Annex VII: Trust Fund for the Montreal Protocol: budgets for 1996, 1997 and 1998
_____________ |
____________ |
_____________ |
w/m | ($) | w/m | ($) | w/m | ($) | ||||
1100 | Project personnel | ||||||||
1101 | Executive Secretary (D‑2) (a)
(shared with the Vienna Convention (VC)) |
6 | 60,000 | 6 | 68,000 | 6 | 69,700 | ||
1102 | Deputy Executive Secretary (P‑5) | 12 | 102,000 | 12 | 130,000 | 12 | 113,250 | ||
1103 | Programme Officer (Law) (P‑4) | 12 | 83,000 | 12 | 98,000 | 12 | 100,000 | ||
1104 | Programme Officer (Science) (P-4) (shared with VC) | 6 | 43,000 | 6 | 66,000 | 6 | 67,650 | ||
1105 | Administrative and Programme Management Officer (P-3) (a) (shared with VC) | 6 | 36,000 | 6 | 48,000 | 6 | 49,000 | ||
1106 | Programme Officer (Information Systems) (P‑3) (shared with VC) (a), (b) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 98,400 | |||
1199 | Subtotal | 324,000 | 410,000 | 498,650 | |||||
1200 | Consultants | ||||||||
1201 | Assistance in data reporting, analysis and promotion of the Protocol | 25,000 | 26,250 | 48,750 | |||||
1299 | Subtotal | 25,000 | 26,250 | 48,750 | |||||
1300 | Administrative support costs | ||||||||
1301 | Administrative Assistant (shared with VC) (G-6) (a)
(shared with VC) |
6 | 9,000 | 6 | 9,500 | 6 | 9,738 | ||
1302 | Senior Secretary (G‑6) (a) | 12 | 15,500 | 12 | 16,000 | 12 | 16,400 | ||
1304 | Secretary (shared with VC) (G‑5) (a) | 6 | 8,000 | 6 | 8,500 | 6 | 8,713 | ||
1305 | Secretary (shared with VC) (G‑5) (a) | 6 | 8,000 | 6 | 8,500 | 6 | 8,713 | ||
1306 | Documents Clerk (G‑3) | 12 | 7,500 | 12 | 8,000 | 12 | 8,200 | ||
1320 | Temporary assistance | 5,500 | 6,000 | 6,150 | |||||
Subtotal support staff costs | 53,500 | 56,500 | 57,913 | ||||||
Conference-servicing costs (CSC) (e) | |||||||||
1321 | Open‑ended Working Group Meetings | 390,000 | 400,000 | 410,000 | |||||
1322 | Meetings of the Parties and Preparatory meetings | 280,000 | 405,000 | 415,000 | |||||
1323 | Meetings of the Assessment Panels | 31,000 | 68,000 | 69,700 | |||||
1324 | Meetings of the Bureau | 39,000 | 41,000 | 42,025 | |||||
1325 | Meetings of the Committees | 26,000 | 27,000 | 27,675 | |||||
1326 | Informal Consultation Meetings | 11,000 | 11,000 | 11,275 | |||||
Subtotal conference-servicing costs | 777,000 | 952,000 | 975,800 | ||||||
1399 | Subtotal | 830,500 | 1,008,500 | 1,033,713 | |||||
1600 | Travel on official business | ||||||||
1601 | Secretariat staff | 100,000 | 102,000 | 104,550 | |||||
1602 | UNEP conference‑servicing staff | 20,000 | 20,000 | 20,500 | |||||
1699 | Subtotal | 120,000 | 122,000 | 125,050 | |||||
1999 | Component total | 1,299,500 | 1,566,750 | 1,706,163 | |||||
3300 | Participation costs of developing countries (g) | ||||||||
3301 | Assessment Panel meetings | 300,000 | 500,000 | 550,000 | |||||
3302 | Preparatory and Parties Meetings | 220,000 | 250,000 | 256,250 | |||||
3303 | Open‑ended Working Group Meetings | 200,000 | 250,000 | 256,000 | |||||
3304 | Bureau Meetings | 30,000 | 30,000 | 30,750 | |||||
3305 | Committee Meetings | 60,000 | 60,000 | 61,500 | |||||
3399 | Subtotal | 810,000 | 1,090,000 | 1,154,750 | |||||
3999 | Component total | 810,000 | 1,090,000 | 1,154,750 | |||||
4100 | Expendable Equipment (items under $1,500) (h) | ||||||||
4101 | Miscellaneous Expendables (shared with VC) | 24,000 | 25,000 | 25,625 | |||||
4199 | Subtotal | 24,000 | 25,000 | 25,625 | |||||
4200 | Non‑expendable equipment (i) | ||||||||
4201 | Personal Computers and Accessories (shared with VC) | 10,000 | 5,000 | 5,125 | |||||
4202 | Portable Computers (shared with VC) | 3,000 | 3,000 | 3,075 | |||||
4203 | E‑mail/Bulletin Board and other information systems (shared with VC) | 5,000 | 5,500 | 5,638 | |||||
4204 | Photocopier | 0 | 28,000 | 0 | |||||
4299 | Subtotal | 18,000 | 41,500 | 13,838 | |||||
4300 | Rental of office premises (shared) | ||||||||
4301 | Rental of Office premises (shared with VC) | 15,000 | 30,000 | 30,750 | |||||
4399 | Subtotal | 15,000 | 30,000 | 30,750 | |||||
4999 | Component total | 57,000 | 96,500 | 70,213 | |||||
5100 | Operation and maintenance of equipment (shared with VC) | ||||||||
5101 | Maintenance of equipment
(shared with VC) |
11,000 | 12,000 | 12,300 | |||||
5199 | Subtotal | 11,000 | 12,000 | 12,300 | |||||
5200 | Reporting costs (j) | ||||||||
5201 | Reporting (general) | 55,000 | 60,000 | 61,500 | |||||
5202 | Reporting (Assessment Panel reports) | 27,500 | 30,000 | 61,425 | |||||
