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Annex F: Hydrofluorocarbons

Applicable to production and consumption

Non-Article 5(1) Parties Article 5(1) Parties - Group 1 Article 5(1) Parties - Group 2
Base level: Average HFC for 2011-2013 + 15% of HCFC baseline* Base level: Average HFC for 2020-2022 + 65% of HCFC baseline Base level: Average HFC for 2024-2026 + 65% of HCFC baseline
Freeze: - Freeze: January 1, 2024 Freeze: January 1, 2028
10* per cent reduction: January 1, 2019 10 per cent reduction: January 1, 2029 10 per cent reduction: January 1, 2032
40* per cent reduction: January 1, 2024 30 per cent reduction: January 1, 2035 20 per cent reduction: January 1, 2037
70 per cent reduction: January 1, 2029 50 per cent reduction: January 1, 2040 30 per cent reduction: January 1, 2042
80 per cent reduction: January 1, 2034 80 per cent reduction: January 1, 2045 85 per cent reduction: January 1, 2047
85 per cent reduction: January 1, 2036        

* For Belarus, Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, 25% HCFC component of baseline and different initial two steps (1) 5% reduction in 2020 and (2) 35% reduction in 2025
Group 1: Article 5 parties not part of Group 2
Group 2: Bahrain, India, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates

Anx F