Decision VIII/25: Compliance with the Montreal Protocol by the Russian Federation
The Eighth Meeting of the Parties decided in Dec. VIII/25:
- To recall decision VII/18 of the Seventh Meeting of the Parties by which the Russian Federation was, inter alia, requested to provide to the Implementation Committee, in 1996, additional information relative to the implementation of the Montreal Protocol;
- To note that, according to its written submissions and the statements of the representative of the Russian Federation at the thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth meetings of the Implementation Committee, the Russian Federation was in a situation of non-compliance with the Montreal Protocol in 1996;
- To note also the considerable progress made by the Russian Federation in addressing non-compliance issues raised by the Seventh Meeting of the Parties;
- That the situation regarding the phase-out of ozone-depleting substances should be kept under review, specifically with regard to the additional information requested from the Russian Federation in paragraph 9 (c) of decision VII/18 of the Seventh Meeting of the Parties and, in particular, the detailed information on trade in ozone-depleting substances;
- That the disbursement of financial assistance for ODS-phase-out in the Russian Federation should continue to be contingent on further developments with regard to non-compliance and the settlement with the Implementation Committee of any problems related to the reporting requirements and the actions of the Russian Federation;
- That the Russian Federation should maximize the use of its recycling facilities to meet its internal needs and therefore diminish the production of new CFCs accordingly;
- To note that the Russian Federation has undertaken to report detailed information, including quantities, on imports and exports of ODS and products containing such substances; data on the type of ODS (freshly produced, recovered, recycled, reclaimed, re-used, used in feedstock); and details of the supplier, recipient and conditions of delivery of the substances for 1996 not later than February 1997;
- To keep under review the situation regarding the phase-out of ozone-depleting substances in the Russian Federation.