5299 | Subtotal | 82,500 | 90,000 | 122,925 | |||||
5300 | Sundry (k) | ||||||||
5301 | Communications | 50,000 | 75,000 | 76,875 | |||||
5302 | Freight charges (documents shipment) | 73,000 | 73,000 | 74,825 | |||||
5303 | Training | 0 | 25,000 | 15,000 | |||||
5304 | Others | 5,000 | 0 | 4,875 | |||||
5399 | Subtotal | 128,000 | 172,000 | 171,575 | |||||
5400 | Hospitality | ||||||||
5401 | Hospitality | 17,500 | 18,000 | 18,450 | |||||
5499 | Subtotal | 17,500 | 18,000 | 18,450 | |||||
5999 | Component total | 239,000 | 293,000 | 325,240 | |||||
99 | GRAND TOTAL | 2,405,500 | 3,046,250 | 3,256,375 | |||||
Programme support costs (13%) | 312,715 | 396,013 | 423,329 | ||||||
Contingency | 100,000 | 100,000 | 0 | ||||||
OVERALL GRAND TOTAL | 2,818,215 | 3,542,263 | 3,679,704 |
Explanatory notes for the budget for the Montreal Protocol
Notes for the 1997 and 1998 budgets:
The inflation is assumed to be 2.5 per cent.
Budget line
(a) 1100 and Classification of the posts in UNEP is currently taking
1300 place in accordance with the guidelines of the United Nations. Provision is made for upgrading, if found necessary in the classification and if approved by the Executive Director, after review. Salaries are updated to reflect the current and estimated future salary levels in Nairobi.
(b) 1106 A new post for a Programme Officer (Information Systems) has been reuested to take care of and analyse the data onozone-depleting substances (ODS) reported by the large number of Parties and to coordinate the computer systems of the Secretariat (bulletinboards, WWW (the "World Wide Web"), etc.). The post will be requested from Parties as a JPO (Junior Professional Officer0. The post may be funded from the Trust Fund only if JPO funding is not available.
(c) 1321 - 1326 The conference-servicing costs have been based on the following assumptions:
1321 One Open-ended Working Group meeting will be held during 1998, in Nairobi, using six languages.
1322 The Preparatory and Parties meeting for the Montreal Protocol will be held in Nairobi, in six languages. When meetings are not held in Nariobi, the incremental cost will be paid by the host Government.
1323 In response tothe request by the Informal Advisory Group for restructring the TEAP, $37,000 has been included in the 1997 budget to cover the communications costs and sundries related to the work of TEAP members from developing countries and countreis with economies in transition.
1324 Two Bureau meetings are scheduled for 1998.
1325 Two Implementation Committee meetings, in English only, are assumed to take place in Nairobi.
1326 One Informal Consultation, in English only, is assumed to take place in Nairobi.
(d) 3300 The average cost of participation is assumed to be $5,000 per participant in 1997, with no more than one person's travel cost being covered for each country and using the most appropriate economical fare and United Nations per diem allowances.
3301 This budget item includes financial assistance to Dr. Aucamp of South Africa as a Co-Chair of the Scientific Assessment Panel to attend meetings of that Panel, as recommended by the Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol at its thirteenth meeting (see UNEP/OzL.Pro/WG.1/13/6, para. 197).
3302 The participation costs for 50 participants in the 1997 Meeting of the Parties and its Preparatory Meeting amount to $250,000.
3303 The participation costs for 50 participants in the meeting of the Open-ended Working Group in 1997 amount to $250,000.
3304 The participation costs for the two Bureau meeings are based on four participants from developing countries and countries with economies in transition in each meeting.
3305 The participation costs for the two Committee meetings ae based on eight participants from developing countries with economies in transition in each meeting.
(e) 4100 The cost of expendable equipment has been increased marginally to cover inflation.
(f) 4200 The cost of non-expendable equipment has been increased marginally to cover inflation.
(g) 4301 The level of rent has been increased to current existing levels in 1997 and 1998.
(h) 5202 The next Assessment has been rescheduled for mid-1998 from 1997, reducing the printing cost in 1997.
(i) 5300 The communication and freight charges relfect the increased number of Parties to the Protocol.
(j) Contingency If the need arises, the Secretariat will request the Ninth Meeting of the Parties to review the contingency.