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Decision XXIV/11: Evaluation of the financial mechanism

Noting that the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol is an efficient and effective instrument for enabling compliance with the Protocol by parties operating under paragraph 1 of its Article 5,

Recognizing that parties consider periodic evaluations of the financial mechanism of the Montreal Protocol an important means of ensuring the continued efficiency and effectiveness of the Multilateral Fund,

Recognizing also the role of the Multilateral Fund as a cornerstone of the Montreal Protocol and as a key mechanism for the success of the ozone layer regime,

  1. To note with appreciation the report on the 2012 evaluation of the financial mechanism of the Montreal Protocol;[2]
  2. To request the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund, within its mandate, to consider the report on the 2012 evaluation of the financial mechanism of the Montreal Protocol, as appropriate, in the process of continuously improving the management of the Multilateral Fund;

[2] UNEP/Oz.L.Pro.24/INF/4, annex.