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Decision XXXV/4: Stratospheric aerosol injection and protection of the ozone layer

Taking note with appreciation of the 2022 quadrennial assessment report of the Scientific Assessment Panel[1] and its chapter 6 on stratospheric aerosol injection and its potential effect on the stratospheric ozone layer,

Noting that limited scientific information is available about the risks to the ozone layer of stratospheric aerosol injection,

Noting also the potential for negative effects that stratospheric aerosol injection may have on the ozone layer, including depleting stratospheric ozone, delaying recovery of the ozone layer, and influencing stratospheric chemistry,

  1. To invite the global scientific community to take into account risks and uncertainties for the ozone layer in any scientific studies or assessments undertaken in relation to stratospheric aerosol injection;
  2. To request the Scientific Assessment Panel to engage with the global scientific community regarding, and to continue to bring to the attention of the parties, any important developments with respect to stratospheric aerosol injection, including the inclusion of updated or new scenarios or modelling to assist with understanding of the potential impacts of stratospheric aerosol injection on the ozone layer.

[1] World Meteorological Organization, Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 2022, GAW Report No. 278 (Geneva, 2022).