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Annex V: Actions to improve the financial mechanism for the implementation of the Montreal Protocol

[Source: Annex V of the report of the Seventh Meeting of the Parties]

Action 1

  1. Completion of the development by the Executive Committee of (i) a systematic approach to policy development, (ii) monitoring and evaluation guidelines, bearing in mind that operational responsibility remains with Governments, financial intermediaries or the Implementing Agencies, (iii) project templates for all sectors, with a view to having a project evaluation system in place by the end of 1995.
  2. The Executive Committee to examine the integration of Agencies’ and Secretariat’s project review activities no later than six months after it has concluded that the preconditions for increased delegation set out in the recommendations in paragraphs 90 and 91 have been met.
  3. Further delegation by the Executive Committee in due course, with a view to achieving appropriate delegation on over time.
  4. Evaluation of the Small Project Approval Process (SPAP) by the Executive Committee on completion of the current project group.

Action 2

  1. The Executive Committee to develop and take decisions on policy issues already identified, so that a satisfactory number of such issues have been clearly addressed by late 1996. New policy issues are likely to continue to emerge, but would be dealt with more expeditiously with refined administrative processes.
  2. A list of foreseeable policy issues to be drafted by the Executive Committee with the help of the Implementing Agencies and the Fund Secretariat over the next two meetings.
  3. The Fund Secretariat and designated consortia of Implementing Agencies to produce consensus options for consideration by the Executive Committee.
  4. Decisions proposed for the consideration of the Executive Committee should clearly indicate the implications for project proposals if the decisions were to be adopted.

Action 3

The Committee members should normally refrain from speaking on projects in which they have a direct interest. However, this should not apply to projects which present policy issues, on which the Chair may invite all members to speak, in order to expedite consideration of such projects. It should be evident from records of Meetings of the Executive Committee that all projects are given equal treatment by the Committee.

Action 4

The Executive Committee should oversee the completion by the Implementing Agencies and the Secretariat, jointly, by the end of 1995 of a comprehensive, integrated database common to all agencies and the Secretariat, in conjunction with the completion of standard project outlines (templates), with a view to achieving a decrease in the number of projects undergoing substantial revision or reduction in proposed project costs due to the project review process and review the database in mid-1996.

Action 5

  1. The Executive Committee should examine the effectiveness of its policy dissemination procedures in early 1996. The procedures should include the provision of practical examples of the application of policy decisions, with a view to reducing the extent of project revision during the review process, and also examine the degree to which national ozone protection units and consultants consider they have sufficient information to guide project development.
  2. The Executive Committee should develop operational guidelines for agencies and their consultants.
  3. The Executive Committee should consider a report on incremental costs for the production of CFC-substitutes and establish firm compensation policies with a view to completing incremental cost guidelines for the production of CFC-substitutes by mid-1996.

Action 6

The Executive Committee should evaluate the regime adopted for 1995, taking into account the study’s recommendations, including the recommendation that: “Cost-effectiveness norms should be prepared based on model projects of different capacities under standard conditions. Thereafter, projects should be assessed on their own merits.” Nonetheless, all eligible projects shall continue to be funded overtime irrespective of their relative cost-effectiveness. In case of delayed funding, however, lump-sum payments could be considered.

Action 7

  1. Relevant Implementing Agencies should review institutional strengthening experiences and present a combined paper to the Executive Committee, which will include guidelines on the possible proportionate commitment of Article 5 countries in such areas as financial, organizational and human resource support, with a view to enhancing the effectiveness of ODS phase-out strategies.
  2. Institutional strengthening could include, at the request of Article 5 countries, assistance to meet their country programme goals relative to laws and regulations.

Action 8

The Executive Committee should select a lead Agency to prepare the framework for a policy dialogue with Article 5 countries by the end of 1996, with a view to enhancing regulatory support to ODS phase-out in Article 5 countries.

