Annex V: Terms of reference of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP)
Parties have requested that the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP) annually update the status of technical feasibility and the phase-out progress.
1. Scope of Work
The tasks undertaken by the TEAP are those specified in Article 6 of the Montreal Protocol in addition to those requested from time to time at Meetings of the Parties. The TEAP analyses and presents technical information. It does not evaluate policy issues and does not recommend policy. The TEAP presents technical and economic information relevant to policy. Furthermore, the TEAP does not judge the merit or success of national plans, strategies, or regulations.
2. Organization of Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), Technical Options Committees (TOCs) and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (TSBs)
2.1 Size and Balance
The membership size of the TEAP should be about 18-22 to allow it to function effectively. It should consist of the Co-Chairs of the TEAP, the Co-Chairs of all the TOCs and 4-6 Senior Experts for specific expertise or geographical balance not covered by the TEAP Co-Chairs or TOC Co-Chairs. Each TOC should have two or, if appropriate, three Co-Chairs. The positions of TOC Co-Chairs as well as of the Senior Experts must be filled to promote a geographical and expertise balance. The overall goal is to achieve a representation of about 50 per cent for Article 5(1) Parties in the TEAP and TOCs.
2.2 Nominations
Nominations of members to the TEAP and TOCs may be made by individual Parties to the Secretariat through their relevant government organization. Such a nomination will be forwarded to the TEAP for consideration and, in the case of nominations of the TEAP for recommendation to the Meeting of the Parties. Any nominations made by the TEAP will be communicated to the relevant Party for consultation before recommendations for appointment are made.
2.3 Appointment of Members of TEAP
In keeping with the intent of the Parties for a periodic review of the composition of the assessment panel, the Meeting of the Parties shall appoint the members of the TEAP for a period to be determined by the Parties, subject to re-endorsement by the Parties. In appointing or re-endorsing members of the TEAP, the Parties should ensure continuity as well as a reasonable turnover.
2.4 TOC Co-Chairs
The Co-Chairs of a TOC should not normally act as Co-Chairs of another TOC.
2.5 Appointment of Members of TOCs
Each TOC should have about 20-35 members. The TOC members are appointed by the TOC Co-Chairs in consultation with the TEAP.
2.6 Termination of Appointment
TEAP/TOC Co‑Chairs can dismiss a member by a two-thirds majority vote. A dismissed member has the right to request a vote of its relevant Panel, Committee or TSB and will be restored if supported by one-third of the members of that body. A dismissed member of the TEAP has the right to appeal to the next Meeting of the Parties through the Secretariat. A dismissed member of a TOC can appeal to TEAP, which can decide on such issues with a two-thirds majority vote, and can appeal to the next Meeting of the Parties.
2.7 Replacement
If a TOC Co-Chair/Senior Expert relinquishes or is unable to function, the TEAP after consultation with the nominating Party can temporarily appoint a replacement from amongst its bodies for the time up to the next Meeting of the Parties, if necessary to complete its work. For the appointment of a new member at the Meeting of the Parties, the procedure set out in paragraph 2.2 should be followed.
2.8 Subsidiary Bodies
Temporary Subsidiary Technical Bodies (TSBs) can be appointed by the TEAP/TOCs to report on specific issues of limited duration. The TEAP/TOCs may appoint and dissolve, subject to review by the Parties, such subsidiary bodies of technical experts when they are no longer necessary. The Code of Conduct must be followed by the members of TSBs to avoid conflict of interests in the performance of their duties. For issues which cannot be handled by the existing TOCs and are of substantial and continuing nature TEAP should request the establishment by the Parties of a new TOC.
2.9 Guidelines for Nominations
The TEAP/TOCs will draw up guidelines for nominating experts by the Parties. The TEAP/TOCs will publicize a matrix of expertise available and the expertise gap in the TEAP/TOCs so as to facilitate submission of appropriate nominations by the Parties.
3. Functioning of TEAP/TOCs/TSBs
3.1 Language
The TEAP/TOCs/TSBs meetings will be held and reports and other documents will be produced only in English.
3.2 Scheduling of Meetings
The place and time of the TEAP/TOCs/TSBs meetings will be fixed by the Co-chairs.
3.3 Rules of Procedure
The rules of procedure of the Montreal Protocol will be followed in conducting the meetings of the TEAP/TOCs/TSBs, unless otherwise stated in the terms of reference for TEAP/TOCs/TSBs approved by a Meeting of the Parties.
