Decision VIII/24: Non-compliance by the Czech Republic with the halon phase-out by 1994
The Eighth Meeting of the Parties decided in Dec. VIII/24:
- To note the Czech Republic’s non-compliance in the year 1994 with the halon phase-out, due to the indispensable operation of special industrial cooling equipment for the chemical industry;
- To note further that, if continued halon use was indispensable, the Czech Republic should have applied to the Parties through the essential-use nomination process for allocation of a specific quantity of halon for that year;
- To note, however, that the Czech Republic was in compliance in 1995 with the halon phase-out;
- That no further action is necessary in view of the Czech Republic’s complete phase-out of halon consumption according to the data submitted to the Secretariat pursuant to Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol for 1995.