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Decision XXXV/8: Feedstock uses

Taking note of the 2022 assessment reports of the Scientific Assessment Panel and the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, which highlight the significant increase in the production of controlled substances used as feedstock and the increased emissions of such substances,

To request the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, in cooperation with the Scientific Assessment Panel as appropriate, to provide in its 2024 progress report an update on the emissions from feedstock production, as by-products and from feedstock use of controlled substances, including the following:

(a) Sources of such emissions, including percentage increases with respect to increased production of controlled substances to be used for feedstock applications;

(b) A comparison of estimates of annual global emissions of controlled substances by species based on bottom-up calculations and estimates made by the Scientific Assessment Panel on the basis of atmospheric observations;

(c)  Methodology adopted for estimating the emissions;

(d) Updated information on alternatives, including information on technical feasibility, economic viability, safety and sustainability;

(e)  Information on best practices and technologies for minimizing emissions.