Facilitators: Ms. Annie Gabriel (Australia) and Mr. Osvaldo Alvarez-Perez (Chile) clear Document title Documents Posted Draft decision on unexpected emissions of CFC-11 and institutional processes to be enhanced to strengthen the effective implementation and enforcement of the Montreal Protocol: Submitted by the European Union (ADVANCE) en 06 November 2019, 17:55 Draft decision on unexpected emissions of CFC-11 and institutional processes to be enhanced to strengthen the effective implementation and enforcement of the Montreal Protocol: Submitted by the European Union (ADVANCE) en 07 November 2019, 16:55 Draft decision on unexpected emissions of CFC-11 and institutional processes to be enhanced to strengthen the effective implementation and enforcement of the Montreal Protocol: Submitted by the European Union (ADVANCE) en 08 November 2019, 11:23 Draft decision on unexpected emissions of CFC-11 and institutional processes to be enhanced to strengthen the effective implementation and enforcement of the Montreal Protocol: Submitted by the European Union (ADVANCE) en 08 November 2019, 15:14 mandate en 06 November 2019, 06:43 clear