Statement on control measures (1991)
made by the Heads of Delegations representing the governments of Sweden, Finland, Norway, Switzerland, Austria, Germany and Denmark at the Third Meeting of the Parties
We, the heads of delegations of Sweden, Finland, Norway, Switzerland, Austria, Germany and Denmark, believe that the recent analysis of the state of the stratospheric ozone layer calls for the adoption of more stringent control measures at the Fourth Meeting of the Parties in 1992.
We are also of the opinion that the substitution of the controlled substances with transitional substances must be as moderate and temporary as possible.
We note that the London resolution urges the adoption, in accordance with the spirit of the paragraph 11 of Article 2 of the Protocol, of more stringent measures in order to protect the Ozone Layer.
Because of this we express our firm determination to phase-out the production and the consumption of CFCs, halons and carbon tetrachloride controlled by the Montreal Protocol, as soon as possible but not later than the year 1997 and to phase-out 1,1,1-trichloromethane (methyl chloroform) as soon as possible but not later than the year 2000. We also think it is necessary to tighten the timetable agreed upon in the Montreal Protocol taking due account of the special situation of developing countries.
We are also determined to limit by no later than 1995 the use of transitional substances (HCFCs) to specific key applications where other more environmentally suitable alternative substances or technologies are not available, and to phase-out their use in those areas as soon as technically feasible.”
Nairobi, 19-21 June 1991