Decision VIII/28: Financial Matters: financial report and budgets
The Eighth Meeting of the Parties decided in Dec. VIII/28:
- To take note of the financial report on the Trust Fund for the Montreal Protocol for 1995 as contained in document UNEP/OzL.Pro.8/4;
- To urge all Parties to pay their outstanding contributions promptly and also to pay their future contributions promptly and in full, in accordance with the formula for contributions by Parties as set out in annex VI to the report of the Eighth Meeting of the Parties;
- To approve the revised budgets for the Trust Fund for the Montreal Protocol of US,818,215 for 1996 and US,542,263 for 1997 and the proposed budget of US,679,704 for 1998, as set out in annex VII to the report of the Eighth Meeting of the Parties;
- To encourage Parties not operating under Article 5 to continue offering financial assistance to their members in the Assessment Panels for their continued participation in the assessment activities under the Protocol;
- To request additional voluntary contributions from Parties in support of:
- Increased participation of Assessment Panel members from developing countries and countries with economies in transition in Assessment Panels and Technical Options Committees;
- Information materials for the celebration of the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer;
- To request the Secretariat to report to the Ninth Meeting of the Parties on the utilizition of the funds for the participation of experts from developing countries and countries with economies in transition in the meetings of the Assessment Panels and the Technical Options Committees;
- Request the Executive Dirctor of UNEP to ensure that the 13 per cent programme support costs charged to the Trust Fund for the Montreal Protocol are used fully in support of the Protocol and its Secretariat, and to report to the next Meeting of the Parties on the ways in which the 13 per cent has been used for the benefit of the Convention and its Secretariat;
- To request the Executive Director if UNEP to extend the duration of the Trust Fund for the Montreal Protocol until 31 December 2000, subject to the approval of the UNEP Governing Council.