The shipment was undeclared and was found in a heavy-duty vehicle. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 68 1 2023 5 June, 2019 R-404A, HFC-134a 604kg From Türkiye to Netherlands The shipment papers were incorrect, and the goods were not declared. The goods were seized and handed over to the State for subsequent destruction. An administrative procedure was initiated, and a penalty of 23,090 BGN (about 11,800 Euros) imposed. 50 non-refillable cylinders seized
Bulgaria 55 1 2022 15 Mar, 2021 HFC-134a (9 cylinders); R-410A (2 cylinders) 145 kg from Serbia to Bulgaria Disposable cylinders not declared were stopped at the Bulgarian-Serbian border (at Kalotina). The cylinders were found in a light duty vehicle. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 44 1 2020 18 Jan 2019 R-507A 3 cylinders x 11.3 kg to Bulgaria from North Macedonia An attempt of illegal import of 3 cylinders containing R-507A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-North Macedonian border (in Gyueshevo) on 18th January 2019. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 55 2 2022 19 June, 2021 HFC-134a 13.6 kg from Turkey to Romania Disposable cylinder not declared was stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Malko Tarnovo). The cylinder was found in the luggage compartment of a bus. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 73 2 2023 8 July, 2022 HCFC-22 40.8 kg From Serbia to Bulgaria An attempt to illegally import disposable bottles were intercepted by the Bulgarian customs at the Serbian-Bulgarian border (at Kalotina). The cylinders were found in the cab of the heavy-duty vehicle, behind the seat, on the bed. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 68 2 2023 10 December, 2019 HFC-32, R-404A 634.5 kg from Türkiye and China The shipment papers were incorrect, and the goods were not declared. Method of concealment: the goods were wrapped in black plastic bags and hidden amongst items of used furniture. The entire quantity was seized. 60 non-refillable cylinders
Bulgaria 44 2 2020 20 Jan 2019 HFC-134a 1 cylinder x 10 kg to Bulgaria from North Macedonia An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian- North Macedonian border (in Logodazh) on 20th January 2019. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 48 2 2021 14 Jan, 2020 HFC-134a 12 977 kg (966 cylinders) From Turkey to Hungary Disposable cylinders concealed between goods declared as auto parts in a heavy duty vehicle were stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). Both the smuggled goods and the truck were seized. Pre-trial proceedings have been initiated against the smuggler. No further information can be given at this stage.
Bulgaria 44 3 2020 30 Jan 2019 HFC-134a 1 cylinder x 13.6 kg to Bulgaria from North Macedonia An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian- North Macedonian border (in Gyueshevo) on 30th January 2019. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 48 3 2021 28 March, 2020 R-410A 22.6 kg (2 cylinders x 11.3 kg) From Turkey to Bulgaria Disposable cylinders not declared were stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were hidden in a heavy duty vehicle. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 55 3 2022 11 Aug, 2021 HFC-134a 13.6 kg from Turkey to Germany Disposable cylinder not declared was stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Lesovo). The cylinder was found among the personal luggage in a light duty vehicle. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 68 3 2023 14 January, 2020 HFC-134a 12,977.6 kg From Türkiye to Hungary The shipment papers were incorrect, and the goods were not declared and hidden amongst the declared goods. The case was referred to the prosecutor. The entire quantity was seized. 966 non-refillable cylinders
Bulgaria 73 3 2023 13 October, 2022 HCFC-22 and HFC-32 36 kg From Serbia to Bulgaria An attempt to illegally import disposable bottles were intercepted by the Bulgarian customs at the Serbian-Bulgarian border (at Kalotina). The disposable bottles were found in the trunk of the car. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 73 4 2023 11 January, 2022 R-449A 60 kg From Turkiye to Germany and France Disposable cylinders hidden in a heavy-duty vehicle were stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 48 4 2021 05 May, 2020 R-404A 196kg (20 cylinders x 9.8 kg) From Turkey to Bulgaria Disposable cylinders hidden in a heavy duty vehicle were stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 55 4 2022 6 Aug, 2021 R-404A 10 kg from Turkey to Germany Non-disposable cylinder not declared was stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Lesovo). The cylinder was found in the cargo compartment /plug/ of a heavy duty vehicle. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 68 4 2023 5 May, 2020 R-404A, HFC-134a 490kg From Türkiye to Germany and Netherlands The shipment papers were incorrect, and the goods were not declared and hidden amongst the declared goods. The goods were seized and handed over to the State for subsequent destruction. An administrative procedure was initiated, and a penalty of 14,530 BGN (about 7,265 Euros) imposed. 40 non-refillable cylinders seized
Bulgaria 44 4 2020 7 Feb 2019 HCFC-22 981 cylinders, total 13,342 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey The goods were declared under transit regime T1. They were stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Lesovo) on 7th February 2019. In the transit declaration was written that the goods final destination was Romania. The goods were declared with tariff code 290339 in the declaration. The Regional inspectorate of environment and water - Burgas (the controlling body) issued statement that the goods are banned and should be destroyed. The goods were re-exported to Turkey in correspondence with a prosecutor's decision.
Bulgaria 55 5 2022 7 July, 2021 HFC-134a 13,6 kg from Turkey to Bulgaria Disposable cylinder not declared was stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Lesovo). The cylinder was found among the personal luggage in a light duty vehicle. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 44 5 2020 16 Feb 2019 HFC-134a; R-404A; R-407C 550 cylinders of HFC-134a, 336 cylinders of R-404A 50 cylinders of R-407C. Total amount is 10,707 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey The refrigerants were misdeclared as wood pellets with HS code 440131. They were stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Lesovo) on 16th February 2019. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities. Pre-trial proceedings were initiated.
Bulgaria 68 5 2023 30 March, 2021 HFC-134a 2,880kg From Türkiye to Belgium The cylinders were not labelled and were declared as empty containers for compressed or liquefied gas, of iron or steel. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. An administrative procedure was initiated, and a penalty of 49289 BGN (about 24644 EUR) imposed. 240 refillable cylinders
Bulgaria 73 5 2023 15 February, 2022 R-448А 10 kg From Turkiye to Germany Disposable cylinder hidden in a heavy-duty vehicle was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 48 5 2021 06 May, 2020 HFC-134a and R-404A 490kg (20 cylinders x 13.6 kg of HFC-134a, 20 cylinders x 10.9 kg of R-404A) From Turkey to Bulgaria Disposable cylinders hidden in a heavy duty vehicle were stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 44 6 2020 31 Mar 2019 HFC-134a 3 cylinders x 13.6 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 3 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Lesovo) on 31st March 2019. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 48 6 2021 11 May, 2020 HFC-134a 340kg (25 cylinders x 13.6 kg) From Turkey to Germany Disposable cylinders hidden in a heavy duty vehicle were stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 73 6 2023 22 February, 2022 R-404А 545 kg From Turkiye to UK Disposable cylinders hidden in a heavy-duty vehicle were stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 55 6 2022 5 July, 2021 HFC-134a 13.6 kg from Turkey to Bulgaria Disposable cylinder not declared was stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Lesovo). The cylinder was found in the luggage compartment of a light duty vehicle. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 73 7 2023 11 March, 2022 R-448А 10 kg From Turkiye to France Disposable cylinder hidden in a heavy-duty vehicle was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 48 7 2021 24 May, 2020 R-404A 32.7 kg (3 cylinders x 10.9 kg) From Turkey to Bulgaria Disposable cylinders not declared were stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were hidden in a heavy duty vehicle. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 44 7 2020 1 Apr 2019 HFC-134a; R-404A 48 bottles of HFC-134a and 48 bottles of R-404A = total 96 bottles/1,123 kg from Bulgaria to Turkey The bottles were discovered in the back compartment of a vehicle. The refrigerants were not declared. The seizure took place at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 1st April 2019. The bottles were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. Act on the establishment of an administrative offence against a physical person was issued.
Bulgaria 55 7 2022 4 July, 2021 R-410A 27.2 kg from Turkey to Romania Disposable cylinders not declared were stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Lesovo). The cylinders were found in the luggage compartment of a light duty vehicle. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 48 8 2021 24 May, 2020 HFC-134a 13.6 kg (1 cylinder) From Turkey to Bulgaria Disposable cylinder not declared was stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were hidden in a heavy duty vehicle. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 44 8 2020 6 Apr 2019 R-404A 1 cylinder x 9.8 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Malko Tarnovo) on 6th April 2019. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 55 8 2022 4 July, 2021 R-410A 13.6 kg from Turkey to Romania Disposable cylinder not declared was stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Lesovo). The cylinder was found in the luggage compartment of a light duty vehicle. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 73 8 2023 21 April, 2022 HFC-134a 27.2kg From Turkiye to Bulgaria Disposable cylinders hidden in a light duty vehicle were stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 44 9 2020 4 May 2019 HFC-134a 1 cylinder x 13.6 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 4th May 2019. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 55 9 2022 7 Dec, 2021 R-410А 60 kg from Turkey to Germany Disposable cylinders not declared were stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were found in the cargo compartment /plug/ of a heavy duty vehicle. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 73 9 2023 29 April, 2022 HFC-134a 13.6 kg From Turkiye to Belgium Disposable cylinder hidden in a heavy-duty vehicle was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 48 9 2021 25 May, 2020 R-452A 20 kg (2 cylinders x 10 kg) From Turkey to Hungary Disposable cylinders not declared were stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were hidden in a heavy duty vehicle. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 9 2019 29 Apr, 2018 R-404A 5 cylinders x 10.9 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 5 cylinders containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 19 April 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 48 10 2021 8 June, 2020 HFC-134a 13.6 kg (1 cylinder) From Turkey to Germany Disposable cylinder not declared was stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinder was hidden in a heavy duty vehicle. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 10 2019 25 Mar, 2018 R-404A 2 cylinders x 10.9 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 25th March 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Bulgarian citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 44 10 2020 12 May 2019 R-449A 3 cylinders x 10 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 3 cylinders containing R-449A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 12th May 2019. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 55 10 2022 20 Nov, 2021 R-448A 60 kg from Turkey to Great Britain Cylinders not declared were stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were found in the cargo compartment /plug/ of a heavy duty vehicle. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 73 10 2023 29 April, 2022 HFC-134a 27.2 kg From Turkiye to Germany Disposable cylinders hidden in a light duty vehicle were stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 55 11 2022 15 Oct, 2021 R-404А 21.8 kg from Turkey to Germany Disposable cylinders not declared were stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were found in the cargo compartment /plug/ of a heavy duty vehicle. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 48 11 2021 8 June, 2020 HFC-134a 13.6 kg (1 cylinder) From Turkey to Germany Disposable cylinder not declared was stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinder was hidden in a heavy duty vehicle. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 44 11 2020 13 May 2019 HFC-134a 1 cylinder x 13.6 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 13th May 2019. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 73 11 2023 10 May, 2022 HFC-134a 13.6 kg From Turkiye to Germany Disposable cylinder hidden in a heavy-duty vehicle was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 33 11 2019 25 Mar 2018 R-404A 2 cylinders x 10.9 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 25th March 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Bulgarian citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 73 12 2023 22 May, 2022 HFC-134a 27.2 kg From Turkiye to Ukraine Disposable cylinders hidden in a bus were stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Malko Tarnovo). The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 44 12 2020 20 May 2019 HFC-134a 1 cylinder x 13.6 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 20th May 2019. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 48 12 2021 15 June, 2020 HFC-134a 13.6 kg (1 cylinder) From Turkey to Germany Disposable cylinder not declared was stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinder was hidden in a light duty vehicle. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 12 2019 15 Apr, 2018 HFC-134a and R-404A 1 cylinder HFC-134a x 13.6 kg, and 1 cylinder R-404A x 9.8 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing HFC-134a and 1 cylinder containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 15th April 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Bulgarian citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 55 12 2022 26 Sept, 2021 R-404А 21.8 kg from Turkey to Germany Disposable cylinders not declared were stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were found in the cargo compartment /plug/ of a heavy duty vehicle. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 55 13 2022 4 Sept, 2021 HFC-134a 27.2 kg from Turkey to France Disposable cylinders not declared were stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were found among the personal luggage of a light duty vehicle. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 48 13 2021 20 June, 2020 R-448A 50 kg (5 cylinders x 10 kg) From Turkey to Austria Disposable cylinders not declared were stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were hidden in a heavy duty vehicle. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 13 2019 29 Apr, 2018 HFC-134a 1 cylinder HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 29th April 2018. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Bulgarian citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 73 13 2023 7 June, 2022 HFC-134a 27.2 kg From Turkiye to Austria Disposable cylinders hidden in a van were stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 44 13 2020 26 May 2019 HFC-134a; R-404A 17 cylinders of HFC-134a x 13.6 kg and 10 cylinders of R-404A x 9.8 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 17 cylinders containing HFC-134a and 10 cylinders containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Malko Tarnovo) on 26th May 2019. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 55 14 2022 1 Sept, 2021 HFC-134a 27.2 kg from Turkey to Germany Disposable cylinders not declared were stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were found among the personal luggage of a light duty vehicle. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 73 14 2023 7 June, 2022 R-404А 10.9 kg From Turkiye to Norway Disposable cylinder hidden in a heavy-duty vehicle was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 33 14 2019 08 Dec, 2018 R-404A 1 cylinder R-404A x 10.9 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 8th December 2018. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 44 14 2020 26 May 2019 HFC-134a 2 cylinders x 13.6 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Malko Tarnovo) on 26th May 2019. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 48 14 2021 05 Sept, 2020 HFC-134a and R-404A 24.5 kg (1 cylinder x 13.6 kg of HFC-134a; 1 cylinder x 10.9 kg of R-404A) From Turkey to Germany Disposable cylinders hidden in a light duty vehicle were stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 15 2019 17 Dec, 2018 R-404A 2 cylinders R-404A x 10.9 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 17th December 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 48 15 2021 06 Sept, 2020 R-410A and R-404A 19.6 kg (1 cylinder x 9.8 kg of R-410A; 1 cylinder x 9.8 kg of R-404A) From Turkey to Bulgaria Disposable cylinders hidden in a light duty vehicle were stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was issued a sanction in correspondence with the law. The seizure and the sanction have not been confirmed by the court.
Bulgaria 44 15 2020 26 May 2019 R-407C 11 cylinders x 11.35 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 11 cylinders containing R-407C was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 26th May 2019. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 73 15 2023 11 June, 2022 HFC-134a 54.4 kg From Turkiye to Bulgaria Disposable cylinders hidden in a light duty vehicle were stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Malko Tarnovo). The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 33 16 2019 16 Dec, 2018 R-404A 1 cylinder R-404A x 10.9 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 16th December 2018. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 48 16 2021 14 Sept, 2020 HFC-134a 40.8 kg (3 cylinders x 13.6 kg) From Turkey to France Disposable cylinders hidden in a heavy duty vehicle were stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 44 16 2020 31 May 2019 HFC-134a 86 cylinders x 13.6 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 86 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 31st May 2019. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law. The fine paid is 40,420 Bulgarian lev (eq. 20,210 EUR).
Bulgaria 73 16 2023 20 June, 2022 HFC-134a 27.2 kg From Turkiye to Bulgaria Disposable cylinders hidden in a light duty vehicle were stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Malko Tarnovo). The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 55 16 2022 24 Aug, 2021 R-404А 10.9 kg from Turkey to Bulgaria Disposable cylinder not declared was stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinder was found among the personal luggage of a light duty vehicle. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 48 17 2021 16 Sept, 2020 R-404A 10.9 kg (1 cylinder) From Turkey to Netherlands Disposable cylinder not declared was stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinder was hidden in a heavy duty vehicle. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 73 17 2023 8 July, 2022 R-404А 21.8 kg From Turkiye to Bulgaria Disposable cylinders hidden in a light duty vehicle were stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Lesovo). The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 44 17 2020 2 Jun 2019 R-404A 1 cylinder x 10.9 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 2nd June 2019. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 55 17 2022 10 Aug, 2021 HFC-134a; R-410A; R-407C; R-404A 114.1 kg from Iraq to Great Britain Disposable cylinders not declared were stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were found in the cargo compartment of a heavy duty vehicle. The cylinders are stored by the customs authorities. The pre-trail proceedings were terminated.
Bulgaria 33 17 2019 13 Jun, 2018 HFC-134a 40 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 40 cylinders containing HCF-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 13th June 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 55 18 2022 2 Aug, 2021 R-404А 26.8 kg from Turkey to Bulgaria Disposable cylinders not declared were stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders ware found in the luggage compartment of a bus. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 44 18 2020 6 Jun 2019 HFC-134a and R-404A 30 cylinders of HFC-134a x 13.6 kg and 20 cylinders of R-404A x 9.8 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 30 cylinders containing HFC-134a and 20 cylinders containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 6th June 2019. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law. The fine paid is 23,090 Bulgarian lev (11,545 EUR).