3.4 Observers
No observers will be permitted at the TEAP, TOC or TSB meetings. However, anyone can present information to the TEAP/TOCs with prior notice and can be heard personally if the TEAP/TOCs consider it necessary.
3.5 Functioning by Members
The TEAP/TOCs/TSBs members function on a personal basis as experts, irrespective of the source of their nominations and accept no instruction from, nor function as representatives of Governments, industries, NGOs or others.
4. Report of TEAP/TOCs/TSBs
4.1 Procedures
The TEAP/TOCs/TSBs will be developed through a consensus process. The reports must reflect any minority views appropriately.
4.2 Access
Access to materials and drafts considered by the TEAP/TOCs/TSBs will be available only to TEAP/TOCs members or others designated by TEAP/TOCs/TSBs.
4.3 Review by TEAP
The final reports of TOCs and TSBs will be reviewed by the TEAP and will be forwarded, without modification (other than editorial or factual corrections which have been agreed with the Co-Chairs of the relevant TOC or TSB) by the TEAP to the Meeting of the Parties, together with any comments the TEAP may wish to provide. Any factual errors in the reports may be rectified through a corrigendum following publication, upon receipt by TEAP or the TOC of supporting documentation.
4.4 Comment by Public
Any member of the public can comment to the Co-Chairs of TOCs and TSBs with regard to their reports and they must respond as early as possible. If there is no response, these comments can be sent to the TEAP Co-Chairs for consideration by TEAP.
Code of Conduct
Members of the TEAP, TOCs and the TSBs have been asked by the Parties to undertake important responsibilities. As such, a high standard of conduct is expected of Members in discharging their duties. In order to assist Members, the following guidelines have been developed as a Code of Conduct.
1. This Code of Conduct is intended to protect Members of the TEAP, TOCs and TSBs from conflicts of interest in their participation. Compliance with the measures detailed in these guidelines is a condition for serving as a Member of the TEAP, the TOCs or the TSBs.
2. The Code is to enhance public confidence in the integrity of the process while encouraging experienced and competent persons to accept TEAP, TOC and/or TSB membership by:
■ establishing clear rules of conduct with respect to conflict of interest while and after serving as a Member, and
■ by minimizing the possibility of conflicts arising between the private interest and public duties of Members, and by providing for the resolution of such conflicts, in the public interest, should they arise.
3. In carrying out their duties, Members shall:
■ perform their official duties and arrange their private affairs in such a manner that public confidence and trust in the integrity, objectivity and impartiality of the TEAP, TOCs and TSBs are conserved and enhanced;
■ act in a manner that will bear the closest public scrutiny, an obligation that is not fully discharged by simply acting within the law of any country;
■ act in good faith for the best interest of the process;
■ exercise the care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in comparable circumstances;
■ not give preferential treatment to anyone or any interest in any official manner related to the TEAP, TOCs or TSBs;
■ not solicit or accept significant gifts, hospitality, or other benefits from persons, groups or organizations having or likely to have dealings with the TEAP, TOCs or TSBs;
■ not accept transfers of economic benefit, other than incidental gifts, customary hospitality, or other benefits of nominal value, unless the transfer is pursuant to an enforceable contract or property right of the Member;
■ not step out of their role as a Member to assist other entities or persons in their dealings with the TEAP, TOCs or TSBs where this act would result in preferential treatment to any person or group;
■ not knowingly take advantage of, or benefit from, information that is obtained in the course of their duties and responsibilities as a Member of the TEAP, TOCs and TSBs, and that is not generally available to the public; and
■ not act, after their term of office as a Member of the TEAP, TOCs or TSBs in such a manner as to take improper advantage of their previous office.
4. To avoid the possibility or appearance that Members of the TEAP, TOCs or TSBs might receive preferential treatment, Members shall not seek preferential treatment for themselves or third parties or act as paid intermediaries for third parties in dealings with the TEAP, TOCs or TSBs.
5. TEAP, TOC and TSB Members shall disclose activities including business or financial interest in production of ozone-depleting substances, their alternatives, and products containing ozone depleting substances and alternatives which might call into question their ability to discharge their duties and responsibilities objectively. TEAP, TOC and TSB members must annually disclose such activities. They must also disclose any financing from a company engaged in commercial activities, for their participation in the TEAP, TOC or TSB.
6. TEAP is responsible for the interpretation and TEAP/TOC/TSB Members for the application of this Code of Conduct.