Doha Declaration (2008)
We the ministers of the environment and heads of delegation of the 143 Parties attending the eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the Twentieth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer,
Acknowledging the progress that has been made to address the problem of depletion of the ozone layer through the global elimination of production of over 96 per cent of historic levels of ozone‑depleting substances between 1987 and 2007,
Recognizing that this progress was achieved through:
(a) Cooperation between developed and developing countries, including provision being made to meet the needs of developing countries, as manifested by: the near universal participation in the Protocol by all countries; efficiency and transparency of the Protocol bodies, including the Multilateral Fund and its Executive Committee, the Implementation Committee; the assessment panels of the Protocol, and the Ozone and Multilateral Fund secretariats;
(b) Triennial replenishments of the Multilateral Fund amounting to over $2.4 billion from 1991‑2008; excellent compliance by all Parties with the Protocol’s provisions; capacity building in all developing country Parties’ to the Protocol through funding of over 140 national ozone units;
(c) Phase-out of more than 80 per cent of the production and consumption of ozone‑depleting substances by the developing countries; agreement by all Parties to accelerate the phase-out of their production and consumption of hydrochlorofluorocarbons; the extraordinary efforts and adaptability of the staff of the international and national implementing agencies to respond to the evolving needs of the Parties; the enormous and generous contributions of industry, non‑governmental organizations and academia in supporting the Protocol’s efforts;
(d) A firm commitment to maximizing and exploring the broad‑reaching benefits of the Protocol, in particular to deterring climate change in addition to ozone layer protection,
Taking account of the remaining work that needs to be done to protect the ozone layer, including the obligations of developing countries to reduce their production and consumption of chlorofluorocarbons, halons and carbon tetrachloride to zero by 1 January 2010, and methyl bromide and methyl chloroform by 2015, and eventually eliminate their global production and consumption of hydrochlorofluorocarbons,
Recognizing the generosity of past, present and future contributions of Parties to the Multilateral Fund and its essential role in securing the objectives of the Montreal Protocol,
Cognizant of the fact that safeguarding the ozone layer will require continued global commitment, a sustained level of scientific research and monitoring and the taking of precautionary measures to control equitably total global emissions of substances that deplete the ozone layer,
Acknowledging that phasing out ozone depleting substances has a positive impact on the climate system and human health, and that many of the actions that can still be taken by the Protocol Parties to investigate and reduce the impact of ozone depleting substances can have significant benefits in the efforts to address climate change including the need for urgent and effective action,
Wishing to highlight the operational leadership of the Montreal Protocol in addressing environmental issues in a holistic fashion that takes into account relationships with other institutions,
A. On the issue of destruction of ozone-depleting substances
1. Resolve to undertake an initial effort to destroy banks of ozone‑depleting substances in order urgently to address their ozone and climate impact, and through a process that is consistent with the requirements of other international legal regimes;
2. Commit ourselves to undertaking further studies to assess the technical and economic feasibility of destroying ozone-depleting substances, taking into account their ozone and climate impact;
3. Commit ourselves also to undertaking pilot projects to generate practical data and experience on management and financing modalities, achieving climate benefits, and exploring opportunities to leverage co-financing in order to maximize environmental benefits;
B. On the issue of replenishment
4. Underline the commitment to a replenishment of the Multilateral Fund of $490 million for the period 2009–2011 with the understanding that these funds will be used to enable developing countries to meet their obligations under the Protocol;
C. On atmospheric measurements
5. Urge the Governments of the world to seek to ensure full coverage of the relevant data gathering programmes, in order to ensure that the atmosphere including its stratospheric ozone and its interrelation with climatic change is kept under continuous observation;
D. On the Government of Qatar initiatives
6. Applaud the two initiatives announced by the Government of Qatar to establish:
(a) A monitoring station in Qatar, for monitoring the Ozone Layer and the Earth’s stratosphere in collaboration with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States of America;
(b) An Ozone Layer and Climate Change Research Centre, within Qatar’s Science and Technology Park and in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme, for conducting scientific research on ozone-depleting substance alternatives and developing environmentally friendly applications;
E. On this and future paperless meetings
7. Recognize the outstanding contribution of the Government of Qatar in embracing and conducting, for the first time in the history of the United Nations, a very successful paperless meeting, a practice which we hope will be extended to the conduct of future United Nations meetings; note, once again, the innovative contributions that Parties to the Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol can make; and express great hope that the success achieved in Doha will serve as a model and pave the way to holding virtually paperless meetings in other United Nations forums and elsewhere;
8. Express great appreciation to the Government of Qatar for the donation of the computers and paperless system, which will enable future United Nations meetings to be held in a paperless manner.