Bulgaria 73 18 2023 26 July, 2022 HFC-134a, R-410A, R-407C, R-404A 92.3 kg From Iraq to UK Disposable cylinders hidden in a heavy-duty vehicle were stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 48 18 2021 4 Oct, 2020 R-448A 12.3 kg (1 cylinder) From Turkey to Belgium Disposable cylinder not declared was stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinder was hidden in a heavy duty vehicle. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law
Bulgaria 33 18 2019 15 Dec, 2018 R-404A 2 cylinders R-404A x 10.9 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 15th December 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Bulgarian citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 48 19 2021 08 Oct, 2020 R-404A 98 kg (10 cylinders x 9.8 kg) From Turkey to Germany Disposable cylinders hidden in a heavy duty vehicle were stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 19 2019 10 Apr, 2018 HFC-134a 1 cylinder HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 10th April 2018. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 55 19 2022 13 June, 2021 R-404А 9.8 kg from Turkey to Bulgaria Disposable cylinder not declared was stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinder was found among the personal luggage of a light duty vehicle. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 44 19 2020 7 Jun 2019 HFC-134a 6 cylinders x 13.6 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 6 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 7th June 2019. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 73 19 2023 2 August, 2022 HFC-134a 27.2 kg From Turkiye to Germany Disposable cylinders hidden in a heavy-duty vehicle were stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 33 20 2019 05 Jun, 2018 R-404A 3 cylinders R-404A x 10.9 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 3 cylinders containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 5th June 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 44 20 2020 8 Jun 2019 R-507A 1 cylinder x 11.35 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing R-507A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 8th June 2019. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 73 20 2023 9 August, 2022 R-404А 19.6 kg From Turkiye to France Disposable cylinders hidden in a heavy-duty vehicle were stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 55 20 2021 13 June, 2021 R-404A 65.4 kg from Turkey to France Disposable cylinders not declared were stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were found in the cargo compartment /plug/ of a heavy duty vehicle. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 48 20 2021 15 Oct, 2020 R-404A 10.9 kg (1 cylinder) From Turkey to Netherlands Disposable cylinder not declared was stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinder was hidden in a heavy duty vehicle. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 48 21 2021 15 Oct, 2020 R-404A 10.9 kg (1 cylinder) From Turkey to Germany Disposable cylinder not declared was stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinder was hidden in a heavy duty vehicle. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 73 21 2023 31 August, 2022 HFC-134a 49 kg From Turkiye to Bulgaria Disposable cylinders hidden in a van were stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 55 21 2022 17 Apr, 2021 R-410A 7,400 kg from Turkey to Germany Cylinders not declared were stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were found in the cargo compartment /plug/ of a heavy duty vehicle. A penal decree was issued according to which the cylinders have to be returned. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 21 2019 10 Jun, 2018 HFC-134a 7 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 7 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 10th June 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 44 21 2020 9 Jun 2019 HFC-134a 1 cylinder x 13.6 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 9th June 2019. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 48 22 2021 23 Dec, 2020 R-410A 40 kg (4 cylinders x 10 kg) From Turkey to Montenegro Disposable cylinders not declared were stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were hidden in a heavy duty vehicle. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 48 22 2021 03 Nov, 2020 HFC-134a 13.6 kg (1 cylinder) From Turkey to Bulgaria Disposable cylinder hidden in a heavy duty vehicle was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 73 22 2023 31 August, 2022 R-404А 29.4 kg From Turkiye to France Disposable cylinders hidden in a heavy-duty vehicle were stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 44 22 2020 27 Jun 2019 R-410A 1 cylinder x 11.3 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing R-410a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kalotina) on 27th June 2019. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 22 2019 13 Jul, 2018 R-404A 28 cylinders R-404A x 10.9 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 28 cylinders containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 13th July 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 55 22 2022 8 Apr, 2021 HFC-134a 13.6 kg from Turkey to Bulgaria Disposable cylinder not declared was stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinder was found in the cab of a heavy duty vehicle. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 48 23 2021 23 Dec, 2020 R-410A 40 kg (4 cylinders x 10 kg) From Turkey to Montenegro Disposable cylinders not declared were stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were hidden in a heavy duty vehicle. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 23 2019 07 Aug, 2018 R-404A, HFC-134a, and R-410A 10 cylinders R-404A x 10.9 kg, 10 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg, 1 cylinder R-410A x 11.4 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 10 cylinders containing R-404A, 10 cylinders containing HFC-134a and 1 cylinder containing R-410A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 7th August 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 73 23 2023 13 September, 2022 HFC-134a 13.6 kg From Turkiye to UK Disposable cylinder hidden in a heavy-duty vehicle was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 55 23 2022 30 Mar, 2021 HFC-134a 2,880 kg from Turkey to Belgium Non-disposable cylinders not declared were stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were found in the cargo compartment /plug/ of a heavy duty vehicle. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 44 23 2020 3 Jul 2019 HCFC-22 1 cylinder x 13.6 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing HCFC-22 was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Malko Tarnovo) on 3rd July 2019. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 55 24 2022 24 Mar, 2021 R-410А 22.6 kg from Turkey to Germany Disposable cylinders not declared were stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were found in the cargo compartment /plug/ of a heavy duty vehicle. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 73 24 2023 5 October, 2022 R-404А 10.9 kg From Turkiye to Bulgaria Disposable cylinder hidden in a light duty vehicle was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 44 24 2020 7 Jul 2019 R-404A 2 cylinders x 10.9 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 7th August 2019. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 24 2019 03 Jun, 2018 HFC-134a 2 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 3rd June 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Bulgarian citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 25 2019 11 Jun, 2018 HFC-134a and R-410A 2 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg, 1 cylinder R-410A x 11.3 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing HFC-134a and 1 cylinder containing R-410A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 11th June 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Bulgarian citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 73 25 2023 13 October, 2022 R-404А 100 kg From Turkiye to Bulgaria Disposable cylinders hidden in a light duty vehicle were stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 44 25 2020 8 Jul 2019 HFC-134a 2 cylinders x 13.6 kg to Bulgaria from Serbia An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Serbian border (in Kalotina) on 8th August 2019. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 48 25 2021 07 Jan 2020 HFC-134a 13.6 kg (1 cylinder) From Turkey to Bulgaria Disposable cylinder hidden in the luggage compartment of a light duty vehicle was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Malko Tarnovo). The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 55 25 2022 9 Mar, 2021 HFC-134a 13.6 kg from Turkey to Romania Disposable cylinder not declared was stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinder was found in a bus. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 26 2019 09 Jul, 2018 R-404A 40 cylinders R-404A x 10.9 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 40 cylinders containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 9th July 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Bulgarian citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 44 26 2020 8 Jul 2019 HFC-134a 4 cylinders x 13.6 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 4 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 8th July 2019. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 48 26 2021 07 Jan, 2020 HFC-134a 13.6 kg (1 cylinder) From Turkey to Bulgaria Disposable cylinder hidden in the luggage compartment of a light duty vehicle was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Malko Tarnovo). The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 48 26 2021 30 Jan, 2020 HFC-134a 27.2 kg (2 cylinders x 13.6 kg) From Turkey to Romania Disposable cylinders hidden in the luggage compartment of an autobus were stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Lesovo). The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 55 26 2022 5 Mar, 2021 R-448А 50 kg from Turkey to Germany Disposable cylinders not declared were stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were found in the cargo compartment /plug/ of a heavy duty vehicle. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 73 26 2023 18 October, 2022 HFC-134a 54.4 kg From Turkiye to Germany Disposable cylinders hidden in a light duty vehicle were stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 33 27 2019 09 Nov, 2018 R-404A 1 cylinder R-404A x 9.8 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 9th November 2018. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 48 27 2021 15 Sept, 2020 HFC-134a 22.6 kg (2 cylinders x 11.3 kg) From Serbia to Bulgaria Reusable cylinders hidden in a heavy duty vehicle were stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kalotina). The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 73 27 2023 25 October, 2022 HFC-134a 27.2 kg From Turkiye to Poland Disposable cylinders hidden in a heavy-duty vehicle were stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 44 27 2020 10 Jul 2019 R-404A 1 cylinder x 9.8 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 10th August 2019. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 28 2019 27 Jul, 2018 HFC-134a 1 cylinder HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 27th July 2018. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 73 28 2023 25 October, 2022 HFC-134a 27.24 kg From Turkiye to Bulgaria Disposable cylinders hidden in a light duty vehicle were stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 48 28 2021 29 Dec, 2020 HFC-134a, R-404A, HFC-32 90.7 kg (2 cylinders x 13.6 kg of HFC-134a; 5 cylinders x 10.9 kg of R-404A; 1 cylinder x 9 kg of HFC-32) From Serbia to Bulgaria Disposable cylinders hidden in the driver’s cabin of a heavy duty vehicle were stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kalotina). The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 44 28 2020 13 Jul 2019 HFC-134a 1 cylinder x 13.6 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 8th July 2019. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 48 29 2021 08 July, 2019 HFC-134a 13.6 kg (1 cylinder) From North Macedonia to Bulgaria Disposable cylinder hidden in the luggage compartment of an automobile was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-North Macedonian border (at Blagoevgrad). The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law. The sanction was imposed in 2020 following decision by a court.
Bulgaria 33 29 2019 01 Jul, 2018 HFC-134a 4 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 4 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 1st July 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 73 29 2023 2 November, 2022 R-404A 10 kg From Turkiye to Bulgaria Disposable cylinder declared was stopped at the Bulgarian-Serbia border (at Bregovo). The cylinder was hidden in a light duty vehicle. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner.
Bulgaria 44 29 2020 18 Jul 2019 R-404A 3 cylinders x 10.9 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 3 cylinders containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 18th July 2019. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 73 30 2023 1 May, 2022 HFC (the fluorinated greenhouse gas was not identified) 770 kg From Serbia to Turkiye Disposable cylinders were hidden in a autobus, on the right hand side in the direction of travel, in the third section of the cargo compartment, before the rear door. The cylinders were stopped at Kalotina. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 44 30 2020 18 Jul 2019 HFC-134a 2 cylinders x 13.6 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 18th July 2019. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 30 2019 15 Aug, 2018 R-410A 2 cylinders R-410A x 11.3 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing R-410A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 15th August 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Bulgarian citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 31 2019 06 Sep, 2018 HFC-134a 2 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 6th September 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 44 31 2020 24 Jul 2019 HFC-134a 1 cylinder x 13.6 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Lesovo) on 24th July 2019. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 73 31 2023 30 May, 2022 HFC-134a 54.4 kg From not identified destination to Bulgaria Four pcs. bottles, with one valve and refillable, labelled REFRIGERANT R134A were hidden in the trunk of the car, under the decorative bark, in the place of the spare tire. They were stopped at Kalotina. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 44 32 2020 26 Jul 2019 R-404A 1 cylinder x 10.9 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 26th July 2019. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 73 32 2023 28 August, 2022 R-507A 56.5 kg From not identified destination to Bulgaria Five pcs. bottles (11.3 kg each) containing freon gas R507A, marked GLOBAL were hidden in the trunk of the car. They were stopped at Kalotina. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 33 32 2019 18 Sep, 2018 R-404A and HFC-134a 6 cylinders R-404A x 9.8 kg, 2 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 6 cylinders containing R-404A and 2 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 18th September 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 73 33 2023 17 October, 2022 HFC-134a 27.2 kg From Serbia to Bulgaria Two pcs. bottles (13.6 kg each) were hidden in the cab of the heavy-duty vehicle, behind the seat, on the bed. They were stopped at Kalotina. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 44 33 2020 28 Jul 2019 R-404A 10 cylinders x 9.8 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 10 cylinders containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 28th July 2019. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 33 2019 15 May, 2018 HCFC-22 and HFC-134a 6 cylinders HCFC-22 x 13.6 kg, 4 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 6 cylinders containing HCFC-22 and 4 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 15th May 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 44 34 2020 31 Jul 2019 R-404A 3 cylinders x 11 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 3 cylinders containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 31th July 2019. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 34 2019 14 May, 2018 HFC-134a 1 cylinder HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 14th May 2018. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 73 34 2023 21 October, 2022 R-410A, R-404A, R-407C, HFC-32 51.5 kg From not identified destination to Bulgaria Disposable cylinders were hidden between the front and back seats of the car, under clothing. They were stopped at Kalotina. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in accordance to the law.
Bulgaria 44 35 2020 6 Aug 2019 R-404A 2 cylinders x 10.9 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 6th August 2019. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 35 2019 13 May, 2018 HFC-134a 1 cylinder HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 13th May 2018. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 36 2019 09 May, 2019 HFC-134a 2 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 9th May 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 44 36 2020 4 Sep 2019 CFC-12 4 cylinders x 13.6 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 4 cylinders containing CFC-12 was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 4th September 2019. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 44 37 2020 14 Sep 2019 HFC-134a 2 cylinders x 13.6 kg to Bulgaria from Serbia An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Serbian border (in Kalotina) on 14th September 2019. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 37 2019 08 May, 2018 HFC-134a 1 cylinder HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 8th May 2018. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 44 38 2020 30 Sep 2019 R-404A 3 cylinders x 10.9 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 3 cylinders containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 30th September 2019. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 38 2019 05 May, 2018 HFC-134a 2 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 5th May 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 39 2019 05 May, 2018 HFC-134a 1 cylinder HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 5th May 2018. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 44 39 2020 1 Oct 2019 R-404A 1 cylinder x 10.9 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 1st October 2019. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 40 2019 05 May, 2018 HCFC-22 and R-404A 1 cylinder HCFC-22 x 13.6 kg, 1 cylinder R-404A x 10.9 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing HCFC-22 and 1 cylinder containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 5th May 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 44 40 2020 3 Oct 2019 HFC-134a 2 cylinders x 13.6 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Lesovo) on 3rd October 2019. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 41 2019 05 May, 2018 HFC-134a 3 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 3 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 5th May 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 44 41 2020 17 Oct 2019 R-404A 2 cylinders x 10.9 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 17th October 2019. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 44 42 2020 22 Oct 2019 R-404A 1 cylinder x 10.9 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 22nd October 2019. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 42 2019 27 Apr, 2018 HFC-134a 2 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 27th April 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 43 2019 14 Apr, 2018 R-404A 3 cylinders R-404A x 10.9 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 3 cylinders containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 14th April 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 44 43 2020 27 Oct 2019 R-404A 5 cylinders x 10.9 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 5 cylinders containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 27th October 2019. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 44 2019 17 Jul, 2018 HFC-134a 12 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 12 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 17th July 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 44 44 2020 6 Nov 2019 HFC-134a 4 cylinders x 13.6 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 4 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 6th November 2019. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 44 45 2020 12 Nov 2019 HCFC-22 1 cylinder x 0.195 m3 to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing HCFC-22 was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Lesovo) on 12th November 2019. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 45 2019 25 Jun, 2018 R-404A 4 cylinders R-404A x 10.9 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 4 cylinders containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 25th June 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 46 2019 20 Jun, 2018 HFC-134a 15 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 15 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 20th June 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 44 46 2020 15 Nov 2019 HFC-134a 1 cylinder x 13.6 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Malko Tarnovo) on 15th November 2019. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 47 2019 08 Jun, 2018 HFC-134a 5 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 5 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 8th June 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The person who breached the law is unknown.
Bulgaria 44 47 2020 21 Nov 2019 R-410A 2 cylinders x 11.3 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing R-410A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 21st November 2019. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 24 48 2021 23 Dec, 2020 R-410A 40 kg 4 cylinders x 10 kg Montenegro/Turkey Disposable cylinders not declared were stopped at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Kapitan Andreevo). The cylinders were hidden in a heavy duty vehicle. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 25 48 2021 07 Jan, 2020 HFC-134a and R-404A 13.6 kg 1 cylinder Bulgaria/Turkey Disposable cylinder hidden in the luggage compartment of a light duty vehicle was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (at Malko Tarnovo). The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 44 48 2020 10 Dec 2019 HFC-32 and R-404A 5 cylinders of HFC-32 x 7 kg and 55 cylinders of R-404A x 10.9 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 5 cylinders containing HFC-32 and 55 cylinders containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Malko Tarnovo) on 10th December 2019. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. Pre-trial proceedings were initiated.
Bulgaria 33 48 2019 19 Aug, 2018 HFC-134a 1 cylinder HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 19th August 2018. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 44 49 2020 19 Dec 2019 R-404A 1 cylinder x 11.3 kg to Bulgaria from Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Malko Tarnovo) on 29th December 2019. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and planned to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law or dealt with in another lawful manner. The driver was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 49 2019 14 Aug, 2018 HFC-134a 1 cylinder HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 14th August 2018. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 50 2019 10 Aug, 2018 HFC-134a 2 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 10th August 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 51 2019 05 Aug, 2018 HFC-134a 3 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 3 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 15th August 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 52 2019 02 Aug, 2018 HFC-134a 2 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 2nd August 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 53 2019 02 Jul, 2018 HFC-134a 4 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 4 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 2nd July 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 54 2019 01 Jul, 2018 HFC-134a 10 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 10 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 1st July 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 55 2019 21 Apr, 2018 R-404A 1 cylinder R-404A x 9.8 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 21th April 2018. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Bulgarian citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 56 2019 05 Nov, 2018 HFC-134a 6 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 6 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 5th November 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 57 2019 08 Nov, 2018 R-404A 1 cylinder R-404A x 9.8 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 8th November 2018. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Bulgarian citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 58 2019 13 May, 2018 HFC-134a 1 cylinder HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 13th May 2018. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Bulgarian citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 59 2019 15 Jul, 2018 R-410A 4 cylinders R-410A x 11.35 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 4 cylinders containing R-410A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 15th July 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 60 2019 14 Jul, 2018 HFC-134a 2 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 14th July 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 61 2019 29 Aug, 2018 HFC-134a 1 cylinder HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 29th August 2018. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Bulgarian citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 62 2019 06 Aug, 2018 HFC-134a 2 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 6th August 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 63 2019 30 Aug, 2018 HFC-134a 2 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 30th August 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 64 2019 09 Apr, 2018 R-404A and HFC-134a 4 cylinders R-404A x 10.9 kg, 4 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 4 cylinders containing R-404A and 4 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 9th April 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 65 2019 25 May, 2018 HFC-134a 5 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 5 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 25th May 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 66 2019 05 May, 2018 HFC-134a 4 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 4 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 5th May 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 67 2019 18 Sep, 2018 HFC-134a 4 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 4 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 18th September 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 68 2019 27 May, 2018 HFC-134a 2 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 27th May 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 69 2019 25 May, 2018 HFC-134a 20 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 20 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 25th May 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 70 2019 25 May, 2018 R-404A 2 cylinders R-404A x 9.8 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 25th May 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 71 2019 19 May, 2018 HFC-134a 2 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 19th May 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 72 2019 18 May, 2018 HFC-134a 1 cylinder HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 18th May 2018. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Bulgarian citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 73 2019 18 May, 2018 R-404A 1 cylinder R-404A x 9.8 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 18th May 2018. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Bulgarian citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 74 2019 04 Dec, 2018 HFC-134a 1 cylinder HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 4th December 2018. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Bulgarian citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 75 2019 04 Dec, 2018 R-404A 1 cylinder R-404A x 9.8 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 4th December 2018. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Bulgarian citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 76 2019 01 Nov, 2018 HFC-134a 2 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 1st November 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Bulgarian citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 77 2019 05 Jul, 2018 HFC-134a 2 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 5th July 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Bulgarian citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 78 2019 13 May, 2018 HFC-134a 2 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 13th May 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Bulgarian citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 79 2019 25 Jul, 2018 R-404A 3 cylinders R-404A x 9.8 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 3 cylinders containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 25th July 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 80 2019 24 Jul, 2018 R-404A 2 cylinders R-404A x 9.8 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 24th July 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 81 2019 24 Jul, 2018 HFC-134a 1 cylinder HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 24th July 2018. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Bulgarian citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 82 2019 25 Jul, 2018 R-404A 1 cylinder R-404A x 9.8 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing R-404A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 25th July 2018. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Bulgarian citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 83 2019 11Jul, 2018 R-410A 5 cylinders R-410A x 11.3 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 5 cylinders containing R-410A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 11th July 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 84 2019 17 May, 2018 HFC-134a 2 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 2 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 17th May 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Bulgarian citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 85 2019 24 May, 2018 HFC-134a 50 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 50 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 24th May 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Bulgarian citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 86 2019 27 May, 2018 HFC-134a 9 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 9 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Lesovo) on 27th May 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Moldovan citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 87 2019 03 Jul, 2018 R-410A 35 cylinders R-410A x 11.3 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 35 cylinders containing R-410A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Lesovo) on 3rd July 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 88 2019 09 Aug, 2018 R-407C and HFC-134a 1 cylinder R-407C x 11.35 kg, 1 cylinder HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing R-407C and 1 cylinder containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Lesovo) on 9th August 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Turkish citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 89 2019 12 Aug, 2018 R-410A 3 cylinders R-410A x 9.8 kg Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 3 cylinders containing R-410A was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Lesovo) on 12th August 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Bulgarian citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 90 2019 20 Jun, 2018 R-404A and HFC-134a 1 cylinder R-404A x 10.9 kg, 1 cylinder HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Serbia An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing R-404A and 1 cylinder containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Serbian border (in Kalotina) on 20th June 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Bulgarian citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 91 2019 20 Jun, 2018 HFC-134a 4 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Serbia An attempt of illegal import of 4 cylinders containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Serbian border (in Kalotina) on 20th June 2018. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Bulgarian citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 92 2019 28 Jun, 2018 HFC-134a 1 cylinder HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Serbia An attempt of illegal import of 1 cylinder containing HFC-134a was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Serbian border (in Kalotina) on 20th June 2018. The cylinder was seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver, who is a Bulgarian citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 33 93 2019 19 Apr, 2018 HFC-134a 25 cylinders HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Bulgaria/Turkey Information about an illegal import of 25 cylinders containing HFC-134a was presented by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Romanian border (in Ruse). The goods were released on 19th April 2018 and according to the explanation given by the customs authorities were misleadingly declared as not falling under the prohibition for import of F-gases (code Y 926). On 18th June 2019 the company was issued an act on establishing of administrative violation for breaching Art.15 Regulation 517/2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases in correspondence with the Bulgarian national legislation.
Bulgaria 21 99 2018 2016 HCFC-22 5 cylinders Bulgaria/Turkey An attempt of illegal import of 5 cylinders containing R-22 was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Turkish border (in Kapitan Andreevo) on 11th November 2016. The cylinders were found in the cargo space of a bus travelling from Turkey to Bulgaria. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver of the bus, who is a Bulgarian citizen, was sanctioned in correspondence with the law.
Bulgaria 21 100 2018 2017 HCFC-22 300 cylinders Bulgaria/Serbia An attempt of an illegal import of 300 cylinders containing HCFC-22 was stopped by the Bulgarian customs at the Bulgarian-Serbian border (the Customs border point Vrushka Chuka) on 21th August 2017. The import was declared as transit with consignee a company on the territory of Varna. The cylinders were declared to the customs as containing R-600a. During the physical check of the goods performed by the customs it was found that they were labelled as R-22. Samples were taken from the containers and sent for laboratory analysis. The analysis confirmed that the content of the container was R-22. The cylinders were seized by the customs authorities and they were given directions to be destroyed in the facilities recommended by the law. The driver of the truck was sanctioned in correspondence with the law. The Bulgarian company that was declared as a consignee is presently being investigated on possible criminal action in correspondence with the Criminal code.
Bulgaria 8 141 2008/2009 2007 CFC-12 10 kg One bottle of CFC-12 was found on 27 June 2007 in a private car during a customs check at Vrashka Chuka, on the border between Bulgaria and Serbia. A fine was imposed under customs law. Entry of the product was denied.
United States of America 37 0 2019 2013 HCFC-22 22.9 MT China A person was accused in 2017 of entering into an agreement with a Chinese company to purchase HCFC-22, which was packaged in cylinders bearing counterfeit trademarks. The 2013 contract listed the product as R-134a – but a second, secret agreement called for the company to actually sell HCFC-22. The indictment charged the accused with conspiracy, one count of entry of goods by means of false statement, five counts of passing false and fraudulent papers through a customhouse, one count of smuggling and one count of violating the Clean Air Act by improperly selling HCFC-22 to an undercover agent. In 2018 the accused pleaded guilty of charges of illegally importing ODS. He was ordered to pay a fine of $40,000 and sentenced to a term of two years’ probation, to include 6 months of home confinement.
