TEAP expertise required
TEAP expertise required
As required by the TEAP terms of reference, the matrix of needed expertise for the Panel and it’s Technical Options Committees (TOCs) is provided below, valid as of May 2024. The needed expertise has been identified by the Panel, taking into account expertise provided by current members whose terms expire at the end of 2024.
The matrix of needed expertise is the basis for facilitating the nomination by parties of appropriate experts to the TEAP, its TOCs and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (TSBs). Nominations are typically made through a simple communication to the TEAP or TOC or the Ozone Secretariat accompanied by the curriculum vitae of the nominee.
A standard nomination form is set out at: https://ozone.unep.org/sites/default/files/assessment_panels/teap-nomination-form.docx.
Body | Required Expertise |
A5/ Non-A5 |
Senior Experts |
Experts with extensive experience on TEAP technical and economic assessments, especially sector transitions and challenges in A5 parties; extensive knowledge and experience of Multilateral Fund (MLF) decisions, guidelines, operations, and related funding to meet financial needs of A5 parties under the ODS phase-out and HFC phase-down. Expert in the analysis and assessment (including modelling) of factors, including energy efficiency and regional economics, for forecasting the market penetration and potential future disposition of HCFCs, HFCs, and alternatives |
A5 or non-A5 |
Experts in extruded polystyrene production in India and China |
A5 |
Polyurethane system house technical experts (especially from small and medium enterprises) |
A5 from southern Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, or Mexico |
Use of HFCs and Alternatives |
South America, Middle East and Africa (2) |
Use of halons and alternatives in merchant shipping and recovery from shipbreaking |
India, Pakistan |
Nuclear power plants |
A5 and non-A5 |
Civil Aviation, (esp. Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul activities) |
A5 and non-A5 |
Halon and HFC recycling |
A5 and non-A5 |
Halon 1301 feedstock use and emissions |
A5 and non-A5 |
QPS uses of MB and their alternatives particularly SE Asia |
A5 |
Alternatives to QPS uses of MB adopted in Europe |
Non-A5 |
Members with expertise in disinfestation of agricultural produce and bilateral trade agreements and links to the Technical Panel on Phytosanitary treatments Committee (TPPT) and the International Plant Protection Convention. |
Non-A5 or A5 |
Nursery industries, especially issues affecting the strawberry runner industries globally |
A5 or non-A5 |
Aerosols manufacturing |
China, Indonesia, Latin America |
CTC and VSLS global manufacturing and use |
A5 or non-A5 |
Semiconductor and other electronics manufacturing |
East Asia, non-A5 |
End-of-life management and destruction technologies |
A5 and non-A5 |
Metered dose inhalers |
A5 and non-A5 |
Experts with extensive experience on Industrial Refrigeration, both for the food and pharma cold-chain and for other industrial applications. |
A5 and non-A5 |