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Decision VIII/12: Information gathering on a transition to non-CFC treatments for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease for Parties not operating under Article 5

The Eighth Meeting of the Parties decided in Dec. VIII/12:

  1. To note with appreciation the work done by the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its Technical Options Committee pursuant to decision IV/25 of the Fourth Meeting of the Parties and decision VII/28 of the Seventh Meeting of the Parties;
  2. To note with appreciation that one new non-CFC-based MDI for one active ingredient has now entered the market in some countries, and that others are anticipated over the next one to three years. Other non-CFC treatments and devices already provide a suitable alternative for many patients in some Parties not operating under Article 5;
  3. To request Parties not operating under Article 5 that have developed a national transition strategy to report to the Panel and its relevant Technical Options Committee on the details of that national transition strategy for non-CFC treatments of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in time for meetings of the Technical Options Committee, beginning in 1997;
  4. To request the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its relevant Technical Options Committee to provide an interim report on progress in the development and implementation of national transition strategies in Parties not operating under Article 5 for non-CFC treatments of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and report to the Open-Ended Working Group in preparation for the Ninth Meeting of the Parties;
  5. To request the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel to further examine and provide a progress report to the Ninth Meeting of the Parties and a final report to the Tenth Meeting of the Parties on issues surrounding a transition to non-CFC treatments of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Parties not operating under Article 5 that is fully protective of public health. In so doing, the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel should consult with international bodies, such as the World Health Organization and other institutions representing health-care professionals, patient-advocacy groups and private industry, and with national bodies and Governments. The Technology and Economic Assessment Panel should consider:
    1. In the context of a transition phase, how decisions taken within the Montreal Protocol framework and national strategies might complement each other;
    2. The impact on the right and ability of patients in Parties operating under Article 5, in countries with economies in transition, in Parties not operating under Article 5 with large disadvantaged communities and in importing countries to receive CFC-based MDIs where medically acceptable and affordable alternatives are not available due to reductions in essential-use exemptions in Parties not operating under Article 5 for CFC-based MDIs;
    3. The influence of potential transferable essential use exemptions as well as existing and potential trade restrictions by individual countries on a smooth transition and access to affordable treatment options;
    4. The international markets and fluidity of trade in CFC-based MDIs as well as alternative treatments for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
    5. The implications for patient subgroups which may have continuing compelling medical needs after a virtual phase-out;
    6. The range of regulatory and non-regulatory incentives for, and impediments to, research and development of alternative treatments for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and market penetration of alternative treatments for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
    7. The degree to which dry powder inhalers (DPIs) and other treatment options may be considered medically acceptable and affordable alternatives for CFC-based MDIs in consultation with the above bodies, and as a result, the factors which may influence their ability to act as substitutes in different countries;
    8. The relative implications for the phase-out of ozone-depleting substances of different policy options that facilitate the transition to non-CFC treatments;
    9. Steps that could be taken to facilitate access to affordable non-CFC treatment options and technology.