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Ratification declaration notes


On 17 April 2015, the Secretary General received from the Government of Spain the following communication relating to the territorial application by United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Gibraltar of the Vienna Convention, the Montreal Protocol and the London, Copenhagen, Montreal and Beijing Amendments to the Montreal Protocol.

Gibraltar is a Non-Self Governing Territory for whose international relations the Government of the United Kingdom is responsible and which is subject to a process of decolonization in accordance with the relevant decisions and resolutions of the General Assembly.

The authorities of Gibraltar are local in character, and exercise competences exclusively over internal affairs that originate in and are based on the powers allocated to and conferred on them by the United Kingdom, in accordance with its domestic legislation and in its capacity as the sovereign State upon which depends the said Non-Self-Governing Territory.

Consequently, any involvement by the Gibraltarian in the implementation of this Convention/Protocol/London, Copenhagen, Montreal and Beijing Amendments to the Protocol shall be understood to take place exclusively within the framework of the internal affairs of Gibraltar and shall not be considered to affect in any way the content of the two preceding paragraphs.

The procedure envisaged in the “Arrangements relating to Gibraltar authorities in the context of Mixed Agreements (2007)” which was agreed by Spain and the United Kingdom on 19 December 2007, together with “Agreed Arrangements relating to Gibraltar authorities in the context of European Union and European Community Instruments and Related Treaties” of 19 April 2000, applies to the present Convention.

The application of the present Convention to Gibraltar cannot be interpreted as recognition of any rights or situations involving matters not included in Article 10 of the Treaty of Utrecht of 13 July 1713, signed by the crowns of Spain and Great Britain.