Annex IV: Montreal Declaration
The Parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer,
Celebrating with pride, on the occasion of the Montreal Protocol’s twentieth anniversary, the successful conclusion of a landmark agreement on the accelerated phase-out of hydrochlorofluorocarbons thereby making great strides in the global effort to protect the ozone layer and at the same time providing opportunities for further beneficial impacts to the environment including for climate change,
Acknowledging with honour the historic global cooperation achieved over the past twenty years under the Montreal Protocol to restore and protect the Earth’s ozone layer for this and future generations, and noting in particular:
That the Montreal Protocol has made substantial and verified progress toward the recovery of the ozone layer and is recognized as one of the most successful multilateral environmental agreements,
That the success of the Montreal Protocol reflects an unprecedented spirit of cooperation between developed and developing countries,
That the Montreal Protocol operates on the concept of shared but differentiated responsibilities of the Parties with a commitment by all Parties to participate and be fully engaged,
That the Montreal Protocol is underpinned by institutions providing scientific, economic, environmental and technical support informing policy making by Parties, as well as the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol, which has been instrumental in assisting Parties with compliance and associated capacity‑building,
That the Ozone Secretariat has fully supported all Parties in the success of the Montreal Protocol,
That the Montreal Protocol has stimulated the development of technological innovations contributing significantly to the protection of the environment and human health,
That actions taken to protect the ozone layer have resulted in significant beneficial impacts on global atmospheric issues, including climate change,
That the Montreal Protocol, from its inception, has welcomed and benefited from broad participation across all parts of society,
Recognizing that even with the achievements of the Montreal Protocol the ozone layer remains vulnerable and will require many decades to recover and that its long-term protection is dependent on continued vigilance, dedication and action by the Parties,
Recognizing the importance of all Parties meeting their phase-out obligations and taking appropriate measures to prevent ozone-depleting substances from threatening the ozone layer,
Recognizing the continuing role that the Montreal Protocol plays in benefiting the most vulnerable parts of the planet and their populations,
1. Reaffirm their commitment to phase out the consumption and production of ozone‑depleting substances consistent with their Montreal Protocol obligations;
2. Recognize the need for continued vigilance to safeguard progress made to date on achieving the objectives of the Montreal Protocol and to address emerging issues;
3. Strive for the earliest possible ratification of all amendments to the Protocol;
4. Recognize the historic and ongoing importance of near universal participation in a treaty with demonstrable, measurable and ambitious yet pragmatic goals and the role played by the mechanisms established, in particular the Multilateral Fund, to provide technical, policy and financial assistance;
5. Recognize the importance of assisting Parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Protocol, through various means including transfer of technology, information exchange and partnership for capacity‑building, in fulfilling their obligations under the Protocol;
6. Acknowledge the vital contribution of science to our understanding of the ozone layer and threats to it and that protection of the ozone layer will require a continued global commitment and a sustained level of scientific research, monitoring and vigilance;
7. Recognize the extraordinary accomplishments and services provided to the Parties by the Montreal Protocol’s supporting institutions and the importance of their continued role;
8. Recognize the importance of accelerating the recovery of the ozone layer in a way that also addresses other environmental issues, notably climate change;
9. Recognize the opportunity for cooperation between the Montreal Protocol and other relevant international bodies and agreements to enhance human and environmental protection.