Decision VIII/7: Measures taken to improve the Financial Mechanism and technology transfer
The Eighth Meeting of the Parties decided in Dec. VIII/7:
- To note with appreciation the measures taken by the Executive Committee to improve the Financial Mechanism;
- To request the Executive Committee to continue with further actions to implement decision VII/22 to improve the Financial Mechanism and report to the Meetings of the Parties annually.
- To note the status of preparation of the report on transfer of technology required by Action 21 of decision VII/22;
- To set up an Informal Group consisting of four representatives of Parties not operating under Article 5 (1) (Australia, Italy, Netherlands, United States of America) and four representatives of Parties operating under Article 5 (1) (China, Colombia, Ghana, India) to assist the Executive Committee in identifying what steps can practically be taken to eliminate potential impediments to the transfer of ozone-friendly technologies to Parties operating under Article 5 under fair and most favourable conditions;
- The Group may meet as necessary and shall submit its reports, if any, to the Executive Committee;
- To review this matter at its Ninth Meeting.