United States of America 79 1 2024 1 February, 2022 (date of denial) R-424A (marketed as AC-77) 45.4kg From Canada to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 The substance was voluntarily re-exported out of the United States by importer
United States of America 71 1 2023 27 April, 9 May, and 17 May, 2022 R-404A, R-410A, R-407C 3,379 kg of R-404A, 6,441 kg of R-410A, and 1,100 kg of R-407C From Mexico to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs. 2. U.S. federal agencies (e.g., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Customs and Border Protection) identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances. 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b). The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a Notice of Violation (NOV) to HVAC Services (the importer), and further investigation is continuing.
United States of America 71 2 2023 26 April and 6 August, 2022 (the approximate date of imports, not the date of seizure) R-410A and R-410A 17,985 kg of R-404A and 13,221 kg of R-410A From China to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs. 2. U.S. federal agencies (e.g., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Customs and Border Protection) identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances. 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a Notice of Violation (NOV) to Oldach Associates, LLC (the importer), and further investigation is continuing
United States of America 79 2 2024 10 March, 2022 (date of denial) R-410A 25,200kg From China to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The substance was voluntarily re-exported out of the United States by importer
United States of America 71 3 2023 10 September, 2022 (the approximate date of imports, not the date of seizure) HFC-245fa 20,000 kg From China to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs. 2. U.S. federal agencies (e.g., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Customs and Border Protection) identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances. 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued the Notice of Violation (NOV) to Open Mountain Energy, LLC (the importer), and further investigation is continuing.
United States of America 79 3 2024 10 March, 2022 (date of denial) R-424A (marketed as AC-77) 68kg From Canada to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 71 4 2023 January 2022 (the approximate date of imports, not the date of seizure) 81,617 MTCO2e worth of HFCs 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs. 2. U.S. federal agencies (e.g., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Customs and Border Protection) identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances. 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) retired 81,617 MTCO2e of American Air Components’ (the importer) calendar year 2022 allowances and 40,808.5 MTCO2e of calendar year 2023 allowances (a 50% premium).
United States of America 79 4 2024 31 March, 2022 (date of denial) R-404A and R-410A 226kg combined From Mexico to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The substance was voluntarily re-exported out of the United States by importer
United States of America 71 5 2023 January 2022 (the approximate date of imports, not the date of seizure) HFCs 96,703.8 MTCO2e worth of HFCs 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs. 2. U.S. federal agencies (e.g., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Customs and Border Protection) identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances. 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) retired 96,703.8 MTCO2e of Meraki Group‘s (the importer) calendar year 2022 allowances and 48,351.9 MTCO2e of Meraki Group’s calendar year 2023 allowances (a 50% premium).
United States of America 79 5 2024 6 May, 2022 (date of denial) R-410A 28,024kg From Mexico to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 6 2024 6 May, 2022 (date of denial) R-404A and R-410A 34,700kg combined From China to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported, and the importer was also issued a Notice of Violation.
United States of America 79 7 2024 26 May, 2022 (date of denial) HFC-125 9,253kg From Mexico to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the investigation is ongoing.
United States of America 79 8 2024 26 May, 2022 (date of denial) R-410A 6,780kg From China to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 9 2024 26 May, 2022 (date of denial) R-410A and R-407C 3,853kg combined From Mexico to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States and the importer was issued a Notice of Violation; the investigation is ongoing.
United States of America 79 10 2024 26 May, 2022 (date of denial) R-410A and R-404A 3,665kg From Mexico to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States and the importer was issued a Notice of Violation; the investigation is ongoing.
United States of America 79 11 2024 3 June, 2022 (date of denial) R-410A, R-404A and R-407C 1,189kg From Mexico to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 4. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 12 2024 14 June, 2022 (date of denial) HFC-134A, R-404A, R-410A, R-407C and R-417A 14,382kg From China to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the investigation is ongoing.
United States of America 79 13 2024 14 June, 2022 (date of denial) R-410A 260kg From China to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was destroyed.
United States of America 79 14 2024 14 June, 2022 (date of denial) R-410A 14,125kg From China to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the investigation is ongoing.
United States of America 79 15 2024 22 June, 2022 (date of denial) R-410A, R-404A and R-407C 339kg combined From Mexico to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 16 2024 6 July, 2022 (date of denial) HFC-134a 15,640kg From China to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 17 2024 6 July, 2022 (date of denial) HFC-134a and R-404A 354kg combined From Mexico to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs; 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances; 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 18 2024 13 July, 2022 (date of denial) R-410A 3,390kg From Mexico to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The substance was voluntarily re-exported out of the United States by importer
United States of America 79 19 2024 13 July, 2022 (date of denial) R-410A 452kg From Mexico to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The substance was voluntarily re-exported out of the United States by importer
United States of America 79 20 2024 18 July, 2022 (date of denial) R-410A, R-404A and HFC-134a 19,120kg combined From China to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The substance was voluntarily re-exported out of the United States by importer
United States of America 79 21 2024 21 July, 2022 (date of denial) HFC-134a 1,814kg From Canada to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the investigation is ongoing.
United States of America 79 22 2024 21 July, 2022 (date of denial) HFC-134a 1,014kg From Korea to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported and an Expedited Settlement Agreement/Consent Agreement was filed.
United States of America 79 23 2024 21 July, 2022 (date of denial) R-404A 225kg From Mexico to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the investigation is ongoing.
United States of America 79 24 2024 21 July, 2022 (date of denial) R-404А 98kg From Mexico to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was destroyed.
United States of America 79 25 2024 1 August, 2022 (date of denial) HFC-125 340kg From Mexico to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the investigation is ongoing.
United States of America 79 26 2024 1 August, 2022 (date of denial) R-410A 226kg From Bahamas to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 27 2024 17 August, 2022 (date of denial) R-410A 67.8kg From Mexico to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The substance was voluntarily re-exported out of the United States by importer
United States of America 79 28 2024 9 September, 2022 (date of denial) HFC-134a 354kg From China to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 29 2024 12 September, 2022 (date of denial) R-410A 1,729kg From Mexico to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 30 2024 20 September, 2022 (date of denial) R-410A and R-404A 12,769kg combined From Jamaica to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the investigation is ongoing.
United States of America 79 31 2024 20 September, 2022 (date of denial) R-410A and R-404A 12,769kg combined From Jamaica to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the investigation is ongoing.
United States of America 79 32 2024 20 September, 2022 (date of denial) R-410A 227kg From United Kingdom to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 33 2024 21 September, 2022 (date of denial) R-410A 17,595kg From Mexico to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 34 2024 29 September, 2022 (date of denial) HFC-245a 20,000kg From China to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported, and the importer was issued a Notice of Violation, and a Consent Decree and Final Order has been filed.
United States of America 79 35 2024 14 October, 2022 (date of denial) HFC-134a 15,640kg From China to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs; 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances; 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 36 2024 15 October, 2022 (date of denial) HFC-125 12,755kg From China to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 37 2024 27 October, 2022 (date of denial) HFC-134a, HFC-125 and HFC-32 554kg combined From Netherlands to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 38 2024 27 October, 2022 (date of denial) HFC-23 186.4kg From Canada to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 39 2024 17 November, 2022 (date of denial) R-404А 96kg From Mexico to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was destroyed.
United States of America 79 40 2024 17 November, 2022 (date of denial) HFC-134a, R-404A, R-407C, R-410A, R-448A and R-449A 12,939kg combined From Mexico to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 41 2024 17 November, 2022 (date of denial) R-404А 32.7kg From Mexico to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was destroyed.
United States of America 79 42 2024 18 November, 2022 (date of denial) R-410A 1,695kg From Mexico to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported and an Expedited Settlement Agreement/Consent Agreement has been filed.
United States of America 79 43 2024 30 November, 2022 (date of denial) R-404А 648kg From Mexico to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The substance was voluntarily re-exported out of the United States by importer
United States of America 79 44 2024 13 December, 2022 (date of denial) R-404А 500kg From Iceland to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 45 2024 1 February, 2023 (date of denial) HFC-134a 120kg From Canada to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The substance was voluntarily re-exported out of the United States by importer
United States of America 79 46 2024 2 February, 2023 (date of denial) R-410A 750kg From Panama to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 47 2024 13 February, 2023 (date of denial) R-410A 1,085kg From Mexico to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the investigation is ongoing.
United States of America 79 48 2024 22 March, 2023 (date of denial) R-404А 545kg From Panama to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the investigation is ongoing.
United States of America 79 49 2024 11 April, 2023 (date of denial) R-410A 45.2kg From China to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 50 2024 12 April, 2023 (date of denial) HFC-125 25,300kg From Malaysia to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the investigation is ongoing.
United States of America 79 51 2024 16 May, 2023 (date of denial) R-404А 174.2kg From Mexico to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the investigation is ongoing.
United States of America 79 52 2024 25 May, 2023 (date of denial) R-407C 678kg From the Republic of Korea to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 53 2024 25 May, 2023 (date of denial) R-410A 5,650kg From Panama to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the investigation is ongoing.
United States of America 79 54 2024 25 May, 2023 (date of denial) R-404А, R-410A and R-407C 17,020kg combined From Unspecified to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 55 2024 9 July, 2023 (date of denial) R-410A 5,650kg From China to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the investigation is ongoing.
United States of America 79 56 2024 25 July, 2023 (date of denial) R-410A 18,080kg From Canada to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the investigation is ongoing.
United States of America 79 57 2024 28 July, 2023 (date of denial) R-410A 11,865kg From Mexico to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the investigation is ongoing.
United States of America 79 58 2024 28 July, 2023 (date of denial) R-404А 10.9kg From Mexico to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 59 2024 29 July, 2023 (date of denial) R-404А 545kg From Mexico to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 60 2024 30 July, 2023 (date of denial) R-404А and R-410A 18,010kg combined From China to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 61 2024 31 July, 2023 (date of denial) R-404А 19,600kg From China to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 62 2024 12 August, 2023 (date of denial) R-404А and R-407C 111kg combined From Mexico to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 63 2024 12 September, 2023 (date of denial) R-410A 2,825kg From China to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 64 2024 2 October, 2023 (date of denial) HFC-134a and R-410A 4,407kg combined From Mexico to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 65 2024 2 October, 2023 (date of denial) R-410A and R-407C 2,260kg combined From China to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 66 2024 2 October, 2023 (date of denial) R-410A and R-407C 1,582kg combined From China to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 67 2024 16 October, 2023 (date of denial) R-410A 101.7kg From China to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 68 2024 16 October, 2023 (date of denial) R-404А 2,180kg From China to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 69 2024 17 October, 2023 (date of denial) HFC-134a and HCFC-22 2,067 kg combined From the United Kingdom to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the investigation is ongoing.
United States of America 79 70 2024 21 November, 2023 (date of denial) HFC-23 2,048kg From Japan to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) The United States government denied entry of the shipment into the United States; the shipment was re-exported.
United States of America 79 71 2024 4 March, 2024 (date of arrest and charge) Unspecified HFCs and HCFC-22 Unspecified From Mexico to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs or ODS 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84,especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b); Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7671, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 82, especially 40 C.F.R. § 82.16(e) This the first criminal prosecution in the United States to include charges related to the American Innovation and Manufacturing Act
United States of America 79 72 2024 21 March, 2024 (date of settlement announcement) HFC-23 2,821.8kg From Japan to USA 1. No allowances (i.e., quotas/licenses) to import the HFCs 2. U.S. federal agencies identified that the importer did not have sufficient allowances 3. American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7675, and the regulations promulgated thereunder at 40 C.F.R. Part 84, especially 40 C.F.R. § 84.5(b) As part of the settlement, the importer will pay $416,003 and also destroy 769.5 kg of regulated HFCs; the settlement also addresses the importer’s failure to meet certain reporting requirements
Armenia 77 1 2024 5 February, 2024 HFC-134a and R-404A 4,692kg of HFC-134a and 8,774.5kg of R-404A From USA to Armenia (via Georgia) The shipment of HFC -134a and R-404A was unauthorised and not accompanied by the proper documentation, the latter fact being revealed through the iPIC consultation with Georgia which was a transit country. The Armenian company ABRO Prestige LLC submitted to Georgian authorities the document confirming that HFC -134a R-404A are not dual-use items. NOU Georgia shared this document with the NOU Armenia on 5 February 2024 requesting for the confirmation of the validity of the document. NOU Armenia informed the Georgian counterpart that it was the wrong document and that the company didn’t hold any HFC quota nor had ever applied for the import license, hence not authorised to import the mentioned substances to Armenia. The company ABRO Prestige LLC was first referred to the Ministry of Environment of Armenia to apply for the annual HFC quota, and then for the import license. On February 9, 2024, NOU Georgia shared the newly submitted import license, and NOU Armenia confirmed its validity. This case of unauthorised shipment was revealed through the iPIC consultations with Georgia, thus, reconfirming the efficiency of this mechanism.
Armenia 85 1 2024 5 December, 2024 Split air-conditioners charged with R-22 25 units From UAE to Armenia The importer unaware of the existing regulations, attempted to import 25 units of split ACs, each charged with 450 g of R-22 refrigerant, from the exporter Super General Company LLC based in Dubai, UAE. Customs officer and chief inspector Armenak Melkonyan thoroughly reviewed the documentation, informed the importer about the ban on R-22, and advised them on the necessary steps to return the AC units to the exporting country. Despite this, the importer opted to take a chance and applied to the Ministry of Environment for a permit, attaching a reference letter obtained from the exporting company. The reference letter provided by the exporter contained inaccurate information regarding the environmental impact of R-22 refrigerant. As a result, the Ministry of Environment rejected the import request, citing national legislation banning the import of ODS-based equipment. However, just an hour and a half later, the importer, in collaboration with the exporter, attempted to circumvent the regulation by submitting a second reference letter to the Ministry. This new document claimed that the AC units contained R-417a refrigerant instead of the previously declared R-22. The Ministry responded by highlighting the contradictory information presented in the two references and stated that identification of the actual refrigerant would be required for further clarification. At this stage, the importer recognized the futility of their efforts and agreed to return the AC units to the exporting country. The importer was enforced to follow the national legislation and take the units back to the exporting country.
Armenia 18 94 2019 18 May, 2017 CTC 400 cylinders of CTC (carbon tetrachloride) of 500 ml each, 200 kg in total Importing country: Armenia. Exporting country: People’s Republic of China On 15 May 2017 TAG HEM LLC imported a container from the People’s Republic of China to the Republic of Armenia containing various goods including carbon tetrachloride, being unaware of the necessary proceedings for this special type of goods. Having checked the customs codes of all the goods, the customs officer requested for the import license for carbon tetrachloride. The importing company TAG HEM LLC applied to the Ministry of Nature Protection requesting for the import license but was rejected since the import of this substance was banned by the Government Resolution n 90-N. The Customs Service seized this product and released the rest of the products from the container. Unwanted goods were seized by the Customs Service for their further destruction. The Customs Service applied to the Ministry of Nature Protection requesting for the indication of the destruction facilities in the country. The Ministry of Nature Protection replied in the official communication that no destruction facilities were available in the country. Following this communication the Customs Service advised the company to re-export this product because no destruction facilities were available in the country. Currently the seized goods are stored in the customs warehouse.
Armenia 1 161 2007/2008 01 May, 2007 Waste mixture of 15% HFC-134a mixed with 85% other refrigerants (CFC, HCFC) 1 cylinder mislabelled as HFC-134a United Arab Emirates Mislabelling of waste mixture as virgin R-134a was detected when testing cylinders during customs training
Italy 81 1 2024 28 April, 2023 HFC-134a 715kg From Bulgaria to Italy concealment, Reg. UE 517/2014 art.16 seizure and report to the judicial authority
Italy 63 1 2023 5 February, 2020 R-410A and HFC-134a 6,000 kg of R-410A and 4,320 kg of HFC-134a from Türkiye to Italy Refrigerant Gases Seizure and confiscation
Italy 81 2 2024 11 October, 2023 HFC-134a 12,000kg From China via Greece to Italy concealment, Reg. UE 517/2014 art.16 seizure and report to the judicial authority
Italy 63 2 2023 5 December, 2019 HFC-134a, R-404A and HFO-1234yf 25.6 kg of HFC-134a, 9.8 kg of R-404A, and 5 kg of HFO-1234yf Unknown Products seized during a control at a retailer store Seizure and confiscation
Italy 63 3 2023 6 February, 2020 HFCs 2,510 kg from Türkiye to Italy Infringement of the articles 16, 17 and 19 of the EU Regulation n. 517/2014 Implementing the articles 16 and 17 of the EU Regulation, a violation of the provisions has been notified pursuant to pertinent national Law ( art.11 of RDL 14.11.1926 n.1923, converted into the Law of 07 July 1927 n.1495 and subsequent amendments, as amended, most recently art. 67 Legislative Decree 12.30.1999 n. 507). In relation to article 19 infringement, art. 6 of Legislative Decree No. 26/2013 and subsequent amendments have been applied. The goods (138 gas cylinders) found at the warehouse were seized pursuant to art.13 L. 689/91 and articles 11 of Law 1495/1927 and 20 of Law 689/81. A total of 182.442 kg of HFCs imported in 2019 was found in violation of the EU Regulation n. 517/2014
Italy 81 3 2024 31 October, 2023 HFC-125, HFC-32 and HFC-134a 13,190kg From China via Greece to Italy concealment, Reg. UE 517/2014 art.16 seizure and report to the judicial authority
Italy 81 4 2024 5 September, 2023 R-410A and HFC-134a, gas mixtures R-410A is 22,750kg and HFC-134a is 23,000kg From Turkey via Italy to Germany The goods and documentation did not arrive at the German customs office of destination. Fake German customs stamp on two custom operations National violations for aggravated smuggling: Artt. 292, 293 e 295 lett. c e d, D.P.R. 43/1973 Seizure and report to the judicial authority. Issue of assessment notices for recovery of customs duties. Request to the German Customs Authority to verify the regularity of the stamp and the actual arrival of the goods at destination.
Italy 63 4 2023 25 July 2019 HFCs 49.4 kg From Tunisia from Italy Not declared goods brought in a car, coming from Tunisia by ship. Seizure and report to the prosecutor
Italy 63 5 2023 1 August, 2019 HFCs 46.3 kg From Tunisia from Italy Not declared goods brought in a car, coming from Tunisia by ship. Seizure and report to the prosecutor
Italy 81 5 2024 5 September, 2023 R-410A, R-404A and R-507A R-410A is 50,360kg; R-404A is 20,000 kg; R-507A is 78,800kg From China to Italy Placing on the market of unallocated hydrofluorocarbon quotas Art.15 Reg. UE 517/2014 Art. 13 D.Lgs. 163/2019 Seizure and report to the judicial authority. The real quantity imported was much higher than that intended for military use.
