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Decision VIII/22: Compliance with the Montreal Protocol by Latvia

The Eighth Meeting of the Parties decided in Dec. VIII/22:

  1. To note that, according to the information provided by Latvia and the statement made by its representative at the fourteenth meeting of the Implementation Committee, Latvia would be in a situation of non-compliance with the Montreal Protocol in 1996;
  2. To note also that there is a possibility of non-compliance by Latvia in 1997 so that the Implementation Committee might have to revert to that question that year;
  3. To note also that major efforts are being made by Latvia to meet its obligations under the Protocol, even in the absence of external financial assistance for investment projects;
  4. To urge Latvia to ratify the London Amendment to the Montreal Protocol and provide immediately a timetable for the ratification process;
  5. To recommend that international funding agencies should consider favourably the provision of financial assistance to Latvia for projects to phase out ozone-depleting substances in the country;
  6. To keep under review the situation with regard to ODS phase-out in Latvia.