Action 9

The Executive Committee should request a lead Implementing Agency, with the other Agencies and the Secretariat, to further develop, as appropriate, the guidelines for country programmes, taking into account these recommendations, with a view to the adoption by the Executive Committee of revised guidelines. The Executive Committee will consider these guidelines in the light of its experience to date taking into account, as appropriate, the sectoral approach to technology transfer. However, approval of eligible projects should not be made contingent upon revision of country programmes. Any revision of the country programme would be at the request of the Party concerned.

Action 10

The study by the World Bank on the establishment of a concessional loan mechanism, requested by the Executive Committee at its Sixteenth Meeting, should be completed as soon as possible, and analysed and discussed by the Executive Committee at its Nineteenth Meeting, and a decision on suitable future steps be taken by the Executive Committee by its Twentieth Meeting or by the Meeting of the Parties in 1996, as appropriate, with a view to starting the use of concessional loans by the end of 1996, to the extent that the need and demand exist.

Action 11

The Executive Committee should examine the issue of industrial consolidation, taking into account national industrial strategies of Article 5 countries, with a view to achieving more effective approaches to ODS phase-out.

Action 12

Noting that the Executive Committee approved funding for Latin American and African Networks, the Executive Committee should review the existing similar networks and establish new networks, as appropriate.

Action 13

The Implementing Agencies should report to the Executive Committee on measures to include ODS phase-out issues into their ongoing dialogue on development programming and on measures they could take to mobilize non-Fund resources in support of Montreal Protocol objectives, with a view to achieving an increase in the number of ozone-protection projects.

Action 14

The Executive Committee should consider the need for new Implementing Agencies for loan programmes in the light of emerging sectoral strategy policies and for methyl bromide after the Seventh Meeting of the Parties.

Action 15

The Executive Committee should urge the Article 5 countries concerned to select Implementing Agencies and mode of implementation keeping in mind the need to implement projects without delay.

Action 16

The World Bank should report on the training and incentive structure and, at its Nineteenth Meeting, the Executive Committee should consider this report and the relationship of the costs of training to total overhead costs, in order to ensure that the Executive Committee is fully informed about the role, resourcing and effectiveness of Financial Intermediaries.

Action 17

The Executive Committee should request each Implementing Agency to report, as and when the issue arises, on legal and institutional impediments to project implementation and measures taken to address them as soon as possible.

Action 18

  1. The World Bank and all other institutions associated with the Financial Mechanism should propose measures to assist UNEP in collecting contributions in arrears.
  2. The World Bank should review with UNEP the processes for acceptance of promissory notes.

Action 19

The Executive Committee should monitor the extent to which the available bilateral component is utilized.

Action 20

The Executive Committee should pay attention to training directly related to investment projects and consider training of technical experts from Article 5 countries, especially when addressing the needs of small-ODS users. Where the Fund supports eligible projects of research to adapt technology to local circumstances, it should encourage the involvement of Article 5 country technical experts in the discussions of technical options, and the effective involvement of local experts in field missions.

Action 21

  1. The Executive Committee should prepare an itemized progress report on measures taken so far, in the context of Article 10 of the Protocol, to establish a mechanism specifically for the transfer of technology and the technical know-how at fair and most favourable conditions necessary to phase out ozone-depleting substances; and at the same time.
  2. The Executive Committee should request UNEP to intensify its efforts to collect information from relevant sources, and to prepare an inventory and assessment of environmentally sound and economically viable technologies and know-how conducive to phase out of ozone-depleting substances. This inventory should also include an elaboration of terms under which transfers of such technologies and know-how could take place.
  3. The Executive Committee should consider what steps can practicably be taken to eliminate any impediments in the international flow of technology.
  4. The Executive Committee should further elaborate the issue of the eligible incremental costs of technology transfer, including costs of patents and designs and the incremental costs of royalties as negotiated by the recipient enterprises.

The actions in subparagraphs (a), (b) and (c) should be completed by its Nineteenth Meeting and updated periodically, and the action in subparagraph (d) should be taken immediately.