Calculation of hydrofluorocarbon consumption baseline under the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, in accordance with Article 5, paragraph 8 qua. (c) of the Montreal Protocol: Submission by Cuba
24 October 2022, 16:51
Stopping the harmful dumping of new and used inefficient refrigeration and air conditioning appliances using obsolete ozone-depleting substances and hydrofluorocarbon refrigerants: Submission by Ghana on behalf of the African States parties to the Montreal Protocol (including updated background information)
28 October 2022, 19:59
Draft decision on illegal import of certain refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat pump products and equipment: Submission by the contact group (UNEDITED ADVANCE)
03 November 2022, 19:24
Draft decisions forwarded by the Implementation Committee under the Non Compliance Procedure for the Montreal Protocol at its sixty-eighth and sixty-ninth meetings for consideration by the Thirty-Fourth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol
29 October 2022, 03:14
Draft decision on additional information on energy efficiency: Submission by Canada, Norway, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America
27 October 2022, 17:53
Draft decision on additional information on HFC-23 by-product emissions: Submission by Australia, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America
28 October 2022, 11:51
Draft decision on strengthening institutional processes with respect to information on HFC-23 by-product emissions : Submission by Australia, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America
04 November 2022, 04:00
Draft decision on enabling enhanced access and facilitating the transition to energy-efficient and low- and zero-global-warming-potential technologies in Parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Montreal Protocol: Submission by the Federated States of Micronesia and Samoa
31 October 2022, 17:32
Draft decision on enabling enhanced access and facilitating the transition to energy-efficient and low or zero-global-warming-potential technologies: Submission by the contact group (UNEDITED ADVANCE)
04 November 2022, 20:55
Draft decision on strengthening Montreal Protocol institutions: Submission by Australia, Norway, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America
28 October 2022, 20:33
Draft decision on strengthening Montreal Protocol institutions, including for combatting illegal trade: Submission by the contact group (UNEDITED ADVANCE)
03 November 2022, 17:36
Draft decision on enhancing participation in the work of the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol through co-option: Submission by Armenia on behalf of the region of Eastern Europe and Central Asia
03 November 2022, 08:05
Draft decision on critical-use exemptions for methyl bromide for 2023 and 2024: Submission by Australia, Canada and South Africa
01 November 2022, 16:02
Draft decision on critical-use exemptions for methyl bromide for 2023: Submission by Australia, Canada and South Africa (UNEDITED ADVANCE)
04 November 2022, 10:11
Draft decision on ongoing emissions of carbon tetrachloride: Submission by Switzerland (ADVANCE)
30 October 2022, 05:37
Draft decision on ongoing emissions of carbon tetrachloride: Submission by the contact group
04 November 2022, 13:56
Draft decision on updating the information on relevant safety standards: Submission by the European Union
04 November 2022, 03:19
The composition, balance and workload of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its technical options committees: Submission by Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America
02 November 2022, 16:12
Draft decision on composition, balance, and workload of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Technical Options Committees: Submission by Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America
04 November 2022, 06:51
Draft decision on collecting data to understand potential impacts of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic on hydrofluorocarbon consumption for Group 1 A5 parties
03 November 2022, 19:07
Draft decision on financial reports and budgets for the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer: Submission by the Budget Committee (UNEDITED ADVANCE)
04 November 2022, 04:28
Draft decision on terms of reference for the study on the replenishment of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol for the triennium 2024–2026: Submission by the contact group (UNEDITED ADVANCE)
04 November 2022, 06:49
Draft decision on the identification of gaps in the global coverage of atmospheric monitoring of controlled substances and options for enhancing such monitoring: Submission by the contact group (UNEDITED ADVANCE)
04 November 2022, 20:07
Draft decision on stocks and quarantine and pre-shipment uses of methyl bromide: Submission by the contact group (UNEDITED ADVANCE)
04 November 2022, 04:03
Draft decision on changes in the membership of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (UNEDITED ADVANCE)
03 November 2022, 10:40