Italy 63 6 2023 16 August, 2019 HFCs 21.8 kg From Tunisia from Italy Not declared goods brought in a car, coming from Tunisia by ship. Seizure and report to the prosecutor
Italy 63 7 2023 7 April, 2021 HFC-134a, R-404A 19.368 kg of HFC-134a and 4.280 kg of R404-A From China to Italy Refrigerant’s cylinders without labelling; OLAF Case OC/2018/1145; 3. Artt. 16-17 Reg. EU 517/2014 Administrative detention ex artt. 13 e 19 Law n° 689/81, penalties, reporting to the competent authorities. Violations: 1) art. 11 Law R.D.L. N° 1923/26, amended by art. 67 D.LGS. N° 507/99; 2) art. 6 Law N° 26/2013
Italy 63 7 2023 26 August, 2019 HFCs 13.6 kg From Tunisia from Italy Not declared goods brought in a car, coming from Tunisia by ship. Seizure and report to the prosecutor
Italy 63 8 2023 29 September, 2019 HFCs 22.2 kg From Tunisia from Italy Not declared goods brought in a car, coming from Tunisia by ship. Seizure and report to the prosecutor
Italy 63 9 2023 10 November, 2019 HFCs 21.8 kg From Tunisia from Italy Not declared goods brought in a car, coming from Tunisia by ship. Seizure and report to the prosecutor
Italy 63 10 2023 17 April, 2019 HFC-134a, R-404A, R-407C and R410A 8,160 kg of HFC-134a, 328 kg of R-404A, 340 kg of R-407C and 340 kg of R-410A from Türkiye to Italy Import without EU quota; omitted HFC portal registration and found in non-refillable containers. Seizure and crime report to the public prosecutor of Trieste
Italy 63 11 2023 6 March, 2020 R-407C and R-410A 855 kg of R-407C and 1,470 kg of R-410A from Türkiye to Italy Import without EU quota; omitted HFC portal registration Seizure and crime report to the public prosecutor of Trieste
Italy 63 12 2023 9 March, 2020 HFC-134a, HFC-143a, HFC-125 Germany/Netherlands Goods not declared seizure 40 cylinders with mixed refrigerant gas, cylinders labelled “Honest R-404A”
Italy 63 13 2023 2 September, 2019 HFC-134a 408 kg From China via Türkiye to Italy art. 11 paragraph 1 of the UE Regulation n. 517/2014 (non-refillable container) seizure
Italy 63 14 2023 29 January, 2020 HFC-134a, HFC-143a, R-410A and HFC-32 628 kg Transit from Greece art. 11 paragraph 1 of the EU Regulation n. 517/2014 (non-refillable container) seizure
Italy 63 15 2023 9 August, 2020 R-404A 21.8 kg from Tunisia to Italy (Palermo) concealment, non-refillable cylinders hidden between luggage identified during travellers border controls; 3. Reg. UE 517/2014. Seizure and crime report to Public Prosecutor
Italy 63 16 2023 20 December, 2020 HCFC-22 13.6 from Tunisia to Italy (Palermo) concealment, non-refillable cylinders hidden between luggage identified during travellers border controls; 3. Reg. EU 517/2014. Seizure and crime report to Public Prosecutor
Italy 63 17 2023 17 October, 2021 HCFC-22 13.6 kg from Tunisia to Italy (Palermo) concealment, non-refillable cylinders hidden between luggage identified during travellers border controls; 3. Reg. EU 517/2014. Seizure and crime report to Public Prosecutor
Italy 63 18 2023 21 September, 2020 HFC-32 12.040 kg from Tunisia to Italy (Palermo) Illegal importation without a quota; detected during a post clearance control of import custom declarations. Seizure and application of a fine
Italy 63 19 2023 23 September, 2020 HCFC-22, R-404A, R-410A, and HFC-32 300 cylinders of total 3,700 kg From China to Italy Italian customs authorities identified the consignment (goods declared as empty cylinders) shipped by sea as suspicious. The importing company was not in possession of the necessary F-gas import quota. REG. UE 517 2014
Italy 63 20 2023 21 July, 2020 HFC-32 12,040 kg from Tunisia to Italy The import was carried out without a quota Confiscated, applicable a administrative fine from € 206,58 to € 2.478,99 pursuant to art 11 RDL 1923/1926
Italy 63 22 2023 18 May, 2021 From China to Italy Assessment review on internal verification on intelligence/initiative. Reg. EU n. 517 2014. Not released for free circulation The seizure was made in 2021 while the imports were in 2018-2019 when the quota system wasn’t well known
Italy 63 23 2023 31 May, 2021 HFC-134a 544 kg from Ukraine to Italy Art. 16 Reg. EU n. 517/2014, imports without authorization, no quota for F-gas. Not released for free circulation The seizure was made in 2021 while the imports were made in 2018-2019 when the quota system wasn’t well known
Italy 63 24 2023 15 November, 2021 R-404A 196 kg to Italy Assessment review on import without authorization. No notification received from the EC on the quota for F-gas import (EU n. 517/2014) Penalty imposed 16 cylinders
Italy 63 25 2023 16 August, 2021 HFC-134a 3,950 kg from China via Netherlands to Italy no documentation relating to the assignment, no allocation of quota and registration in the European HFC Register; control at the Customs of Ancona, the customs declaration with which the goods were declared imported from China by the Italian company : Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons: Tetrafluorethane (freon gas) R134A, F-Gas contained in 5 cylinders for a total net weight of 3,950 Kg. The quantity of F-Gas, imported by the company, was intended to load the air conditioners of the ship under construction at the Shipyard located in the port of Ancona. EU Regulation n. 517/2014. Legislative Decree. n. 163/2019 Report of Seizure and Reliance in Judicial Free Case (Articles 354 and 259 of the Code of Criminal Procedure) Arrange, follow and complete checklists on fluorinated greenhouse gases in bulk according to the guidance of EU Regulation no. 517/2014; arrange, follow and complete F- Gas Equipment Checklist a greenhouse effect or whose functioning depends on these gases
Italy 63 26 2023 20 January, 2022 R-407C 3,767 kg From China to Italy Ship Customs inspection on import with physical verification, fake declaration of possession of quota. Art 483 Penal Code. Crime report
Italy 63 27 2023 30 June, 2022 R-410A n/a From France to Italy Assessment Review on Import documentary check on INF AM. Imports without authorization, i.e. quota for F-gas ex art. 2 Reg. EU n. 517/2014 (without registration and quota) crime report
Italy 8 154 2008/2009 2007 HCFC-22 35,040 kg HCFC-22 in the amount of 35,040 kg was imported in 2006 without an import licence. The case was detected by the European Commission through documentary cross checks. The competent authority investigated the matter and concluded that the failure to apply for a licence had been unintentional.
Italy 9 169 2007/2008 1 Jan to 31 Dec, 2005 Unknown Unknown In two cases the gross weight of the goods did not correspond to that declared. Sanction enforcement under Italian law.
China 76 1 2024 28 Feb, 2023 HCFC-22 2,706.4kg From China to Iraq To avoid customs inspection and control, the exporter intentionally concealed and attempted to smuggle refrigerant HCFC-22. This was identified during on-site inspection by the Chinese customs. The goods involved were detained and confiscated. The confiscated controlled substances have been auctioned according to legal procedures.
China 60 1 2023 18 Mar, 2021 HCFC-22, HCFC-141b 4,520kg from China to the Philippines An attempt to export of a batch of goods was stopped by the customs. Some of the goods were not declared to the customs, including ozone depleting substances HCFC-22 and HCFC-141b. The Chinese customs carried out on-site inspection and issued administrative penalties. Export of the goods was denied, and an administrative fine of CNY 2845 was imposed.
China 52 1 2022 Nov 2019 HCFC-22 1,500 kg from China to Uzbekistan In November 2019, Yiwu Shixiao Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. exported 1,500kg of HCFC-22 concealed in a batch of small commodities (sponge mats) without obtaining an export license. After customs inspection, it was found that the above-mentioned goods involved in the case were suspected of smuggling with concealed name. The case was handed over to the customs anti-smuggling department for filing and investigation. The goods involved in the case were intercepted. According to Customs Law of the People's Republic of China, Regulations of The People's Republic of China on the Implementation of Customs Administrative Penalties and other existing laws and regulations, exporting goods that are restricted from export by the country by concealing its name has constituted smuggling. The company involved in the case was fined CNY 700, and the substances involved in the case were confiscated (case was closed in February 2020).
China 76 2 2024 26 April, 2023 HFC-134a 3,000kg From China to Nigeria The goods attempted to be exported were not declared to the customs, including the controlled substance HFC-134a. This was identified during on-site inspection by the Chinese customs. The Chinese customs issued administrative penalties. Export of the goods was denied, and an administrative fine was imposed according to the law. Controlled substances were returned to enterprises in the end.
China 52 2 2022 Sept 2021 HCFC-22 149.6 kg from China to Kazakhstan In September 2021, Deyouju Trading Company Co.,Ltd in Tacheng City exported 149.6kg HCFC-22 directly without obtaining an export license. After customs inspection, the above-mentioned goods were found to be undeclared. The goods were intercepted by Urumqi customs and then handed over to the customs anti-smuggling department for filing and investigation. According to Customs Law of the People's Republic of China, Regulations of The People's Republic of China on the Implementation of Customs Administrative Penalties and other existing laws and regulations, the company involved in the case was imposed an administrative fine of CNY 900 for its violation of inaccurate declaration of names and quantities of exporting products, which affects the country’s licenses management (case was closed in September 2021).
China 60 2 2023 29 May, 2021 HCFC-22 149.6kg from China to Lao People's Democratic Republic An attempt to export of a batch of goods by vehicle transport was stopped by the customs. Some of the goods were not declared to customs, including ozone depleting substance HCFC-22. The Chinese customs carried out on-site inspection and issued administrative penalties. Export of the goods was denied, and an administrative fine of CNY 1644 was
China 60 3 2023 27 Apr, 2022 HCFC-22 3,160kg From China to Indonesia An attempt to export of a batch of goods was stopped by the customs. Some of the goods were not declared to the customs, including ozone depleting substance HCFC-22. The Chinese customs carried out on-site inspection and issued administrative penalties. Export of the goods was denied, and an administrative fine of CNY 3000 was imposed.
China 76 3 2024 17 April, 2023 HFC-134a; R-404A 5,130kg of HFC-134a and 4,060kg of R-404A From China to Malta The goods attempted to be exported were not declared to the customs, including 5,130 kg of HFC-134a and 4,060 kg of R-404A. This was identified during on-site inspection by the Chinese customs. The Chinese customs issued administrative penalties. Export of the goods was denied, and an administrative fine was imposed according to the law. Controlled substances were returned to enterprises in the end.
China 60 4 2023 24 May, 2022 HCFC-141b 680kg from China to Myanmar An attempt to export of a batch of goods was stopped by the customs. Some of the goods were not declared to the customs, including ozone depleting substance HCFC-141b. The Chinese customs carried out on-site inspection and issued administrative penalties. Export of the goods was denied, and an administrative fine of CNY 900 was imposed.
China 76 4 2024 23 April, 2023 HFC-134a 9,050kg From China to Ghana The goods attempted to be exported were not declared to the customs, including the controlled substances HFC-134a. This was identified during on-site inspection by the Chinese customs. The Chinese customs issued administrative penalties. Export of the goods was denied, and an administrative fine was imposed according to the law. Controlled substances were returned to enterprises in the end.
China 60 5 2023 16 Jun, 2022 HCFC-22 1,120kg from China to Malaysia Some of the goods attempted to be exported were not declared to the customs, including ozone depleting substance HCFC-22. The Chinese customs carried out on-site inspection and issued administrative penalties. Export of the goods was denied, and an administrative fine of CNY 5,000 was imposed.
China 76 5 2024 16 June, 2023 HCFC-141b 2,050kg From China to Thailand The goods attempted to be exported were not declared to the customs, including the controlled substances HCFC-141b. This was identified during on-site inspection by the Chinese customs. The Chinese customs issued administrative penalties. Export of the goods was denied, and an administrative fine was imposed according to the law. Controlled substances were returned to enterprises in the end.
China 76 6 2024 18 July, 2023 R-404A 110kg From China to the Republic of Korea The goods attempted to be exported were not declared to the customs, including the controlled substances R-404A. This was identified during on-site inspection by the Chinese customs. The Chinese customs issued administrative penalties. Export of the goods was denied, and an administrative fine was imposed according to the law. Controlled substances were returned to enterprises in the end.
China 60 6 2023 13 May, 2022 HCFC-22 3,000kg from China to Indonesia Some of the goods attempted to be exported were not declared to the customs, including ozone depleting substance HCFC-22. The Chinese customs carried out on-site inspection and issued administrative penalties. Export of the goods was denied, and an administrative fine of CNY 9,000 was imposed.
China 76 7 2024 3 August, 2023 HFC-134a 4,300kg From China to the United Arab Emirates The goods attempted to be exported were not declared to the customs, including the controlled substances HFC-134a. This was identified during on-site inspection by the Chinese customs. The Chinese customs issued administrative penalties. Export of the goods was denied, and an administrative fine was imposed according to the law. Controlled substances were returned to enterprises in the end.
China 60 7 2023 22 Jul, 2022 HCFC-142b 2,190kg from China to the Nigeria Some of the goods attempted to be exported were not declared to the customs, including ozone depleting substance HCFC-141b. The Chinese customs carried out on-site inspection and issued administrative penalties. Export of the goods was denied, and an administrative fine of CNY 3000 was imposed.
Kyrgyzstan 53 1 2022 26 Apr, 2022 HCFC-22 217 kg (16 containers) Tajikistan The Border Guard Service of Kyrgyzstan prevented the illegal import of the ozone-depleting substance (HCFC-22) from Tajikistan into Kyrgyzstan. The seized cargo of 16 cylinders of HCFC-22 was transferred together with accompanying documents to the customs point of the Batken regional department of customs for further investigation. The case was investigated by the State Customs Service. In July 2022, the Customs Service completed its investigation, the perpetrators were fined, and seized HCFC-22 was sent for disposal. HCFC-22 was transferred to the Recovery-Recycling-Reclamation Center in Osh city and placed in a 5-cubic-meter recycling tank to store contaminated refrigerants.
Kyrgyzstan 10 170 2007/2008 Nov-Dec, 2007 Halon-1211 and CFC-12 1,440 kg (ODP) of Halon-1211, 27 refrigerators with CFC-12 Republic of Korea A company registered in a free economic zone imported 2,400 pieces of car fire extinguishers using forged documents. A batch of 27 refrigerators was intercepted at port of entry and impounded. Company was penalized and customs officers and inspectors punished for the offence. Owner of shipment was ordered to retrofit fridges based on R-12–R-134a at the importer’s own expense.
Lithuania 43 1 2020 2 Feb, 2019 HFC-134a 27,2 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 78 1 2024 14 June, 2023 HFC-125 95.92kg From Republic of Belarus to Lithuania 1. Misdeclaration and concealment. 2. Detected during routine check by customs officer. 3. 2014 EU F-Gas Regulation 517/2014. The goods were seized. The administrative decision was taken – confiscation of the goods, the car and fine imposed. Confiscated items are still kept in customs. They will be disposed of after appropriate decisions have been made.
Lithuania 50 1 2021 17 Jan 2020 HFC-134a 48.30 Kg From Belarus Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 59 1 2023 2020 R-452A 32,14 kg (2 imports, total of 32 items of equipment) from Russia to Lithuania Imports outside the quota system but with customs declaration (illegal trade detected after additional audit in 2022) Released for free circulation A fine imposed
Lithuania 78 2 2024 9 September, 2023 HFC-134a 13.6kg From Russia to Lithuania 1. Misdeclaration and concealment. Non-refillable container was carried concealed in a car. 2. Detected during routine check by customs officer. 3. 2014 EU F-Gas Regulation 517/2014. The goods were seized. The administrative decision was taken – confiscation of the goods and fine imposed. Confiscated items are still kept in customs. They will be disposed of after appropriate decisions have been made.
Lithuania 59 2 2023 2020 R-404A 21,13 kg (5 imports, total of 103 items of equipment) from Russia to Lithuania The goods was misdeclared with wrong HS code (illegal trade detected after additional audit in 2022) Released for free circulation. A fine imposed.
Lithuania 43 2 2020 14 Feb, 2019 HFC-134a 5 cylinders from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. An investigation is under way.
Lithuania 50 2 2021 22 Jan 2020 R-404A 10.90 Kg From Belarus Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 3 2020 20 Feb, 2019 HFC-134a 40,8 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 50 3 2021 25 Jan 2020 R-404A 10.90 Kg From Belarus to Lithuania An illegal non-refillable cylinder with refrigerant was found during the roadside inspection. Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 59 3 2023 2021 R-404A 6,36 kg (4 imports, total of 59 items of equipment) from Russia to Lithuania The goods was misdeclared with wrong HS code (illegal trade detected after additional audit in 2022). Released for free circulation. A fine imposed.
Lithuania 50 4 2021 3 Feb 2020 HFC-134a; R-404A HFC-134a – 40.80 kg R-404A – 32.70 kg From Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 59 4 2023 10 May, 2021 HFC-134a 650 kg (650 pcs of single use aluminum canisters for medical device) from USA to Lithuania Imports outside the quota system but with customs declaration. Released for free circulation. A fine imposed.
Lithuania 43 4 2020 20 Feb, 2019 R-404A 10,9 kg from Belarus to Lithuania An illegal non-refillable cylinder with refrigerant was found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 59 5 2023 11 Feb, 2022 R-404A 21,8 kg (2 seizures) from Belarus to Lithuania Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders. Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 5 2020 4 Mar, 2019 HFC-134a 1 cylinder from Belarus to Lithuania An illegal non-refillable cylinder with refrigerant was found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 50 5 2021 25 Feb 2020 HFC-134a 13.60 kg From Belarus Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 6 2020 7 Mar, 2019 HFC-32 1 cylinder from Belarus to Lithuania An illegal non-refillable cylinder with refrigerant was found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 59 6 2023 06 Sep, 2022 R-410A and HFC-32 10,683 kg of HFC-32 (seized 8 air conditioners charged with refrigerant); 9 kg of R-410A (seized 3 air conditioners charged with refrigerant). from China to Latvia Import of air conditioners without compliant labeling. Seizure. Released for free circulation following labelling of the cylinders and equipment as required by the EU F-gas legislation. Pending administrative case.
Lithuania 43 7 2020 15 Mar, 2019 HFC-134a 27,2 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 8 2020 16 Mar, 2019 HFC-134a 10 cylinders from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed.
Lithuania 43 9 2020 23 Mar, 2019 R-404A 21,8 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed.
Lithuania 50 9 2021 6 Apr 2020 R-404A; HFC-134a R-404A – 10.90 kg; HFC-134a – 13.60 kg From Belarus to Lithuania An illegal non-refillable cylinder with refrigerant was found during the roadside inspection. Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 10 2020 26 Mar, 2019 HFC-134a 27,2 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed.
Lithuania 50 10 2021 24 Apr 2020 R-410A; R-404A R-410A – 11.30 kg ; R-404A – 19.60 kg From Belarus to Lithuania An illegal non-refillable cylinder with refrigerant was found during the roadside inspection. Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 11 2020 26 Mar, 2019 HFC-134a 27,2 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. An investigation is under way.
Lithuania 50 11 2021 25 Apr 2020 R-404A; R-410A R-404A – 9.8 kg ; R-410A – 22.60 kg From Belarus to Lithuania An illegal non-refillable cylinder with refrigerant was found during the roadside inspection. Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 12 2020 27 Mar, 2019 HFC-134a 2 cylinders (27,2 kg) from Russia to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 50 12 2021 30 May 2020 HFC-134a; R-410A HFC-134a – 95.20 kg ; R-410A – 88.20 kg From Belarus Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 13 2020 29 Mar, 2019 HFC-134a 4 cylinders (54,4 kg) from Russia to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 50 13 2021 31 May 2020 HFC-134a 13.60 kg From Belarus Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 14 2020 29 Mar, 2019 R-404A 21,8 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed.
Lithuania 50 14 2021 6 Jun 2020 R-404A 119.90 kg From Belarus Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 50 15 2021 9 Jun 2020 R-404A; R-410A; HFC-134a 10,940.00 kg From China Imports outside the quota system but with customs declaration Seizure A fine imposed
Lithuania 43 15 2020 31 Mar, 2019 HFC-134a, R-404A 24,5 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. The goods were transported in non-refillable cylinders Fine was imposed.
Lithuania 43 16 2020 4 Apr, 2019 HFC-134a 13,6 kg from Belarus to Lithuania An illegal non-refillable cylinder with refrigerant was found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed.
Lithuania 50 16 2021 16 Jun 2020 R-404A 21.80 kg From Belarus Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 50 17 2021 8 Jul 2020 R-404A 21.80 kg From Belarus Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 17 2020 8 Apr, 2019 R-507A 22,6 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed.
Lithuania 43 18 2020 16 Apr, 2019 HFC-134a 27,2 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 50 18 2021 24 Jul 2020 R-404A 21.80 kg From Belarus Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 50 19 2021 26 Jul 2020 R-404A 21.80 kg From Belarus Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 19 2020 2 May, 2019 HFC-134a 3 cylinders from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed.
Lithuania 50 20 2021 25 Aug 2020 R-410A 2 cylinders (29.80 kg) From Russia Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 20 2020 3 May, 2019 HFC-134a 27,2 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 50 21 2021 25 Aug 2020 R-404A 32.70 kg From Belarus Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 21 2020 5 May, 2019 HFC-134a 27,2 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed.
Lithuania 50 22 2021 7 Sept 2020 R-404A 21.80 kg From Belarus Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 22 2020 6 May, 2019 HFC-134a 2 cylinders (27,2 kg) from Russia to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 50 23 2021 8 Sept 2020 HFC-134a 1 cylinder (13.60 kg) From Russia Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 23 2020 7 May, 2019 HFC-134a 2 cylinders (27,2 kg) from Russia to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 50 24 2021 20 Sept 2020 R-404A 10.90 kg From Belarus Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 24 2020 7 May, 2019 HFC-134a 1 cylinder (13,6 kg) from Russia to Lithuania An illegal non-refillable cylinder with refrigerant was found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 25 2020 9 May, 2019 R-404A 21,8 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. An investigation is under way.
