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Decision XVIII/36: Dialogue on key future challenges to be faced by the Montreal Protocol

  1. To convene a two-day open-ended dialogue, including participation by the Assessment Panels, the Ozone Secretariat, the Multilateral Fund secretariat and the implementing agencies, and inviting other relevant multilateral environmental agreement secretariats and non-governmental organizations as observers, to discuss issues related to the future key challenges of the Montreal Protocol, in accordance with the agenda contained in the annex to the present decision;
  2. That the above-mentioned dialogue will be held during the two days immediately preceding the twenty-seventh meeting of the Open-ended Working Group and that interpretation in the six United Nations languages will be provided;
  3. To request the Secretariat, liaising with the appropriate Montreal Protocol bodies, to prepare and to post on its website by 30 April 2007 a background document to serve as context for the above-mentioned dialogue, containing:
    1. A summary of the key achievements of the Montreal Protocol, lessons learned and its present status;
    2. Volumes of ozone-depleting substances phased out and phased in by substance and by category of Parties (i.e., Parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 and Parties not so operating), forecasts of future trends in production and consumption and emissions from ozone-depleting substance banks;
    3. A compilation of submissions by Parties received in accordance with paragraph 4 of the present decision;
    4. Concise factual information on the topics contained in the agenda of the dialogue;
    5. Data on the ozone-depleting substances phased out and phased in under projects approved and implemented under the Multilateral Fund;
    6. An overview of the current and predicted future state of the ozone layer;
  4. To invite Parties to submit to the Secretariat by 16 April 2007 any suggestions they may have on the topics to be discussed under the agenda contained in the annex;
  5. To further request the Secretariat to prepare, in cooperation with the co-chairs of the dialogue, a summary report of the discussions that take place during the dialogue;
  6. That a summary of key issues arising from the dialogue will be prepared by the co‑chairs of the dialogue and presented at the twenty-seventh meeting of the Open-ended Working Group;
  7. To select Mr. Khaled Klaly (Syrian Arab Republic) and Mr. Tom Land (United States of America) as co-chairs of the dialogue.


Annex to decision XVIII/36

Agenda for a dialogue on key future challenges faced by the Montreal Protocol Nairobi, Kenya, .

Day 1

Welcome / Introduction

Speech by an eminent person

Summary of key achievements of the Montreal Protocol (Ozone Secretariat)

Questions / Discussion of summary presented by the Ozone Secretariat


Future challenges related to scientific assessment, analysis and monitoring of the state of the ozone layer

Challenges in phasing-out HCFCs. Open discussion.

Key future policy challenges related to the further management, control and/or phase-out of ozone‑depleting substances other than HCFCs

Day 2

Issues related to sustaining compliance, maintaining enforcement and combating illegal trade beyond 2010


Improving cooperation and coordination of the Montreal Protocol with other multilateral environmental agreements and processes

The future of the Multilateral Fund beyond 2010

Administration and institutional issues related to the Montreal Protocol including issues related to the Meeting of the Parties, the assessment panels, the Implementation Committee and the Ozone Secretariat

Summary and conclusions