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Decision VIII/11: Measures to facilitate a transition by a Party not operating under Article 5 from CFC-based MDIs

The Eighth Meeting of the Parties decided in Dec. VIII/11 to note that a transition is occurring from the use of CFC-based MDIs to non-CFC treatments for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In order to ensure a smooth and efficient transition, and protect the health and safety of patients, Parties not operating under Article 5 are encouraged:

  1. To promote coordination between national environmental and health authorities on the environmental, health and safety implications of any proposed decisions on essential-use nominations and MDI transition policies;
  2. To request their national authorities to expedite review of marketing/licensing/pricing applications of non-CFC treatments of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, provided that such expedited review does not compromise patient health and safety;
  3. To request their national authorities to review the terms for public MDI procurement and reimbursement, so that purchasing policies do not discriminate against non-CFC alternatives.