Lithuania 50 25 2021 26 Sept 2020 R-410A; R-407C R-410A – 11.30 kg; R-407C – 45.20 kg From Belarus Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 50 26 2021 16 Oct 2020 R-404A 76.30 kg From Belarus Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 26 2020 10 May, 2019 HFC-134a 40,8 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 27 2020 10 May, 2019 R-404A 10,9 kg from Belarus to Lithuania An illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant was found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 50 27 2021 26 Oct 2020 R-410A 33.50 kg From Belarus Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders Seizure
Lithuania 50 28 2021 4 Nov 2020 R-410A 22.60 kg From Belarus Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 28 2020 17 May, 2019 HFC-134a 27,2 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 50 28 2021 3 Nov 2020 R-410A 45.20 kg From Belarus Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 29 2020 18 May, 2019 HFC-134a 27,2 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 50 30 2021 15 Nov 2020 HFC-134a 13.60 kg From Belarus Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 30 2020 19 May, 2019 HFC-134a 13,6 kg from Belarus to Lithuania An illegal non-refillable cylinder with refrigerant was found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 31 2020 20 May, 2019 HFC-134a 27,2 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 50 31 2021 28 Nov 2020 HFC-134a 27.20 kg From Belarus Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 31 2020 20 May, 2019 HFC-134a 27,2 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 32 2020 25 May, 2019 HFC-134a 13,6 kg from Belarus to Lithuania An illegal non-refillable cylinder with refrigerant was found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 50 32 2021 5 Dec 2020 HFC-134a 40.80 kg From Belarus Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 50 33 2021 29 Dec 2020 R-125; HFC-134a R-125 – 8,840.00 kg ; HFC-134a – 3,700.00 kg From Russia Imports outside the quota system but with customs declaration Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 33 2020 25 May, 2019 HFC-134a 27,2 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 34 2020 26 May, 2019 HFC-134a 13,6 kg from Belarus to Lithuania An illegal non-refillable cylinder with refrigerant was found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 50 34 2021 23 Jan 2021 HFC-134a 13.60 kg From Belarus Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 50 35 2021 23 Feb 2021 R-404A 65.40 kg From Belarus Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 35 2020 3 Jun, 2019 HFC-134a 27,2 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 50 36 2021 27 Mar 2021 HFC-134a 27.20 kg From Belarus Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 36 2020 5 Jun, 2019 HFC-134a 2 cylinders from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 50 37 2021 7 Jun 2021 HFC-134a 13.60 kg From Belarus Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 37 2020 6 Jun, 2019 R-404A 2 cylinders (21,8 kg) from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 38 2020 6 Jun, 2019 HFC-134a 13,6 kg from Belarus to Lithuania An illegal non-refillable cylinder with refrigerant was found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 50 38 2021 12 Jun 2021 HFC-134a 13.60 kg From Belarus Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 39 2020 12 Jun, 2019 HFC-134a 1,150 cylinders from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. An investigation is under way.
Lithuania 50 39 2021 20 Jun 2021 HFC-134a 13.60 kg From Belarus Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 40 2020 13 Jun, 2019 HFC-134a 27,2 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 50 40 2021 25 Jun 2021 HFC-134a 13.60 kg From Belarus Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 41 2020 14 Jun, 2019 R-407C 2 cylinders (22,6 kg) from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 50 41 2021 31 Jul 2021 HFC-134a 6.50 kg From Belarus Smuggling of non-refillable cylinders Seizure A fine imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 42 2020 14 Jun, 2019 HFC-134a 2 cylinders (27,2 kg) from Russia to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 43 2020 19 Jun, 2019 HFC-134a 81,6 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 44 2020 20 Jun, 2019 HFC-134a 27,2 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 45 2020 21 Jun, 2019 R-407C 11,3 kg from Belarus to Lithuania An illegal non-refillable cylinder with refrigerant was found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 46 2020 21 Jun, 2019 HFC-134a 13,6 kg from Belarus to Lithuania An illegal non-refillable cylinder with refrigerant was found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 47 2020 22 Jun, 2019 R-410A 45,2 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 48 2020 22 Jun, 2019 R-407C; R-410A 33,9 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 49 2020 22 Jun, 2019 R-410A 45,2 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 50 2020 22 Jun, 2019 R-404A 10,9 kg from Belarus to Lithuania An illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant was found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 51 2020 24 Jun, 2019 R-404A 2 cylinders (21,8 kg) from Russia to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 52 2020 4 Jul, 2019 HFC-134a 27,2 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 53 2020 9 Jul, 2019 R-404A 21,8 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 54 2020 11 Jul, 2019 HFC-134a 2 cylinders from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 55 2020 14 Jul, 2019 R-407C 5 cylinders (56,6 kg) from Russia to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 56 2020 16 Jul, 2019 HFC-134a; HFC-32 23,6 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 57 2020 17 Jul, 2019 HFC-134a 40,8 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 58 2020 24 Jul, 2019 HFC-134a 40,8 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 59 2020 29 Jul, 2019 HFC-134a; R-404A 24,5 kg: HFC-134a (1 cylinder, 13,6 kg) and R-404A (1 cylinder, 10,9 kg) from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 60 2020 10 Aug, 2019 HFC-134a 13,6 kg from Belarus to Lithuania An illegal non-refillable cylinder with refrigerant was found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 61 2020 23 Aug, 2019 R-404A 10,9 kg from Belarus to Lithuania An illegal non-refillable cylinder with refrigerant was found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 62 2020 26 Sep, 2019 R-404A 7 cylinders (76,3 kg) from Russia to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 63 2020 26 Sep, 2019 HFC-134a 27,2 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 64 2020 13 Oct, 2019 R-404A 21,8 kg from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 65 2020 27 Oct, 2019 R-404A 2 cylinders from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 66 2020 8 Nov, 2019 R-404A 3 cylinders from Belarus to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. Fine was imposed. Goods were confiscated.
Lithuania 43 73 2020 17 Mar, 2020 HFC-134a 6,19 kg from Belarus to Lithuania An illegal non-refillable cylinder with refrigerant was found during the roadside inspection. An investigation is under way.
Lithuania 43 74 2020 22 Mar, 2020 HFC-134a 3 cylinders (40,8 kg) from Russia to Lithuania Illegal non-refillable cylinders with refrigerant were found during the roadside inspection. An investigation is under way.
Lithuania 43 75 2020 29 Mar, 2020 R-404A 3,78 kg from Belarus to Lithuania An illegal non-refillable cylinder with refrigerant was found during the roadside inspection. An investigation is under way.
Burkina Faso 35 1 2019 15 May, 2019 CFC-12 but traded as HFC-134a in a HFC-134a cylinder 2 cylinder of 13.4kg From Cote d'Ivoire (according to re-seller) to Burkina Faso The substances in the cylinder is marked as HFC-134a, but after analyzing it, it appear to be CFC-12 2 cylinders have been confiscated by the NOU. The importation is coming from some where else, as Cote d’Ivoire is not producing refrigerant. Investigation is still going on
Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 41 1 2020 18 Jan, 2019 HFC-245fa (21%), HFC-134a (18%), HFC-23 (19%), PFC-14 (26%) 1 cylinder x 2.6 kg Import to: Sweden and Export from: USA An airmail package to Sweden was subject of an inspection at Schiphol NL airport. An illegal non-refillable cylinder with refrigerants was found during this inspection. The illegal non-refillable cylinder has been submitted by order to an approved waste collector for destruction by the sender, who also has an establishment in the Netherlands.
Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 47 1 2021 16 Jun, 2020 HFC-134a; R-404A, R-410A, and HFC-32 Cylinders: 550 x13,6 kg of HFC-134a; 300x10,9 kg of R-404A; 150x11,3 kg of R-410A; 150x10 kg of HFC-32 From China to Lithuania Following a signal from the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and in collaboration with the Dutch Customs, we intercepted a truck with refrigerants in non-refillable cylinders. On the instructions of the F-gas authority, the non-refillable cylinders with refrigerants were taken by the importer for destruction at a recognized waste collector in the Netherlands. In addition, the importer has been fined.
Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 41 2 2020 25 Jan, 2019 HFC-134a 13 cylinders of HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Import to: Germany and Export: unknown During an inspection at a garage, it turned out that they bought their refrigerants from a car parts store. Illegal non-refillable cylinders were found after inspection at the car parts store. The administration of the car parts store showed that the non-refillable cylinders were purchased from a company in Germany. The box of the illegal non-refillable cylinders mentions the USA as an origin. The non-refillable cylinders have been submitted by order to an approved waste collector for destruction by the owner of the car parts store in the Netherlands. In addition, a measure has been imposed on the car parts store that a fine will be imposed for the import of illegal non-refillable cylinders if this happens again in the future.
Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 47 2 2021 20 Aug, 2020 HFC-134a Aerosol can: 300x130 ml From China to Germany We were notified of this shipment by the customs agent. After having analyzed these aerosol cans, it appeared that contrary to the label identifying HFC-227ea, they were filled with HFC-134a. On the instructions of the F-gas authority, the refillable cylinders with refrigerants were taken by the importer for destruction at a recognized waste collector in the Netherlands.
Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 41 3 2020 26 Feb, 2019 HFC-134a 123 cylinders of HFC-134a x 13.6 kg Import to: the Netherlands and Export from: Turkey Following information received from the Dutch Customs concerning imports, an inspection was carried out at a garage company that was named as an importer of refrigerants and was not registered as a quota holder. 123 illegal non-refillable cylinders were found during the inspection. The administration revealed that the final batch consisted of 240 illegal non-refillable cylinders. The non-refillable cylinders have been submitted by order to an approved waste collector for destruction by the owner of the garage company in the Netherlands. In addition, a measure has been imposed on the garage company that a fine will be imposed for the import of illegal non-refillable cylinders if this happens again in the future.
Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 47 3 2021 7 Sep, 2020 R-404A Cylinders: 1.034x10 kg From Turkey to Belgium Following a signal from the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and in collaboration with the Dutch Customs, we intercepted a truck with refrigerants in nonrefillable cylinders. The importer did not have an allocated quota to market these refrigerants. The refrigerants were offered for destruction by the F-gas authority at a recognized waste collector in the Netherlands at the expense of the importer
Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 41 4 2020 1 Oct, 2019 R-404A, HFC-134a, and R-422D 458 cylinders of R-404A x 10.9 kg; 200 cylinders of HFC-134a x 13.6 kg; 140 cylinders of R-422D x 11.3 Import to: Switzerland and Export from: China Following information received from the Dutch Customs concerning transit, an inspection was carried out on a container with refrigerants which was on the way from China to Switzerland via the port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands. The illegal non-refillable cylinders were found during this inspection. Since these illegal non-refillable cylinders were not placed on the European market, we contacted the Swiss authority to inquire whether these illegal non-refillable cylinders were also banned there. In response, we have been informed by the Swiss authority that the non-refillable cylinders cannot be sold or ceded in Switzerland, but they can be imported on the Swiss territory. The container was then released to continue its way to Switzerland, where as informed by the Swiss authority this batch arrived.
Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 47 4 2021 22 Oct, 2020 HFC-134a and R-410A, Cylinders: 35x13,62 of HCF-134a and 7x13,62 of R-410A not known During an inspection at a car parts company, we found a shipment of non-refillable cylinders. Investigation is ongoing to determine importing and exporting country The refrigerants were offered for destruction by the F-gas authority at a recognized waste collector in the Netherlands at the expense of the importer
Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 23 111 2018 2015 HCFC-22 CFC-12 Not specified Trans-shipment from China to Russia via Netherlands In July 2015 the Dutch Environmental Inspectorate has blocked in the Port of Rotterdam 2 containers with gas bottles containing refrigerants for further transport. From samples taken from the refrigerants it was shown that, despite their labelling as HFC’s (R-134a and R-407c) the bottles contained partly HCFC-22 and CFC-12 Legislation According to the European Ozone Regulation (EC) No 1005/2009 and related Dutch national legislation such import of Ozone Depleting Substances is illegal and this ban on import is broadly formulated addressing everyone involved. The Council of State of the Netherlands determined that in addition to the sender and receiver also a shipping company can be considered as offender of a legal ban on imports of ozone-depleting substances. Cease and desist order. The Environmental Inspectorate considered all parties involved in this case as offenders and the Chinese supplier, the Russian addressee as well as the shipping company were all imposed with cease and desist orders requiring full destruction of all illegal ODS refrigerants and payment of storage costs conditional to a penalty. Eventually the shipping company appealed to this cease and desist order. Shipping company’s view The company’s position was that they were wrongly addressed as offender in this case and could not be blamed as they must be able to rely on the accuracy of the product information provided by the other parties involved. It cannot be expected from them to check the content of all gas bottles. They are suffering from the actions of the Chinese and Russian parties. The Ruling In its Ruling no 201706000/1/A1 from April 25, 2018, the Netherlands Council of State did not agree and puts the Environmental Inspectorate in the right. The import ban is also targeting a shipping company which can be therefor also considered as offender. Furthermore, from a professional carrier some research into the contents of the bottles can be expected. The Council of State also found important that it was a known smuggling route of ozone depleting substances. Furthermore, the carrier could check the gas cylinders in a relatively easy way through sampling. Importance This ruling is important because it facilitates the approach to address this kind of international smuggling activities. There are also more of this kind of broadly formulated prohibitions. So also for other areas this statement is of interest. Carriers will have to take their responsibilities and be more active in preventing violations of this kind of import bans. Link to the full ruling of the NL Council of State (in Dutch):
Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 8 155 2008/2009 2007 CTC and CFC-113 3 kg of CTC and 8 kg of CFC-113 Despite intended improvements in the internal procedures of the company involved (which had the year before been fined for unlicensed trade) two additional unlicensed transactions took place during 2007. In February 2007, 3 kg of carbon tetrachloride was exported to Switzerland and in June 2007 8 kg of CFC-113 was exported to Serbia. The company stopped all exports of ozone-depleting substances.
Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 8 156 2008/2009 2007 Methyl bromide 20,000 kg Methyl bromide in the amount of 20,000 kg was exported to Israel during 2007. Inspections revealed that the export resulted from a misapplication of the licensing system by the exporter and that there was no intention to mislead. Follow-up inspections are scheduled.
Türkiye 80 1 2024 24 October, 2023 R-404А 980kg From China via Türkiye to UK 1.Misdeclaration 2.Based on previous risk analysis, it was detected in the vehicle arriving at İskenderun Port to exit from the country. 3. Anti-Smuggling Law No.5607, Articles 3/1, 3/5 and 3/21. The seized illegal goods were placed in a warehouse until the judicial process was concluded, in accordance with the relevant national legislation. The seized gas labeled REFRIGERANT 404A is contained in 100 pieces of 9,8 kg non-refillable and disposable cylinders. The legal cargo which the seized gas was stored was declared as refrigerator type cooling equipment.
Türkiye 65 1 2023 6 February, 2022 Refrigerant Gas 12 Pieces UK Detected in a search carried out in a workplace upon notice; Anti-Smuggling Law No.5607, Article 3/7.
Türkiye 65 2 2023 28 February, 2020 HCFC-22 40kg Detected in a search carried out in a workplace upon notice; Anti-Smuggling Law No.5607, Article 3/7.
Türkiye 65 3 2023 11 February, 2020 HCFC-22 11 Pieces Detected in a search carried out in a workplace upon notice; Anti-Smuggling Law No.5607, Article 3/5.
Türkiye 65 4 2023 21 April, 2017 R-407 11kg Carried out by misdeclaration; Detected in the vehicle that wants to exit the free zone; Anti-Smuggling Law No.5607, Article 3/1.
Peru 82 1 2024 13 July, 2023 Food Preservation Table, True Brand, MODEL TSSU-60-16, SERIAL: 1-4024971 containing the controlled substance R-134a 1 unit of this equipment, with a weight of 115 Kg. From USA to Peru Durante el reconocimiento físico de la DAM 046-2023-10-001766, se verificó que dicha mercancía no contaba con el documento autorizante emitido por DGGAMI / PRODUCE. Se inmovilizó la mercancía por no contar con documento autorizante, se ordenó el reembarque de la mercancía (RD 0092-2023-SUNAT/3K0600) por cuenta del importador. El importador no cumplió con dicha medida como consecuencia la mercancía cayó en abandono legal y se dispuso su traslado al almacén OSA Piura mediante Acta de Traslado N° 046-2023-18 1 UNIDAD de este equipo mesa de conservación de alimentos estado usado, con un valor CIF US$ 1,275.22, inmovilizados por la Aduana de Paita.
Peru 82 2 2024 11 December, 2023 Portable air conditioner, brand RINTUF, Model: OL-BA015B-08CD/B, containing refrigerant gas: R-32 in 10.58OZ 1 unit of this equipment 04 packages with a weight of 970Kg From USA to Peru Mercancía luego de inmovilizada en la DSI N° 118-2023-18-000793 por no contar con documento autorizante se dispone el reembarque por cuenta del importador mercancía contiene refrigerante R32/10.5 8 onzas. El importador no presentó documento autorizante y se ordenó el reembarque de la mercancía, si no lo hace cae en abandono legal, cuenta con proyecto de informe DAM N° 118-2023-18-000793. 1 Unidad de este equipo con un valor CIF US$ 263.692 inmovilizado por la Aduana Marítima
Peru 82 3 2024 29 November, 2023 Ice maker, GOSHER, BF1000B; 220 V; 50 HZ; 3000W 1 UNIT OF THIS EQUIPMENT, with a weight of 166.250 KG From China to Peru Durante el despacho de la DAM 118-2023-10-450591 se verificó que la mercancía no contaba con autorización del sector, por lo que se inmovilizó la mercancía Se sancionó al importador por destinar mercancía restringida sin documentación del sector competente y por declarar en forma incorrecta el valor. a la fecha se encuentra inmovilizado, por lo que la medida preventiva se mantiene. 1 UNIDAD DE ESTE EQUIPO Valor CIF US$ 2,038.545 inmovilizado por la Aduana Marítima
Peru 82 4 2024 5 July, 2023 Refrigerator M/MABE MODELO RMA230FJCG, PROC. EXTRANJERA, USADO. SERIE: 1838375411. 1 unit of this equipment From China to Peru Mercancía en encomienda de Procedencia Extranjera que no cuenta con la documentación aduanera pertinente que ampare su ingreso legal al país. Se incautó la mercancía por no contar con documento autorizante, se ordenó el reembarque de la mercancía (RD 0092-2023-SUNAT/3K0600) por cuenta del importador, el importador no cumplió con dicha medida, como consecuencia la mercancía cayó en abandono y se encuentra en comiso mediante RD 185-2023-SUNAT/3L0500. Mercancía Incautada en estado usado valor CIF US$ 378.71 en la jurisdicción de la Aduana de Iquitos por carecer de documento de control, se encuentra en comiso
Peru 82 5 2024 26 January, 2024 Commercial Ice Making Machine, MODEL HK-170KG, PRODUCT NUMBER J 2 units of this equipment From China to Peru Se realizó una inspección a nivel de documento de transporte Manifiesto de carga N° 118-2023-3270, B/L N° ONEYSH3AM9479500, a la Declaración de Transbordo 118-81-2024-0004956 donde manifiestan y declaran “PLASTIC CUP” (vasos de plástico) y se encontró 2 unidades de MAQUINA PARA HACER HIELO COMERCIAL MODELO HK-170KG, NUMERO de producto JSZS000000000022, medidas aproximadas 66x66x89.5 cm, de procedencia china según caja, incluye accesorios. Procediendo a la incautación por mercancía NO MANIFESTADA se encuentra en el Almacén de la SUNAT Mercancía inspeccionada por la Intendencia Nacional de Control e incautada con un valor CIF de US$ 71
Philippines 83 1 2024 12 July, 2023 HCFC-22 and HCFC-141B HCFC-22 is 4,080 kg; HCFC-141B is 3,180 kg From China to Philippines Possession of unregistered brands of HCFCs based on our Online Permitting and Monitoring System (OPMS) data. Issued Notice of Violation (NOV), advising to refrain from moving/selling said goods subject to future investigation
Philippines 57 1 2022 11 May, 2022 R-507A 3,390 kg (300 cylinders x 11.3 kg) from China Importer has no Certificate of Registration and Pre- Shipment Importation Clearance issued by Environmental Management Bureau for arrived shipment EMB Region VII personnel together with the Bureau of Customs has conducted inspection and found importer have failed to secure required documents Issuance of Notice of Violation will follow in relation to the Section 7 & 8 of DAO 2021-31 Chemical Control Order for Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
Philippines 83 2 2024 13 July, 2023 HCFC-22 and HCFC-141B HCFC-22 is 1,523.2 kg; HCFC-141B is 13.5 kg. From China to Philippines Possession of unregistered brands of HCFCs based on our Online Permitting and Monitoring System (OPMS) data. Issued Notice of Violation (NOV), advising to refrain from moving/selling said goods subject to future investigation
Philippines 29 184 2004 01 May, 2003 CFC-12 and HCFC-22 2,076 disposable cylinders of 13.6 kg each China The physical examination of the contents of two container vans revealed boxes of CFC-12 concealed behind layers of HCFC-22 boxes. The first 2 layers were HCFC-22, while the rest were CFC-12. The shipment was forfeited in favour of the Government. In accord with the tariff and customs code of the Philippines, the forfeited shipment should be sold at auction. Only registered importers will be allowed to participate in the auction, and any ODS they purchase will be deducted from their quota allocation. The importer was fined 50,000 pesos and suffered revocation of certificate of registration and permit to import.
