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Decision XXXIV/7: Strengthening institutional processes with respect to information on HFC-23 by-product emissions

Recalling the provisions under paragraphs 6 and 7 of Article 2J of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer on destruction, to the extent practicable, of HFC-23 by‑product emissions from each production facility that manufactures Annex C, Group I, or Annex F substances,

To request the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel to prepare a report for the Thirty‑Fifth Meeting of the Parties to include:

  1. Information on the possible chemical pathways that could be used in the production of Annex C, Group I, or Annex F substances that may generate HFC-23 as a by-product;
  2. Compilation of information on the amount of HFC-23 generation and emissions from facilities that manufacture Annex C, Group I, or Annex F substances, the reporting of which is required under Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol;
  3. Best practices available to control these emissions.