Decision XXXIII/3: Extraordinary meeting of the parties in 2022
Recalling decision XXXII/2 on organizing an extraordinary meeting of the parties in 2021 to enable parties to take a decision on the replenishment of the Multilateral Fund for the triennium 2021–2023, if and when the circumstances related to the coronavirus disease (COVID‑19) pandemic permitted it,
Noting that consideration of, and a decision on, the replenishment of the Multilateral Fund for the triennium 2021–2023 have been postponed owing to the circumstances related to the COVID‑19 pandemic,
Aware that the Secretariat might need to prepare a contingency plan for meetings of the ozone treaty bodies in 2022, in consultation with the parties, in the light of the evolving situation regarding the pandemic,
To authorize the Secretariat to organize an extraordinary meeting of the parties in 2022, if and when the circumstances related to the pandemic permit it, to enable parties to take a decision on the replenishment of the Multilateral Fund for the triennium 2021–2023.