Philippines 29 185 2004 01 May, 2003 CFC-12 and HCFC-22 454 cylinders of 13.6 kg each China Using Neutron refrigerant identifier, the shipment was tested and found to be 30.7% HFC-134a, 9.9% CFC-12, 48.3% HCFC-22, and 11.1% hydrocarbon, instead of pure HFC-134a, as declared. If computed by percentage weight, CFC-12 amounted to 539 kilograms.
Philippines 16 205 2003 01 Aug, 2003 CFC-12 1,140 cylinders of 13.6 kg each China The shipment was apprehended by the Government of Philippines after which the investigation revealed that the importer applied for a license to import HFC-134a but instead illegally imported CFC-12. The shipment was packed and labelled as HFC-134a but with no brand name and no indication of where the substances had been manufactured. The Government of China has been requested by Philippines to investigate the supplier/exporter of the illegal CFCs.
France 75 1 2023 27 Oct, 2022 Waste refrigerants (CFCs and HCFCs) From unknown country to France Presentation of the license a posteriori Infringement notified to operator with penalties. Presentation of a valid license.
France 67 1 2023 20 July, 2020 HFC refrigerants 3,972kg The refrigerants were packaged in non-refillable cylinders, which are prohibited in the EU. The cylinders were made available to French authorities.
France 84 1 2024 3 January, 2023 Carbon tetrachloride 20 kg From France to US License not applicable (error on the container) Fine (€150) The error was subsequently corrected by the exporter, who was able to carry out the export.
France 75 2 2023 25 Jul, 2022 Carbon tetrachloride 19,760kg From France to India Invalid license Infringement notified to operator with penalties. Presentation of a valid license.
France 84 2 2024 2 May, 2023 Halon extinguishers 9,000 kg From UK to France License expired. Fine (€150) The import could take place after regularization.
France 67 2 2023 29 September, 2020 HFC refrigerants 8,000kg The refrigerants were packaged in non-refillable cylinders, which are prohibited in the EU. The cylinders were made available to French authorities.
France 67 3 2023 7 October, 2020 HFC refrigerants 935kg The refrigerants were packaged in non-refillable cylinders, which are prohibited in the EU. The cylinders were made available to French authorities.
France 75 3 2023 10 Feb, 2022 Gas extinguishers 158.3kg From Kuwait to France Invalid license Infringement notified to operator. Presentation of a valid license.
France 84 3 2024 27 July, 2023 Halon 3,400 kg From UK to France Import without license Fine (€150) and refusal of entry (halon sent to Tunisia) The operator opted for re-export to Tunisia after being refused entry into France.
France 84 4 2024 2 January, 2023 Halon 22 kg From France to US 2022 license used (the exporter used an expired license, specifically using a 2022 license for a trade that occurred in 2023) Infringement notified to the operator and presentation of a valid license The export could take place after regularization.
France 75 4 2023 2 Jun, 2022 Halon 1301 20,000kg From India to France Presentation of an already cleared license Infringement notified to operator. Presentation of a valid license.
France 67 4 2023 21 November, 2020 HFC refrigerants 11,400kg The refrigerants were packaged in non-refillable cylinders, which are prohibited in the EU. The cylinders were made available to French authorities. 1,140 cylinders containing 11,400 kg of HFC refrigerants
France 75 5 2023 1 Sep, 2022 Mechanical fire extinguishers 142kg From unknown country to France Invalid license Infringement notified to operator. Presentation of a valid license.
France 67 5 2023 23 May, 2022 HFC-134a and R-404A 35,139kg from Türkiye to France Non-refillable bottles are prohibited by article 11 of EU regulation 517/2014. Importing company was not registered on the F-Gas portal of the European Commission (article 19 of EU regulation 517/2014). The importer listed on the customs declaration was not the actual consignee of the goods. Seizure of goods. Re-export to Türkiye. 2,703 cylinders
France 84 5 2024 11 January, 2023 Halon 97,000 kg From France to Israel 2022 license used (the exporter used an expired license, specifically using a 2022 license for a trade that occurred in 2023) Infringement notified to the operator and presentation of a valid license The export could take place after regularization.
France 84 6 2024 9 May, 2023 Extinguishers 5 kg From France to Tunisia License not applicable Infringement notified to the operator and presentation of a valid license The operator used a license that did not apply to the exported product. The product did not leave the country and was seized by customs.
France 75 6 2023 3 May, 2022 Halon 1301 29,940kg From India to France Invalid license Infringement notified to operator. Presentation of a valid license.
France 84 7 2024 6 July, 2023 Extinguishers 178 kg From France to US License not applicable Infringement notified to the operator and presentation of a valid license. The license transmitted by the operator was not the one indicated on the customs declaration. The export could take place after correction.
France 75 7 2023 28 Jul, 2022 Fire extinguishers 11,700kg From France to India Export without licence Infringement notified to operator. Regularization a posteriori.
France 84 8 2024 23 October, 2023 Extinguishers 76 kg From US to France Wrong license number License modified by the operator. The operator has modified the information at the customs office's request (the operator had initially presented an export license instead of an import license). The goods could be imported after correction.
France 84 9 2024 23 October, 2023 Extinguishers 83 kg From US to France Wrong license number License modified by the operator The operator has modified the information at the customs office's request (the operator had initially presented an export license instead of an import license). The goods could be imported after correction.
France 8 149 2008/2009 2007 Halon-1211 and Halon-1301 220 kg Exports of 25 kg of Halon-1211 and 195 kg of Halon-1301 were made to various countries during 2006 without an export licence. The case was detected by the European Commission while comparing licence data and reported data. The case is under investigation by French customs authorities.
France 8 150 2008/2009 2007 CFC-12 Unknown Twenty-three refrigerators whose compressors contained CFC-12 were seized on 11 December 2007. The goods were to be exported to Senegal. The competent authority is investigating.
France 8 151 2008/2009 2007 Carbon tetrachloride 8 kg In 2006 a French company exported 8 kg of carbon tetrachloride to Azerbaijan for laboratory uses without having an export authorization. The case was detected by the European Commission while comparing licence and reported data of another company. The company has been reminded by French competent authorities regarding the existing rules.
France 9 167 2007/2008 1 Jan to 31 Dec, 2005 HCFC-22 Unknown The illegal import of 1,890 air-conditioning units was detected at the customs in Guadeloupe. Material was re-exported. Fines were issued.
Libya 72 1 2023 17 June, 2022 Methyl bromide 179,000 kg From India via Belgium to Libya This shipment was brought to Libya with forged documents submitted by the supplier. The technicians of the Ministry of Environment checked the shipment and found that the shipment contained methyl bromide. The shipment was seized. Port authorities were notified of the illegal trade. All parties involved in the illegal importation were investigated in accordance with national legislation. The national regulation stipulates that the prohibited substances must be re-exported to the country of origin. On 30 August 2023, the illegally imported quantity of methyl bromide was sent back to Belgium.
Papua New Guinea 70 1 2023 27 July, 2021 HCFC-22 544kg From China to Papua New Guinea The HCFC-22 was declared correctly while the current importer claiming unaware of import restrictions, was not Authorized and did not possess an Environment Permit to Import HCFC-22. Through documentation checks a Customs Officer who had undergone NOU Customs trainings identified the HCFC-22 and informed the NOU accordingly. Upon reporting to the NOU the Customs officer was advised to detain the consignment for further investigation and action. Upon investigation, it was found that the company was previously informed of the restrictions in a previous incident of illegal import. The Environment Authority penalized the company by: i.Confiscating the 544kg of imported HCFC-22; ii.Charged the company a penalty fine of PGK50,000.00; iii.Issued a second warning indicating that a 3rd contravention would result in the matter being taken to court and the Authority suspending the company’s Mining Permit. 1. It is important to provide updated information and training to Customs officers. 2. It is good for the NOU having access to the Customs Asycuda system. 3. The engagement of a lawyer from the Department of Justice to be on call for such cases is recommended. 4. Updated laws and regulations for better controlling of ODS. 5. Establishing an E-permitting system will contribute to limiting illegal trade.
Papua New Guinea 70 2 2023 30 June, 2020 HCFC-22 1,496Kg From China to Papua New Guinea The HCFC-22 was declared correctly while the importer claiming to be unaware of Import Restrictions, was not Authorized and did not possess an Environment Permit to Import HCFC-22. Through documentation checks a Customs Officer who had undergone NOU Customs trainings identified the R22 and informed the NOU accordingly. Upon reporting to the NOU the Customs officer was advised to detain the consignment for further investigation and action. Upon investigation and confirmation of HCFC-22 quantities the company was issued a warning and direction to apply for a one-off permit for the imported quantity. 1.The main learning from this event was to ensure regular communication with Customs officers. 2. More awareness needs to raise on import requirements, and e-permitting will assist with limiting illegal imports. 3.Penalizing companies that import illegally will serve as an example to others and encourage them to comply. The practice of letting companies off with a warning and issuing permits upon arrival of consignments is not appropriate as it is indirectly promoting this behaviour and contradicts the local Prior Consent Approval requirements that are part of the import process. 4.It is important to act quickly in such cases to ensure response and relevant investigations are in compliance with Customs regulations/policies on consignment detainment and clearance etc.
Australia 69 1 2023 12 July, 2022 HFC-134a 48kg Bulk HFC-134a in non-refillable cylinders detected at border. Importer was found to be unlicensed. Cylinders seized and the importer issued a seizure notice.
Australia 56 1 2022 27 May, 2022 HFC-134a 4.1 kg from United States to Australia Bulk HFC-134a in non-refillable cylinders detected at border. Importer was found to be unlicensed. Cylinders seized and the importer issued a seizure notice. Refrigerant destroyed
Australia 56 2 2022 19 Apr, 2022 HFC-134a 1.4 kg from United States to Australia Bulk HFC-134a in non-refillable cylinders detected at border. Importer was found to be unlicensed. Cylinders seized and the importer issued a seizure notice. Refrigerant destroyed
Australia 69 2 2023 17 March, 2022 HFC-134a 32kg From United States of America to Australia Equipment containing HFC-134a detected at border. Importer was unlicensed. Equipment seized and the importer issued a seizure notice.
Australia 56 3 2022 05 Jul, 2022 HFC-134a 4.1 kg from United States to Australia Bulk HFC-134a in non-refillable cylinders detected at border. Importer was found to be unlicensed. Cylinders seized and the importer issued a seizure notice. Refrigerant destroyed
Australia 69 3 2023 7 June, 2021 R-404A and HFC-134a 29.35kg of R-404A and 0.15kg of HFC-134a from China to Australia The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment received an allegation that a Chinese supplier is providing fraudulent declarations that the SGG equipment they supply does not contain refrigerant. Import monitoring detected a company importing SGG equipment from the Chinese supplier without a license. Synthetic Greenhouse Gas (SGG) equipment valued at AUD$218,613 seized at border following confirmation equipment contained HFC-404a and HFC-134a and the importer was unlicensed. Importer issued formal warning.
Australia 56 4 2022 05 Apr, 2022 HFC-134a 0.34 kg from United States to Australia Bulk HFC-134a in non-refillable cylinders detected at border. Importer was found to be unlicensed. Cylinders seized and the importer issued a seizure notice. Refrigerant destroyed
Australia 56 5 2022 18 Dec, 2018 and 21 Feb, 2019 HFC-227ea 4,000 kg and 1,000 kg from China to Australia Allegation received about company importing HFC-227ea without a licence or quota. Investigation identified company importing HFC-227ea without a licence. 5 Cylinders of HFC-227ea seized. Civil court proceedings taken against importer. Refrigerant destroyed
Australia 56 6 2022 2019 HCFC-22 571.2 kg from Thailand to Australia Import data monitoring detected a company importing bulk HCFC-22 without a licence. Importer issued Infringement Notices Refrigerant destroyed
Australia 19 95 2019 01 Oct, 2016 HCFC-141b based polyol 80 drums China In June 2016, the Department of the Environment and Energy received information that a company was intending to import an HCFC-141b based polyol system without an import licence or import quota. The company was aware both were required to import polyol systems containing HCFC-141b.  The Director of the company confirmed during a compliance site visit in August 2016 to the company’s premises that the company was in the process of importing HCFC-141b polyol based systems. The company was informed again, that an import licence and import quota for HCFC was required, and that all import quota for HCFC had been allocated. In October 2016, the Australian Border Force intercepted a consignment of 80 drums of HCFC-141b based polyol imported by that company that had landed in Sydney, and held those drums in a bonded warehouse while the Department of the Environment and Energy took compliance action. The action taken was for the importer to be required to return the polyol to the place of import. The importer agreed and was granted an export licence for a single export to enable it to re-export the polyol to its source country. This occurred in December 2016. The company was not prosecuted for the illegal import however compliance costs to the company were significant including the export licence application fee, the costs of storage in a bonded warehouse for two months and business disruption. These are unrecoverable costs to the to the company, in addition to the lost costs of purchasing the polyol system. Following the export of the polyol the company maintained contact with the Department of the Environment and Energy regarding obtaining an import licence for a HFC replacement or importing a non-scheduled alternative. They have been informed of the licensing program and quota requirements for the import of HFCs. HFC imports and phase down are monitored by the Department and the Department of Home Affairs.
North Macedonia 66 1 2023 14 September, 2021 200 cylinders of R-407C, 100 cylinders of HFC-32 3,160 kg From Türkiye to North Macedonia 200 pieces of R407C are in non-refillable cylinders; The control performed with Refrigerant Analyzer ULTIMA ID PRO RI-700H confirmed that the F-gases are R-407C and HFC-32. The temporarily detained 200 pieces of R-407C / 11.3 kg will be returned to the Turkish exporter. Total value of the shipment was around 20700 USD. The controls were done under the operational activities within the operation „Illegal trade in F-gases / non-refillable cylinders – 2021” on September 1, 2021.
North Macedonia 66 2 2023 1 October, 2021 100 cylinders of R-404A, 20 cylinders of R-410A, 20 cylinders of HFC-134a 1,588kg From Serbia to North Macedonia All cylinders are non-refillable. The control performed with Refrigerant Analyzer ULTIMA ID PRO RI-700H confirmed that the F-gases are R-404A, R-410A and HFC-134a. The temporarily detained 140 pieces of R-404A / 10.9kg, R-410A / 11.3kg and HFC-134a / 13.6kg will be returned to the Serbian exporter. Total value of the shipment was around 7460 euro.
North Macedonia 66 3 2023 23 February, 2022 57 bottles of F-gas R-507A, 4 bottles of F-gas HFC-134a 693kg From North Macedonia to Bulgaria The shipment was destined to Bulgaria from North Macedonia via Deve Bair of North Macedonia and Gyueshevo of Bulgaria. The commodities were declared as plastic barrels (HS Code 3923.90). The cylinders were non-refillable. The use of non-refillable cylinders is prohibited in the European Union and the Republic of North Macedonia. The shipment was concealed among the declared plastic barrels. The export and import companies were not involved in the smuggling. The offender who was driving the truck and trailer, is a North Macedonia national and the owner of the transport company. The truck used for transportation is registered to Bulgaria. The seizure was made based on risk profiling.
Romania 64 1 2023 25 May, 2020; 18 June, 2020; 19 June, 2020 (2 seizures); 30 June, 2020; 16 July 2020 HFC-134a, R-404A, R407C, R-507A 76,145 kg from China to Romania Four of the consignees were not registered in the EU F-gas registry, and the fifth would have far exceeded its 2020 quota In most cases, the refrigerants were packaged in non-refillable cylinders, which are prohibited in the EU. Court cases were initiated and resulted in financial penalties The illegal trade was discovered by cross-referencing customs data with the EU F-gas portal (registration and quota allocation) and performing physical inspections of the shipments to determine the type and quality of the refrigerants in the cylinders shipped.
Romania 64 2 2023 7 October, 2020 R-404A 11,000kg From Türkiye to Romania The consignee was not registered for the import of refrigerants into the EU and thus did not have an import quota for HFCs. Return to sender OLAF received an official confirmation from the General Directorate of Customs that the shipment left the EU on 15 October 2020.
Romania 64 3 2023 11 August, 2020 HFC refrigerants 9,512.5 kg The consignee was not registered in the EU F-gas portal and thus did not have a quota to import HFCs. Return to sender 1,034 cylinders
Romania 64 4 2023 10 November, 2020 R-410A, R-404A 1,020 kg The consignee was not registered in the EU F-gas portal and thus did not have a quota to import HFCs. Return to sender 600 cylinders containing 1,020 kg of HFC refrigerants (340 kg of HFC-410A and 680 kg of HFC-404A)
Romania 64 5 2023 18 November, 2020 HFC refrigerants 25,500 kg The consignee was not registered in the EU F-gas portal and thus did not have a quota to import HFCs. Return to sender
Georgia 34 1 2019 15 Feb, 2018 HCFC-22 13.6 kg HCFC-22 (1 cylinder) Shipment by road from Azerbaijan through the Customs Clearance Zone “Tsiteli Khidi” On 15 February 2018, Georgia Customs Service detected an attempt of illegal import of one non-refillable refrigerant cylinder in the Customs Clearance Zone “Tsiteli Khidi” at the border between Azerbaijan and Georgia. The inspection of a passenger car took place as part of the Customs Risk Management Framework and resulted into the seizure of one cylinder containing 13,6 kg of HCFC-22 refrigerant. The driver did not have any shipment papers or import license. Analysis of the contents of the refrigerant cylinder with a refrigerant identifier (model RI-2002PA) confirmed that it contained HCFC-22. The cylinder was placed in the storage of a service agency of the Ministry of Finance. An administrative procedure and a court case were initiated. The driver had to pay a fine of about 270 GEL (approx. USD 90).
Georgia 34 2 2019 12 Apr, 2018 HCFC-22 68 kg HCFC-22 (5 cylinders) Shipment by road from Turkey through the Customs Clearance Zone “Batumi” On 12 April 2018, Georgia Customs Service detected an attempt of illegal import of five non-refillable refrigerant cylinders in the Customs Clearance Zone “Batumi” at the border between Turkey and Georgia. The inspection of a truck took place as part of the Customs Risk Management Framework and resulted into the seizure of five cylinders containing 13.6 kg of HCFC-22 refrigerant. The driver did not have any shipment papers or import license. Analysis of the contents of the refrigerant cylinders with a refrigerant identifier (model RI-2002PA) confirmed that it contained HCFC-22. The cylinders were placed in the storage of a service agency of the Ministry of Finance. An administrative procedure and a court case were initiated. The driver had to pay a fine of about 1360 GEL (approx. 450 Euros).
Georgia 34 3 2019 18 Jul, 2018 CTC 1.6 kg CTC (1 cylinder) Shipment by air from Russia through the Customs Clearance Zone “Tbilisi Airport” On 18 July 2018, Georgia Customs Service detected an attempt of illegal import of one glass jar of 1.6 kg of carbon tetrachloride (CTC) in the Customs Clearance Zone “Tbilisi Airport”. The shipment arrived from Russia and the shipment papers were inspected as part of the Customs Risk Management Framework. The shipment papers indicated carbon tetrachloride and the jar was labeled accordingly. However, the import of carbon tetrachloride into Georgia is banned and thus there was no import license. The seized jar was stored at the Customs Department. An administrative procedure and court case were initiated. The owner had to pay a fine of 48 GEL (approx. 16 Euros).
