Designed for government representatives and national stakeholders new to the Vienna Convention and Montreal Protocol, students of environmental law, and anyone interested in learning about the ozone treaties, the online course launched by the Ozone Secretariat aims to provide an introduction to the international legal framework on ozone layer protection.
The course is hosted on InforMEA, the United Nations information portal on Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEA). The portal is a one-stop information hub on international environmental law searchable by key terms across treaty texts, COP/MOP decisions, national plans and reports, laws, court decisions and more. In addition, part of the platform is dedicated to e-learning containing around 40 free online courses on topics related to MEAs.
The Ozone introductory course, found under ‘Climate and Atmosphere’, is a self-paced course that allows navigating the lessons at your convenience and takes about 2-4 hours to complete, excluding additional materials. On completing the course and taking a final quiz, you will obtain a certificate.
The Ozone Secretariat is developing an advanced course to complement the introductory one with further insight and deep-dive into the ozone treaties to further enhance the knowledge of our stakeholders.