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Resolution on ozone-depleting substances (1990)

Annex VII: Resolution on ozone-depleting substances by the Governments and European Communities represented at the second Meeting of the Parties - Second Meeting of the Parties

The Governments and the European Communities represented at the Second Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol


I. Other halons not listed in Annex A, Group II, of the Montreal Protocol ("Other halons")

1. To refrain from authorizing or to prohibit production and consumption of fully halogenated compounds containing one, two or three carbon atoms and at least one atom each of bromine and fluorine,* and not listed in Group II of Annex A of the Montreal Protocol (hereafter called "other halons"), which are of such a chemical nature or such a quantity that they would pose a threat to the ozone layer;

2. To refrain from using other halons except for those essential applications where other more environmentally suitable alternative substances or technologies are not yet available; and

3. To report to the Secretariat to the Protocol estimates of their annual production and consumption of such other halons;

II. Transitional substances

1. To apply the following guidelines to facilitate the adoption of transitional substances with a low ozonedepleting potential, such as hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), where necessary, and their timely substitution by nonozone depleting and more environmentally suitable alternative substances or technologies:

(a) Use of transitional substances should be limited to those applications where other more environmentally suitable alternative substances or technologies are not available;

(b) Use of transitional substances should not be outside the areas of application currently met by the controlled and transitional substances, except in rare cases for the protection of human life or human health;

(c) Transitional substances should be selected in a manner that minimizes ozone depletion, in addition to meeting other environmental, safety and economic considerations;

(d) Emission control systems, recovery and recycling should, to the degree possible, be employed in order to minimize emissions to the atmosphere;

(e) Transitional substances should, to the degree possible, be collected and prudently destroyed at the end of their final use;

2. To review regularly the use of transitional substances, their contribution to ozone depletion and global warming, and the availability of alternative products and application technologies, with a view to their replacement by nonozone depleting and more environmentally suitable alternatives and as the scientific evidence requires: at present, this should be no later than 2040 and, if possible, no later than 2020;

* (Reference is made to the list of other halons that will appear in the Montreal Protocol Handbook to be prepared by the Executive Director.)

III. 1,1,1trichloroethane (methyl chloroform)

1. To phase out production and consumption of methyl chloroform as soon as possible;

2. To request the Technology Review Panel to investigate the earliest technically feasible dates for reductions and total phaseout; and

3. To request the Technology Review Panel to report their findings to the preparatory meeting of the Parties with a view to the consideration by the Meeting of the Parties, not later than 1992;

IV. More stringent measures

1. To express appreciation to those Parties that have already taken measures more stringent and broader in scope than those required by the Protocol;

2. To urge adoption, in accordance with the spirit of paragraph 11 of Article 2 of the Protocol, of such measures in order to protect the ozone layer.