Georgia 34 4 2019 19 Jul, 2018 HCFC-22 13.6 kg HCFC-22 (1 cylinder) Shipment by air from Russia through the Customs Clearance Zone “Tbilisi Airport” On 19 July 2018, Georgia Customs Service detected an attempt of illegal import of one non-refillable refrigerant cylinder in the Customs Clearance Zone “Tsiteli Khidi” at the border between Azerbaijan and Georgia. The inspection of a passenger car took place as part of the Customs Risk Management Framework and resulted into the seizure of one cylinder containing 13,6 kg of HCFC-22 refrigerant. The driver did not have any shipment papers or import license. Analysis of the contents of the refrigerant cylinder with a refrigerant identifier (model RI-2002PA) confirmed that it contained HCFC-22. The cylinder was placed in the storage of a service agency of the Ministry of Finance. An administrative procedure and court case were initiated. The driver had to pay a fine of about 270 GEL (approx. USD 90).
Georgia 34 5 2019 04 Aug, 2018 HCFC-22 13.6 kg HCFC-22 (1 cylinder) Shipment by road from Azerbaijan through the Customs Clearance Zone “Tsiteli Khidi” On 4 August 2018, Georgia Customs Service detected an attempt of illegal import of one non-refillable refrigerant cylinder in the Customs Clearance Zone “Tsiteli Khidi” at the border between Azerbaijan and Georgia. The inspection of a passenger car took place as part of the Customs Risk Management Framework and resulted into to seizure of the cylinder containing 13,6 kg of HCFC-22 refrigerant. The driver did not have any shipment papers or import license. Analysis of the contents of the refrigerant cylinder with a refrigerant identifier (model RI-2002PA) confirmed that it contained HCFC-22. The driver and the cylinder were sent back. No administrative procedure was initiated.
Georgia 34 6 2019 11 Aug, 2018 HCFC-22 27.2 kg HCFC-22 (2 cylinders) Shipment by road from Azerbaijan through the Customs Clearance Zone “Poti” On 11 August 2018, Georgia Customs Service detected an attempt of illegal import of two non-refillable refrigerant cylinders in the Customs Clearance Zone “Poti” at the border between Turkey and Georgia. The shipment papers of the cargo were inspected as part of the Customs Risk Management Framework. They indicated two refrigerant cylinders containing 13.6 kg of HFC-417a each, which is a retrofit for HCFC-22. The physical inspection of the cargo detected two refrigerant cylinders labelled R22 (serial number R1014AZ1132). Analysis of the contents of the refrigerant cylinder with a refrigerant identifier (model RI-2002PA) confirmed that it contained HCFC-22. The driver did not have an import license for HCFC-22 and both cylinders were seized and stored in the Customs Department. An administrative procedure and court case were initiated. The owner had to pay a fine of 680 GEL (approx. 220 Euros).
Georgia 34 7 2019 01 Sep, 2018 HCFC-22 27.2 kg HCFC-22 (2 cylinders) Shipment by road from Turkey through the Customs Clearance Zone “Batumi” On 1 September 2018, Georgia Customs Service detected an attempt of illegal import of two non-refillable refrigerant cylinders in the Customs Clearance Zone “Batumi” at the border between Turkey and Georgia. The shipment papers of the truck were inspected as part of the Customs Risk Management Framework. They indicated two refrigerant cylinders containing 13.6 kg of HFC-404a each, which is a retrofit for HCFC-22. The physical inspection of the truck detected two refrigerant cylinders labelled R22. Only the cardboard packaging indicated HFC-404a. Analysis of the contents of the refrigerant cylinder with a refrigerant identifier (model RI-2002PA) confirmed that it contained HCFC-22. The driver did not have an import license for HCFC-22 and both cylinders were seized and stored at the Customs Clearance Zone “Batumi”. An administrative procedure and court case were initiated. A fine of 450 GEL (approx. 150 Euros) was applied.
Georgia 34 8 2019 12 Oct, 2018 Halon-2402 10 kg halon-2402 (1 cylinder) Shipment by road from Russia through the Customs Clearance Zone “Tbilisi” On 12 October 2018, Georgia Customs Service detected an attempt of illegal import of one plastic cylinder labelled as refrigerant 114B2 in the Customs Clearance Zone “Tbilisi”. The truck arrived from Russia and the shipment papers were inspected as part of the Customs Risk Management Framework. They indicated 10 kg of halon-2402 and not refrigerant 114B2. Imports of halon into Georgia is banned and thus the driver did not have an import license for halon-2402. The cylinder was seized and stored at the Customs Department. An analysis of the cylinder contents was not done. An administrative procedure and court case were initiated.
Georgia 27 181 2004 01 Mar, 2004 CFC-12 Not provided United Arab Emirates Counterfeit “Genatron 134a” cylinders purportedly containing HFC-134a imported from Dubai to Tbilisi (Georgia). The cylinders after testing with gas identifiers revealed to contain CFC-12. The trade name used is genatron and not genetron.
Congo 62 1 2023 2020 HCFC-22 273kg from China to Congo Import without a license. Regulation 003 of 21 April 1991 on the protection of the environment stipulates in article 57 "import, production, trade and consumption of hazardous, potentially toxic, chemical substances are subject to the authorization by the Ministry of Environment. Order 2057/MIME regulating imports of ODS and equipment containing them provides in its article 3 that: “The import, export and re-export of ODS and equipment containing them are subject to authorization by the Ministry responsible for trade on the advice of its environment counterpart'. The subtances had been seized by the Port Customs officers who found that the importer did not have the license of the Ministry of Trade. The Customs services contacted the Directors of Environment and Trade in the region, who in turn contacted the National Ozone Office. It was therefore concluded that the importer had to pay a fine set by law and then regularize his situation, before getting back his product. Since the importer had not appeared for two years, the 21 cylinders of 13 kg each had been auctioned off to refrigeration specialists. Awareness campaigns and training of Customs officers undertaken by the NOO for more than three years mean that no controlled substance and equipment containing them can enter the Congo without an import license.
Seychelles 58 1 2023 Sep 2021 HCFC-22 From Seychelles to China According to the information that was sent to the importer by supplier, the substance was supposed to be HFC-134a. The Importer was fined as per the Environment Protection (Ozone) Regulations 2010 The equipment was seized on arrival by custom. However, the gas was removed and the equipment retrofitted with HFC-134a.
Seychelles 58 2 2022 24 May, 2022 HCFC-22 13.6 kg from Seychelles to China The cylinder came as a free cylinder with the cold store. Furthermore the carton box was labelled as 10.9kg, but on the cylinder it was 13.6kg. Fine of SR 3000/kg was imposed on importer as per the Environment Protection (Ozone) Regulations 2010. Cylinder was seized by custom and reshipped back
Seychelles 58 3 2023 24 May, 2022 HCFC-22 3 kg from Seychelles to China According to the information that was sent to the importer by the supplier, the substance was supposed to be HFC-134a Environment fine paid (SR3000/Equipment) The equipment has been seized on arrival by custom, until reshipment of the HCFC-22 cylinder. Equipment was retrofitted and reshipment of refrigerant gas done.
Seychelles 58 4 2023 26 Sep, 2022 HCFC-141b 81 kg From Seychelles to United Arab Emirates Refrigerant was imported without proper procedures Refrigerant was seized at custom & fine to be paid (SR3000/kg) Awaiting re-shipment to country of origin
Seychelles 12 173 2007/2008 2007 CFC-12 (refrigerators) 14 kg United Arab Emirates A consignment of 10 refrigerators and 4 chest freezers with labels of HFC-134a were imported into the country, from the United Arab Emirates, but on closer inspection and testing of the refrigerant by custom officers, it was found to be CFC-12. It was confiscated by the ozone unit. The importer was fined SR 2500/-(approx $300) per piece of equipment for retrofitting by the ozone unit, plus another fine under the Trades Tax Act.
Seychelles 12 174 2007/2008 2007 CFC-11 and CFC-12 (refrigerators) 88 kg China A consignment of 88 refrigerators and chillers with CFC-11 and CFC-12 were imported into the country, from China, to be sold in the shops by a local supplier. The consignment was confiscated by the ozone unit. The importer was fined under Trade Tax Act for importing banned gas plus reshipment of the consignment to its country of origin. Importer was given a final warning.
Seychelles 12 175 2007/2008 2007 CFC-12 1 cylinder (13.6 kg) United Arab Emirates Importation permit for 1 cylinder of R-406a was given by the ozone unit to a local importer. On arrival it was found to be R-12 (from the United Arab Emirates). The importer was fined under the Trade Tax Act for importing a banned gas and giving wrong information to customs, plus required to reship the gas at his own cost.
Hungary 54 1 2022 21 Oct, 2020 HCFC-22 3.4 kg not known The Hungarian National Climate Protection Authority carried out an on-the-spot check on the 21st of October 2020, where 3,4 kg of HCFC-22 refrigerant has been seized. The customer has not provided information about the origin of the refrigerants during the administrative procedure. 400.000 HUF (~1000 EUR) climate protection fine has been imposed, and the customer was obliged to ensure that the refrigerant is disposed of. The disposal has been carried out.
Hungary 54 2 2022 16 Sep, 2021 HCFC-22 13.6 not known The Hungarian National Climate Protection Authority alongside with the custom services and the police carried out an on-the-spot check on the 16th of September 2021, where 13.6 kg of HCFC-22 refrigerant has been seized. The customer has not cooperated with the Authority. 500.000 HUF (~1250 EUR) climate protection fine has been imposed, and the customer was obliged to pay the price for the disposal of the refrigerant seized (1.713.970 HUF ~4280 EUR). The case has been taken over by the police. Criminal procedure currently in progress.
Colombia 51 1 2021 30 Oct, 2020 HCFC-22 2,720 kg (200 cylinders) Not known On 30 October 2020, the Fiscal and Customs Police detected an attempt of illegal import of 200 cylinders of refrigerant on the road designated “corredor portuario/port corridor” in Barranquilla in the department of the Atlantic. The inspection resulted into the seizure of 200 cylinders of 30 Lbs of HCFC-22 refrigerant. The driver did not have any shipment papers or import license. The refrigerant was seized.
Colombia 51 2 2021 29 Feb, 2020 HFC-134a 52.36 Kg (340g x 154 cans) Not known The inspection of a delivery van resulted in the seizure of 154 cans of 340 g of HFC-134a found during the roadside inspection by the Fiscal and Customs Police. It took place on the road of the municipality La Paz in Valledupar. Goods were seized.
Colombia 51 3 2021 15 Jan, 2021 HCFC-141b based polyol 18.740 kg From Panama to Colombia The National Ozone Unit got notified of a possible violation of customs regime for illegal importation of substances controlled by the Montreal Protocol (Polyol). A company imported the substances, which require an import license. The goods were misdeclared with a wrong HS code 39095000 in the declaration. The National Directorate of Taxes and Customs investigated the case, and is currently following the legal procedures.
Paraguay 45 1 2020 21 Oct, 2020 HCFC-22 100 Cylinders, each of 13.6 kg from Brasil to Paraguay En fecha 21 de octubre de 2020 durante un procedimiento de control en el lado Paraguayo del Puente Internacional que une con la ciudad de Foz de Iguazú de Brasil, zona primaria de la Administración Aduanera de Ciudad del Este, la Dirección Nacional de Aduanas de Paraguay incautó un cargamento de 100 cilindros de R-22 de 13, 6 kg cada uno. escondidos en un automóvil tipo furgón marca Toyota que atropelló un control aduanero, dándose a la fuga, fue perseguido por las autoridades paraguayas, quienes le dieron alcance y procedieron a retener a las personas y decomisar las mercaderías encontradas por carecer de las documentaciones legales que avalen el ingreso legal al país, en violación a lo establecido en la Ley N° 2422 Código Aduanero, y demás leyes vigentes en la materia.Los cilindros decomisados ingresados desde el Brasil, se encontraban dentro de cajas con textos en idioma portugués, coincidentes con la información que se encuentra por los cilindros en portugués indicando ser de la marca EOS e importado en el BRASIL por FRIGELAR COMÉRCIO E INDUSTRIA LTDA. señalando como país de origen CHINA. Las personas retenidas no cuentan con cuota de importación de HCFC, ni licencia de importación del Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible (MADES), tampoco se encontró factura legal de compra, por lo que, se dio inicio a un sumario en la Dirección Nacional de Aduanas (DNA) por supuesto contrabando. [English translation: On October 21, 2020, during a control procedure on the Paraguayan side of the International Bridge that connects to the city of Foz de Iguaçu in Brazil, the primary area of the Customs Administration of Ciudad del Este, the National Customs Directorate of Paraguay seized a shipment of 100 cylinders of R-22 of 13.6 kg each. The shipment was hidden in a Toyota van that ran over a customs control, escaping. It was pursued by Paraguayan authorities, who reached it and detained the individuals and confiscated the merchandise found, as they lacked the legal documentation that would guarantee legal entry into the country, in violation of the provisions of Law No. 2422, the Customs Code, and other laws in force on the subject. The seized cylinders, entered from Brazil, were inside boxes with texts in Portuguese language, coinciding with the information found on the cylinders in Portuguese indicating that they are of the EOS brand and imported into BRAZIL by FRIGELAR COMÉRCIO E INDUSTRIA LTDA. and indicating as country of origin China. The detained individuals did not have HCFC import quota, nor import license from the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MADES), nor was a legal purchase invoice found, so a summary was initiated in the National Customs Directorate (DNA) for alleged smuggling.] Cuando el Ministerio del Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible (MADES) tomó conocimiento de la existencia de cilindros decomisados, en fecha 27 de octubre procedió a realizar la verificación del contenido de los mismos con el analizador de gases refrigerantes ARI 700, dando como resultado una pureza del 100 % de HCFC-22. - Decomiso. - Apertura de Sumario en Dirección Nacional de Aduanas. [English translation: When the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MADES) became aware of the existence of seized cylinders, on October 27th, it proceeded to verify their content with the ARI 700 refrigerant gas analyzer, resulting in 100% HCFC-22 purity. - Confiscation; - Opening of Summary in National Direction of Customs.] País de origen: China. [English translation: Country of origin: China]
Paraguay 32 96 2018 2015 HCFC-22 30980,8 Kg. CHINA En una verificación rutinaria de cilindros de gases refrigerantes se encontraron 2278 cilindros de HCFC-22 de 13,6 kg. cada uno sin declarar y escondidos en cuatro contenedores que declararon que contenían equipos de cortinas de aire y 570 cilindro de R-410A, y 571 cilindros de R-407C. (English : At a routine check on refrigerants gases cylinders, 2,278 unregistered cylinders for R22, of 13.6 kg each, were found hidden in four containers which were registered as containing air curtain equipment and 570 cylinders for R-410A, and 571 cylinders for R-407C.) Se procedió a retener el cargamento, iniciándose un sumario administrativo en el Ministerio del Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible, y realizándose, además, una denuncia en el Ministerio Público - Fiscalía Especializada en Delitos Ambientales. El Ministerio del Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible culminó el proceso con el pago de una multa y reenvío de los cilindros de R-22 a origen. (English : The shipload was detained, initiating an administrative summary at the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development and also made a complaint at the Public Ministry - Specialized Prosecutor in Environmental Crimes. The Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development concluded the prosecution with the payment of a fine and sending back the R-22 cylinders to their origin.)
Nigeria 41 1 2020 2013 CFC-12 89 Cylinders of 16.8KG ≈ 1.5 MT of CFC-12 from China to Nigeria In 2013, a company illegally imported 89 cylinders containing 16.8 kg of CFC-12 refrigerant each from China to Lagos, Nigeria. The Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) and National Agency for Food and Drug Administration & Control (NAFDAC) are designated national authorities responsible for control of import/export and issuance of license/permits to chemical importers in Nigeria. NCS and NAFDAC in collaboration confiscated this illegal import. The shipment papers did not state that it was CFC-12. It was identified using gas identifiers. The seized goods were received by the NOU and safely stored at the Ozone village- a centre for Ozone-friendly technology development. The company that illegally traded in the CFC-12 was fined, which was paid and also issued with a letter of warning. The company is still doing operating but under a very strict supervision by the relevant chemical regulatory agency. The CFC-12 was destructed using rotary kiln incineration technology, under Nigeria’s Pilot ODS wastes Disposal Project implemented by UNIDO. in 2019 UNEP issued global award certificates for NAFDAC & NCS in recognition of their roles in preventing illegal use of banned Ozone Depleting Substances, specifically CFC-12 in Nigeria and encouraged the Ministry to present the certificates to the agencies during celebration of the Ozone Day. The award certificates and medals were presented to the two organizations, accordingly.
Angola 46 1 2021 22 Jun 2020 CFC-11 58 kg from China to Angola The trader imported without the knowledge and environmental authorization the prohibited gas. This gas was learned from the General Tax Administration (AGT). The Criminal Investigation Service that is part of the NOU working group found out about this case, and is currently following the legal procedures.
Angola 46 2 2021 05 Jul 2020 CFC-12 1.606,5 kg from China to Angola In response to a complaint made by the General Tax Administration (AGT) on suspicion of importing prohibited refrigerants, the analysis was conducted using Refrigerant Identifier. It confirmed that although the label of the bottle said HFC-134a gas, inside the cylinder contained CFC-12 The National Ozone Unit called the Fiscal Police and the Criminal Investigation Service (SIC) and learned about mislabelled gas. Legal proceedings are underway.
Angola 46 3 2021 31 May 2020 CFC-12 4.320 kg from China to Angola In response to a complaint made by the General Tax Administration (AGT) on the suspicion of importing prohibited refrigerants, NOU convened a working work involving the tax police and the criminal investigation service. The analyzes were made wiht the Refrigerant Identifier. It was confirmed that although the label of the bottle said HFC-134a gas, inside it contained CFC-12 The Criminal Investigation Service learned about the mislabelled gas and proceeded with the legal procedures. Right now this case is in court.
Micronesia (Federated States of) 36 1 2019 30 Jan, 2019 HCFC-22 and R-404A 0.182 MT China A fishing vessel belonging to a foreign owned locally based fishing company docked in Kosrae state. Customs Officers from the state of Kosrae conducted an inspection and found that the vessel misdeclared number of cylinders of R-22 and R-404A. Customs seized both supplies of HCFC-22 and R-404A when it was found that the company not only misdeclared actual quantities of cylinders for each refrigerant,but failed to secure an import permit for the ODS R-22. The volume of R-22 and R-404A totaled 0.183 MT and 0.698 MT respectively. The FSM NOU has issued a penalty of $25,000 against the company in accordance with FSM’s Ozone Depleting Substances regulations. The seized HCFC-22 cylinders totaling 0.183 MT is currently in storage with Kosrae State Customs Office. The 64 cylinders of R-404A was eventually released back to the company after the company had paid penalties to Customs for misdeclaration of goods.
Micronesia (Federated States of) 6 131 2016 08 Oct, 2015 CFC-12 45 Kg (180 canisters of 250g each) Federated States of Micronesia/China Dichlorodifluoromethane (CFC-12 falsely labelled as Tetrafluoroethane (HFC-134a)). 6 cases of canisters labelled as Arkane HCF-134a. Each case contained 30 canisters of 250g of CFC-12 Confiscated and stored by Federated States of Micronesia, Yap State Field Office
Argentina 20 97 2018 08 May, 2017 HCFC-22 400 cylinders Upon a phone call received by one of the importers about an alert on illegal trade of HCFC-22 in Entre Ríos Province, the NOU called national gendarmerie office in that jurisdiction. An official letter from the chief officer of that command centre was received. Information sent was processed and communication with the Federal Criminal and Correctional Court on Duty Number 1 of Entre Ríos Province-, where the prosecution is held, was established. There is a prosecution being held under the local jurisdiction, ongoing communication with the court in duty is held.
Argentina 20 98 2018 21 Dec, 2016 HCFC-22 357 cylinders Upon a phone call received by one of the importers about an alert on illegal trade of HCFC-22 in Entre Ríos Province, the NOU called national gendarmerie office in that jurisdiction. An official letter from the chief officer of that command centre was received. Information sent was processed and communication with the Federal Criminal and Correctional Court on Duty Number 1 of Entre Ríos Province-, where the prosecution is held, was established. There is a prosecution being held under the local jurisdiction, ongoing communication with the court in duty is held.
Argentina 13 177 2006 01 Mar, 2006 HCFC-22 500kgs China A vessel transported 500 kgs of HFCs from China into Argentina. The customs authorities after testing the substance discovered it to be HCFC-22 which require an import license.
Namibia 22 101 2018 25 Feb, 2015 HCFC-22 3000kg (3 tanks) South Africa Confiscated refrigerants were kept until the following quota year to be sold to HCFC quota holders.
