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Decision Ex.I/2: Accelerated phase-out of methyl bromide by Article 5 Parties

The First Extraordinary Meeting of the Parties decided in Dec. Ex.I/2:

Reaffirming the commitment of all the Parties to the complete phase-out of methyl bromide,

Recognizing that some Article 5 Parties have made commitments to an accelerated phase-out of controlled uses of methyl bromide and have concluded agreements with the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund towards that end,

Acknowledging that some Article 5 Parties which are implementing early phase-out of methyl bromide on a voluntary basis and under such agreements are facing difficulties in fully meeting all the reduction steps in accordance with the timelines specified in such agreements as a result of specific circumstances not envisaged at the time of their adoption and ensuing review,

  1. To request the Executive Committee to adopt a flexible approach when determining an appropriate course of action to deal with instances where a country has not met a reduction step specified in its methyl bromide accelerated phase-out agreement as a result of the specified circumstance not envisaged;
  2. To invite the Executive Committee to consider, upon request by a Party, a prolongation of the final reduction step, but not beyond 2015, and to consider also the timing of related funding in the Party’s existing agreement for the accelerated phase-out of methyl bromide in cases where the Party concerned has demonstrated that there are difficulties in implementing alternatives originally considered to be technically and economically feasible alternatives;
  3. To call upon the Executive Committee to adopt criteria for the prolongation of accelerated phase-out agreements when so requested by interested Parties. In developing such criteria, the Executive Committee may request the advice of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and Methyl Bromide Technical Options Committee and consider any available information relating to the phase-out project of the Party concerned.