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Decision X/15: Exports of controlled substances in Annex A and Annex B to the Montreal Protocol from non-Article 5 Parties to meet the basic domestic needs of Article 5 Parties

The Tenth Meeting of the Parties decided in Dec. X/15:

Aware that Parties operating under Article 5 are taking measures under the Protocol to limit their production of ozone-depleting substances in Annex A and Annex B,

Concerned that this reduction should not be offset by any unnecessary increase in exports of controlled substances from non-Article 5 Parties under the provisions of Article 2 of the Protocol,

To request the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel:

  1. To make an assessment of the quantities of controlled substances in Annex A and Annex B to the Protocol likely to be required and produced by Parties operating under Article 5 of the Protocol for the period 1999-2010;
  2. To make an assessment of the quantities of controlled substances in Annex A and Annex B to the Protocol which need to be produced and exported by Parties not operating under Article 5 in order to meet the basic domestic needs of Parties operating under Article 5 during the period 1999-2010;
  3. To present its report to the Open-ended Working Group in time for the issue to be considered by the Eleventh Meeting of the Parties.