Decision XXXI/8: Terms of reference of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its technical options committees and temporary subsidiary bodies – procedures relevant to nominations
Acknowledging the important role of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its technical options committees and temporary subsidiary bodies in the provision of independent technical and scientific assessments, which have assisted the parties in arriving at well-informed decisions,
Recalling decision XXVIII/1, by which the parties adopted the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on the phase‑down of hydrofluorocarbons, and recognizing upcoming challenges related to the implementation of the Kigali Amendment, such as achieving energy efficiency, climate benefits and safety,
Recalling also decision XXIV/8, in which the parties set out the terms of reference, code of conduct, and disclosure and conflict of interest guidelines for the Panel and its technical options committees and temporary subsidiary bodies,
Taking note of decision XXX/15, in which the parties called for a review of the terms of reference, composition, balance, fields of expertise and workload of the Panel,
Taking note also of decision XXX/16, in which the parties were urged to follow the Panel’s terms of reference, consult the Panel’s co-chairs and refer to the matrix of needed expertise prior to making nominations for appointments to the Panel,
- To reiterate the importance of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel’s terms of reference and, in particular, section 2.9 of the annex to decision XXIV/8 relating to the guidelines for nominations, and also to reiterate the importance of the annex, which defines the requirements and information to be included in the matrix of needed expertise;
- To request the Panel to provide, as part of its annual progress report, a summary outlining the procedures that the Panel and its technical options committees have undertaken to ensure adherence to the Panel’s terms of reference through clear and transparent procedures, including full consultations with the focal points, in line with the terms of reference, regarding: (a) nomination processes, taking into account the matrix of needed expertise and already available expertise; (b) proposed nominations and appointment decisions; (c) termination of appointments; and (d) replacements;
- To request parties, when nominating experts to the Panel, its technical options committees or its temporary subsidiary bodies, to use the Panel’s nomination form and associated guidelines so as to facilitate the submission of appropriate nominations, taking into account the matrix of needed expertise, and geographical and gender balance, in addition to the expertise needed to address new issues related to the Kigali Amendment, such as energy efficiency, safety standards and climate benefits;
- To request the Ozone Secretariat to make the nomination form for Panel membership available on the Secretariat’s website and to make the forms submitted by parties nominating members to the Panel available on meeting portals so as to facilitate the review by and discussions among the parties of the proposed nominations;
- To urge the parties to follow the terms of reference of the Panel, consult the Panel’s co-chairs and refer to the matrix of needed expertise prior to making nominations for appointments to the Panel, in line with decision XXX/16.