Namibia 22 102 2018 16 Jul, 2015 HCFC-22 272 kg (20 cylinders x 13.6 kg) South Africa Confiscated refrigerants were kept until the following quota year to be sold to HCFC quota holders.
Namibia 22 103 2018 21 Aug, 2015 HCFC-22 2040 kg (150 cylinders x 13.6 kg) South Africa Confiscated refrigerants were kept until the following quota year to be sold to HCFC quota holders.
Namibia 22 104 2018 07 Oct, 2015 HCFC-22 544 kg (40 cylinders x 13.6 kg) South Africa Confiscated refrigerants were kept until the following quota year to be sold to HCFC quota holders.
Namibia 22 105 2018 09 Oct, 2015 HCFC-22 27.2 kg (2 cylinders x 13.6kg) South Africa Confiscated refrigerants were kept until the following quota year to be sold to HCFC quota holders.
Namibia 22 106 2018 30 Nov, 2015 HCFC-22 95.2 kg (7 cylinders x 13.6 kg) China Confiscated refrigerants were kept until the following quota year to be sold to HCFC quota holders.
Namibia 22 107 2018 06 Dec, 2016 HCFC-22 108.8 kg (8 cylinders x 13.6 kg) South Africa Confiscated refrigerants were kept until the following quota year to be sold to HCFC quota holders.
Namibia 22 108 2018 2016 HCFC-22 2085 kg (58 cylinders x 13.6kg) South Africa Confiscated refrigerants were kept until the following quota year to be sold to HCFC quota holders.
Namibia 22 109 2018 04 Jun, 2017 HCFC-22 27.2 kg (2cylinders x 13.6kg) South Africa Confiscated refrigerants were kept until the following quota year to be sold to HCFC quota holders.
Namibia 22 110 2018 01 Aug, 2017 HCFC-22 149 .6 kg (11 cylinders x 13.6 kg) South Africa Confiscated refrigerants were kept until the following quota year to be sold to HCFC quota holders.
Croatia 4 112 2016 08 Dec, 2015 HCFC-22, R-404A and R-410A 1 cylinder of HCFC-22; 1 cylinder of R-404A and 2 cylinders of R410A Bosnia and Herzegovina Upon arrival at the BCP Maljevac customs checkpoint in Croatia, a person of Croatian nationality did not declare four refrigerant cylinders placed in the trunk of his car. These included one cylinder of R404 (10.9 kg), one cylinder of HCFC-22 (13.6 kg) and two cylinders of R410A (11.3 kg each). Under Croatian law, only duly registered dealers can deal with ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFC). The cylinders were seized and action under misdemeanor procedures initiated against the offender along with a € 200 fine plus the costs of the procedures. The report was sent to Environment inspection unit within the Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection and further investigation initiated. Croatia was awarded with the prestigious ozone protection medals and certificates in recognition of strong commitment to address illegal or unwanted trade in ozone-depleting substances (ODS), mixtures, equipment & products during the European and Central Asia Customs Cooperation Meeting in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, 24-25 May 2016.
Turkmenistan 24 121 2016 01 Aug, 2014 HCFC-22 and CFC-11 9 cylinders & (5 cylinders of HCFC-22; 4 cylinders CFC-11). Iran During manual inspection of cargo on a truck at the customs point “Hazar” in the Balkan velayat region, customs inspectors detected a large wooden box holding 5 (five) cylinders of refrigerant HCFC-22 with a total weight of 65 kg and 4 (four) cylinders of CFC-11, with a total weight of 50kg. In accordance with the law of Turkmenistan, the import of CFC-11 is banned. The import of HCFC-22 requires a one-time permit from the State Committee on the basis of a licence from the State concern “Turkmenhimiya”. The cylinders were sent back to the exporting country (Iran) at the expense of the importer. No fines were levied and no legal action was initiated.
Turkmenistan 24 122 2016 01 Nov, 2014 HCFC-22 2 cylinders United Arab Emirates During manual inspection of cargo on a truck at the customs point “Beyik Serdar Yoly” customs inspectors detected 2 (two) cylinders containing R-22 with a total weight of 27kg. The truck driver did not have a permit, licence or any other documentation concerning the importation of the refrigerant. In accordance with the law of Turkmenistan, the import of HCFC-22 requires a one-time permit from the State Committee on the basis of a licence from the State concern “Turkmenhimiya”. The goods were sent back to the exporting country (United Arab Emirates) at the expense of the importer. No fines were levied and no legal action was initiated.
Turkmenistan 24 123 2016 01 Apr, 2015 HCFC-22 16 cylinders United Arab Emirates During manual inspection of cargo on a truck at the customs point “Hazar” in the Balkan velayat region, customs inspectors detected 16 (sixteen) cylinders of refrigerant R-22 with a total weight of 217.6 kg. The cargo was not accompanied by any permit, licence or other documents In accordance with the law of Turkmenistan, the import of HCFC-22 requires a one-time permit from the State Committee on the basis of a licence from the State concern “Turkmenhimiya”. The goods were sent back to the exporting country (United Arab Emirates) at the expense of the importer. No fines were levied and no legal action was initiated. Turkmenistan has been awarded prestigious ozone protection medals and certificates in recognition of their strong commitment to address illegal or unwanted trade in ozone-depleting substances (ODS), mixtures, equipment and products and the ECA Customs Cooperation Meeting in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, 23-25 May 2016.
Uzbekistan 3 124 2016 19 Feb, 2015 CFC-12 13,60 kg From Turkey transit through the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Republic of Tajikistan. During customs inspection of transit cargo, following transit from Turkey to the Republic of Tajikistan the customs officers discovered cylinder labeled as «DIKHLORO-DIFLUORMETAN» 13,6 kg. (R12) which was not declared in the shipping documents in the truck arriving to the Customs clearance point of "Sariasiya". The ODS CFC-12 seized from illegal trade was placed in storage of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for future destruction.
Uzbekistan 3 125 2016 25 Feb 2015 CFC-12 466,00 kg Illegal import from Kadamjay district of Batken region of Kyrgyzstan to the Republic of Uzbekistan. The officers of the anti-smuggling department of the Fergana regional department of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, received operational information, about illegal possession of refrigerants The ODS – CFC 12 seized from illegal trade was placed in storage of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for future destruction.
Uzbekistan 3 126 2016 01 Feb, 2015 HCFC-22 357,00 kg The ODS – HCFC 22 seized from illegal trade was placed in storage of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan and will be consumed within Uzbekistan’s consumption limit of 2016.
Uzbekistan 3 127 2016 24 Apr, 2015 CFC-12 177,00 kg Illegal import from Kadamjay district of Batken region of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Republic of Uzbekistan. The officers of the anti-smuggling department of the Fergana regional department of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan revealed illegal smuggling in the village Sufan, Quvasoy region of Fergana region The ODS – CFC 12 seized from illegal trade was placed in storage of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for future destruction.
Uzbekistan 3 128 2016 04 Aug, 2015 HCFC-22 58,00 kg Illegal import from Kadamjay district of Batken region of Kyrgyzstan to the Republic of Uzbekistan. The border services officers of the military unit number 9229 revealed the illegal import of refrigerants by car in Kh. Tursunkulova street of Fergana district. The ODS – HCFC-22 seized from illegal trade was placed in storage of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan and will be consumed within the limit of 2016.
Uzbekistan 3 129 2016 04 Aug, 2015 CFC-12 38,36 kg The ODS – CFC 12 seized from illegal trade was placed in the storage of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for future destruction.
Uzbekistan 3 130 2016 29 Aug, 2015 HCFC-22 10,162 kg HCFC-22 were illegally imported to Uzbekistan from China. HCFC-22 was illegally imported to the country under different HS code, thus, it was recognised later, and for which Uzbekistan did not provide permission for import of stated amount. The ODS – HCFC 22 seized from illegal trade was placed in storage of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan and will be consumed within Uzbekistan’s consumption limit of 2016.
Uzbekistan 7 135 2010 28 Jan, 2010 CFC-12 7 cylinders of CFC-12 and 50 cylinders of R-600 China Goods impounded by police unit following inspection by Customs authorities. Laboratory tests confirmed refrigerants to be CFC-12. Smuggler fined approximately $75 by a court and substances detained for destruction
Uzbekistan 7 136 2010 08 May, 2010 Unspecified refrigerators 5 refrigerators Country of origin not identified The smuggler was apprehended during a spot check and failed to produce an import permit for the refrigerants. Investigation in progress
Uzbekistan 7 137 2010 10 Jun, 2010 HCFC-22 2 refrigerators and 2 items of air-conditioning equipment containing R-600 and HCFC-22 China Goods found in a truck but the smuggler failed to present import documents. Substances confiscated and smuggler fined approximately $155 by a court
Uzbekistan 7 138 2010 06 Jul, 2010 HFC-134a and CFC-12 20 kg of HFC-134a and 16 kg of CFC-12 China Refrigerants found hidden in the car boot. Confiscated during joint raid by Customs and traffic police at a checkpoint. Refrigerants confiscated and smuggler fined $25 by a court
Uzbekistan 7 139 2010 24 Jul, 2010 HCFC-22 and R-406A 60 litres in 5 cylinders India 60 litres of HCFC-22 and R-406A refrigerants found in the passenger compartment of a car. Goods confiscated and smuggler fined $25 by a court
Kenya 5 132 2016 02 May, 2012 R-404A and R-410A 30 Cylinders of R-404A and 27 Cylinders of R-410A UAE Contaminated Reshipment at the cost of the importing company and revocation of the ODS import license
Kenya 5 133 2016 08 Dec, 2012 HCFC-22, HFC-134a and R404A 30 cylinders of HCFC-22; 30 Cylinders of HFC-134a and 40 cylinders of R404A UAE HFC-134a had banned CFC12 while R404A had 25% of the banned CFC-12 Reshipment order and License application request was rejected
Kenya 5 134 2016 01 Apr, 2014 HCFC-22, HFC-134a, R-404A, R-407C and R-410A HCFC-22 of 9,534kg, 10,880 kg of HFC-134a, 4,360 kg of R-404A, 678 kg of R-407C and 3,390 kg of R-410A Kenya/China Expiry of permit and importing license Refrigerant consignment stopped from clearance by customs until updated valid ODS permit and ODS license obtained from issuing authority
Belgium 8 140 2008/2009 2007 Methyl bromide 1 kg One kilogram (kg) of methyl bromide imported for laboratory use was used in field testing of a methyl bromide alternative. The field testing would constitute a critical use but the user had no import licence covering critical uses. An investigation is under way.
Belgium 9 162 2007/2008 1 Jan to 31 Dec, 2005 Bromochloromethane (R-1011) 168,000 kg Follow up of a case already reported in 2004. R-1011 was imported without a license and using a wrong CN code. The company itself reported the irregularity. Penalties were issued.
Cyprus 8 142 2008/2009 2007 HCFC -22 14 kg During a field inspection on 23 March 2007 160 cylinders marked as containing HFC-134a were found to contain a blend including HCFC-22. Most of the cylinders had already been sold and their contents consumed. Only 19 could be seized and are now awaiting destruction. The competent authority is convinced that this was an isolated incident and that there was no deliberate intention to deceive the authorities.
Cyprus 8 143 2008/2009 2007 HCFC-22 22 kg A field inspection on 18 June 2007 revealed in a box of 90 air-conditioning units five split units charged with HCFC-22. The first placing on the market of such equipment is illegal in the European Community. The material currently awaits destruction.
Cyprus 9 163 2007/2008 1 Jan to 31 Dec, 2005 HCFC-22 680 kg Israel A delivery of R-408A (47% HCFC-22) had been intercepted during import by the customs. The material was sent by the Israeli supplier by mistake. Actually R-508 (no ODS) was ordered. The material was sent back to the supplier.
Denmark 8 144 2008/2009 2007 CFC-12 Unknown Customs authorities stopped a container whose contents included nine refrigerators. Export was denied. The chemical inspection service considered reporting the matter to the police.
Denmark 8 145 2008/2009 2007 CFC-12 Unknown Customs authorities stopped a container whose contents included one refrigerator.
Denmark 9 164 2007/2008 1 Jan to 31 Dec 2005 CFC-12 Unknown 8 companies were stopped in their attempt to export illegally refrigerators containing CFC-12 to countries outside the EC. 3 companies were reported to the police. 2 companies were fined by a court. One company accepted a fine without court rule (fines between 1,300 and 3,000 euros). Other residual 5 cases did not result in prosecution.
Estonia 8 146 2008/2009 2007 Halon-2402 200 kg The ship MS Kopli was exported to Georgia with halons on board. The Environmental Inspectorate is currently taking action; it is expected that the owner will be fined.
Estonia 8 147 2008/2009 2007 Halon-2402 200 kg The ship MS Pakri was exported to Russia with halons on board.
Estonia 9 165 2007/2008 1 Jan to 31 Dec, 2005 HCFC 68 kg Russia Illegal export to a Russian ship. The company was fined.
Greece 8 152 2008/2009 2007 HCFC 1,183 kg R401a in the amount of 1,360 kg (53 per cent R22, 13 per cent R152a, 34 per cent R124) was stopped at the border by customs authorities as the importer was not able to present an import licence. Import was denied and the goods were returned to the manufacturer at the importer’s expense.
Ireland 8 153 2008/2009 2007 CFC-12 and HCFC-22 504 kg of CFC-12 and 1,306 kg of HCFC A company was found to be holding stocks of and using CFC-12 and HCFC-22 without allowance Document checks suggest that the material was illegally imported between 2001 and 2004 from the United Arab Emirates. The substances were found in non-refillable 13.6 kg cylinders. Empty containers were found as well. The stocks and empty containers were ordered to be destroyed. Following this case 13 other premises in Ireland were inspected. No other cases of non-compliance were discovered.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 8 158 2008/2009 2007 TCA 62 kg A company mistakenly imported more TCA than it was licensed to bring in (132 kg instead of 70 kg). The company has been reminded of proper procedures.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 8 159 2008/2009 2007 HCFC-22 153,000 kg A company exported 153,000 kg of HCFC-22 to India for feedstock uses; the company was only licensed to export for refrigeration uses. An investigation is under way.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 8 160 2008/2009 2007 Halons Unknown Due to a misinterpretation of the applicable regulation no export licences were requested with regard to the export of halon-based fire-extinguishers. An investigation is under way.
Germany 9 168 2007/2008 1 Jan to 31 Dec, 2005 Halon-1301 0.1 kg Import without license Sale was banned.
Mexico 11 171 2007/2008 01 Sep, 2003 CFC-12 1,717 kg Mexico In September 2003 a delivery of CFC-12 was found in the storage facilities of Mexican Customs in the southern border with Guatemala The property of this material was not claimed by anybody within the legal time-limit established under the Mexican law, after which time the material has to be destroyed or donated to a national public institution. The material was seized, and according to customs procedures, this material was donated to a national public institution, in this case the Naval Ministry to be used in their facilities and equipment.
Czechia 26 178 2004 01 Nov, 2002 HCFC-22 374.4 kg Not provided Illegal import of heat pumps containing ODS into the Czech Republic by a company, Polymat, s.r.o. Osvoboditelu 182 767 10 Kromeriz.
Czechia 26 179 2004 01 Nov, 2002 HCFC-22 13.6 kg Czech Republic Illegal storage and export of air-conditioning units containing ODS.
Czechia 26 180 2004 01 May, 2003 HCFC-22 Not available Not provided Illegal import of air-conditioning units containing ODSs to Czech Republic and recovery of ODS without proper permission issued by MoE CR by a company, GEA Klimatizace Vesecka 1 463 12 Liberec.
Japan 28 182 2004 01Jul, 2001 CFC-12 31,112 kg (each 300 g x 103,705 cans) China A firm purchased 103,705 cans of CFC-12 knowing the substance was illegal to import.
Japan 28 183 2004 01 Oct, 2002 CFC-13 4,536kg (each 250 g X 18,142 cans) China A firm tried to import 18,142 cans of CFC-12 from China. The firm falsely declared to customs authorities that the drums contained ethylene glycol.
Japan 14 197 2002/2003 01 May, 2001 CFC-12 5400kg (each 250g x 21,600 cans) Thailand Two men tried to import 21,600 cans of CFC-12 from Thailand by air cargo. Instead, they made a false declaration of lubricants to the Customs authorities as lubricants.
Japan 14 198 2002/2003 01 Jul, 2001 CFC-12 11,745kg (each 300g x 39,150cans) China A firm tried to import 39,150 cans of CFC-12 from China by marine containers. Instead, the firm made a false declaration of HFC-134a to the Customs authorities.
Japan 14 199 2002/2003 01 Jul, 2001 CFC-12 123,300kg (each 300g x 411,000cans) China A firm and affiliated firm tried to import 411,000 cans of CFC-12 from China by marine containers. Instead, the firm made a false declaration report ten times of HFC-134a to the Customs authorities.
Japan 14 200 2002/2003 01 Jul, 2001 CFC-12 11,160kg (each 310g x 35,999cans) China Four Japanese tried to import 35,999 cans of CFC-12 from China by marine containers. Instead, they made a false declaration of HFC-134a to the Customs authorities.
Japan 14 201 2002/2003 01 Mar, 2002 CFC-12 1,975kg (each 350g x 5,644cans) Egypt An Egyptian who is staying in Japan tried to import 5,644 cans of CFC-12 from Egypt by air cargo. Instead, he made a false declaration of HFC-134a to the Customs authorities.
Japan 14 202 2002/2003 01 Jun, 2002 CFC-12 2,871kg (each 250g x 11,483 cans) China-Hong Kong Four Japanese tried to import 11, 483 cans of CFC-12 from China by marine containers. Instead, they made a false declaration of HFC-134a to the Customs authorities.
Japan 14 203 2002/2003 01Jun, 2002 CFC-12 2,708kg (each 250g x 10,830cans) China-Hong Kong Four Japanese tried to import 10,830 cans of CFC-12 from China by marine containers. Instead, they made a false declaration of HFC-134a to the Customs authorities.
Japan 14 204 2002/2003 01Jul, 2002 CFC-12 6,030kg (each 250g x 24,120cans) Vietnam Two men tried to import 24,120 cans of CFC-12 from Vietnam by marine containers. Those cans were hidden behind the boxes that contained paints in the container. Instead, they made a false declaration of paints to the Customs.
Sri Lanka 30 186 2004 01 Jan, 2003 CFC-12 26 cylinders of R-502 (mixtures of CFC and HCFC) Not provided These cylinders were detained by customs authorities.
Sri Lanka 30 187 2004 01 Apr, 2003 CFC-12 200 cylinders of CFC-12 mislabelled as HFC-134a China Investigation revealed that a Chinese company named “Ningbo Free Zone, Sino- Resource, Import and Export Company Limited” manufactured the illegal consignment. The company claimed that it mistakenly filled the HFC-134a cylinders with CFC 12. The importer was fined. The consignment was forfeited and sold at auction to “Koolair Limited”, a company with a valid quota to import ODS. The purchased amount was deducted from Koolair’s quota.
Sri Lanka 30 188 2004 01 May,2003 CFC-12 1 cylinder of CFC-12 and 3 cylinders of R-502 (mixture of CFC & HCFC) and 8 cylinders of CFC-11 Not provided The cylinders were detained by the customs authorities.
Sri Lanka 30 189 2004 01May, 2004 CFC-12 Refrigerated container working with CFC-12 Not provided This was directed for retrofitting.
Thailand 31 190 2004 01 May, 2003 CFC-12 680 kg of CFC-12 “Refron” India Custom officers were alerted by an informer.
Thailand 31 191 2004 01 Jun, 2003 CFC-12 653 kg of CFC-12 “Refron” Not provided
Thailand 31 192 2004 01 Jun, 2003 CFC-12 454 kg of CFC-12 “Refron” India Seized by a special Khong River division during transport across the river from the Lao People’s Republic to Thailand. Prosecution of the case has not yet begun.
Thailand 31 193 2004 01Jun, 2003 CFC-12 2,978.7 kg of CFC-12 “Refron” India
Thailand 31 194 2004 01Jul, 2003 CFC-12 952 kg of CFC-12 “Refron” India Smuggling took place from the Lao People’s Republic to Thailand by crossing the Khong River and then transport by pickup truck.
Thailand 31 195 2004 01 Jul, 2003 CFC-12 680 kg of CFC-12 “Refron” Not provided
Thailand 31 196 2004 01 Jul, 2003 CFC-12 4,923.2 kg of CFC-12 “Refron” India
Singapore 17 206 2003 01 Aug, 2001 CFC-12 80 cylinders of 13.6 kg each Not provided A company was apprehended and fined for ODS imports without license under the Environment Pollution control Act.