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Annex I: Report of the co-chairs of the contact group on the feasibility and ways of managing HFCs to the Third Extraordinary Meeting of the Parties

24 July 2016, 12.55 a.m.

Thank you Mr. Co-Chair. The contact group at the resumed thirty‑seventh meeting of the Open-ended Working Group generated solutions to the challenges identified in the Dubai Pathway. The set of solutions was endorsed as an outcome of the resumed thirty-seventh meeting of the Open-ended Working Group and presented at the thirty‑eighth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group as set out in document UNEP/OzL.Pro.WG.1/38/7 and Corr.1.

The contact group during the thirty-eighth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group continued discussing the baselines, freeze and reduction steps. There was a wide discussion on baselines and different preferences were expressed during the discussions in the contact group.

As a result of the discussions a table was developed showing the baseline ranges and freeze date preferences of various parties and groups, with the understanding that there would be an HCFC component to be added to the baseline. That document will be attached to the report of the meeting for further information and consideration.

It was noted and agreed that the Article 5 party schedule would hinge on the Article 2 party schedule and that both of them needed to be considered together. As mandated by the Open-ended Working Group at its thirty-eighth meeting, the contact group continued its discussions after the suspension of the thirty-eighth meeting. In addition to continuing the discussion on the baselines, freeze and phase‑out schedule, the group also considered four conference room papers:

CRP.2: Text was considered by the parties for inclusion in decisions under the Dubai pathway on hydrofluorocarbons under the Montreal Protocol, submitted by India

CRP.3: Report by the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel on the climate benefits and costs of reducing hydrofluorocarbons under the Dubai pathway, submitted by Canada and the United States

CRP.4: Text for consideration by the parties for inclusion in decisions related to the phasedown of HFCs under the Montreal Protocol, submitted by Pakistan

CRP.6: Text for consideration by the parties for inclusion in decisions under the Dubai pathway on hydrofluorocarbons under the Montreal Protocol, submitted by Pakistan

The group did not complete its consideration of CRP.2, CRP.4 or CRP.6, and it forwards them to the Third Extraordinary Meeting of the Parties for consideration by the parties, noting that some reservations were expressed in regard to CRP.6. CRP.3 was revised and the contact group considered CRP.3/Rev.1, which is forwarded to the Extraordinary Meeting of the Parties for consideration and adoption. The contact group also sought to ask the Secretariat to update the consolidation of amendment proposals submitted by parties to reflect the developments that have occurred during the thirty-eighth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group and subsequent discussions.

I also note for the advice of the OEWG that there was a further request that was still under discussion at the time that the contact group concluded and that was a request for the Secretariat to convert the solutions document into decision text; there was no agreement to make that request at the stage that the contact group completed its work this evening.

And finally there was a request to authorize the Secretariat to organize an intersessional meeting to progress the negotiations on the Dubai pathway.

On behalf of my co-chair, I would like to thank all participants for the cooperation that prevailed throughout the discussion in the contact group.

Thank you madam President.